Olga Shelest: "Weddings are not foreseen"


Previously, in Russia, to future mothers who were decided to start the first child after twenty-five years, they glued an offensive term "boring". Today it seems just ridiculous. There was a tendency in the world: more and more women put pregnancy for later, seeking to make a career first, take place in the profession. Among the celebrities of the examples of Tom, Halley Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Meraya Carey, Olga Drozdova, Marianna Mogilevskaya. Olga Shelest also always said that he would give birth at thirty-five, and was mistaken for just a year. It turned out that such a position has a lot of advantages: the life experience has been accumulated, the emotions that I want to share, our own ambitions have been implemented and there is an opportunity to pay more attention to the baby. In general, looking at the calm and happy Olga, we were very pleased with her family.

As young mothers tell, after the birth of the child, their world changes, begins to rotate around a little man. This is true?

Olga Shelest: "No, this is not my story. Muz allows us to continue to rejoice in life, but only now, together with her. I often have a feeling that she is not the first year with us: it is so easily and naturally she entered our family. I do not know, for what merits we were sent by such a magnificent child, who calmly sleeps at night, does not capricious, eat everything that is given, and smiles all the time. When I was pregnant, my girlfriends were told, of course: "Enjoy the last days, ahead of at least eighteen years of solid concern." But I can not say that everything turned upside down on the head, not at all. Probably, if you give birth at twenty years, it somehow scares, and life sharply obeys this little man. But for me, my family, the house has always been a priority, so now there is some revelation that it is necessary to live not only for ourselves. Another member of the family, which we are infinitely glad and who does not constrain us absolutely. We, as before, continue to actively work, do not forget to rest, go to visit. And at the same time have never turned for help to grandmothers. Moreover, we do not plan to start the nanny. I think I will handle it up to the year, and then we'll see. I just want to comprehend all the charms of parenthood and see the first progress of the baby. First laugh, first teeth, first steps. "

You and Alexey are sixteen years old. Now opened something new in your beloved man?

Olga: "Only all my guesses were confirmed that Alexey would be a wonderful father. He spends a lot of time with his daughter. And plays, and sings, and the poems read, and even shows some of the clips. I say: "My God! From infancy you teach a child to the iPad. " Well, of course, it is interesting to her: before the eyes of some sorry pictures, dad sits out something. (Laughs.) But nevertheless Alexey is well done. My friends are in complete admiration. I went on a business trip to Prague for two days, and Alexey stayed with the muse one. I asked him twenty times: "You definitely do not want my mother to come and helped?" He replied: "This is my daughter, what, I can't cope with her?" And never called, I did not ask for help. I asked everyone: "Who is the muse left?" And learning that with dad, a stormy delight was expressed. I can absolutely calmly entrust my daughter Alexey, he knows everything. Although there were first conversations that, they say, I will not change the diaper. But nothing, used to. "

You have always said that the stamp in the passport is absolutely not important for you, nevertheless now marriage was registered. Because of my daughter?

Olga: "No. Because of one bureaucratic paper, which urgently needed to issue real estate. We do not make any cult from this event, weddings will not be foreseen soon. Let's wait until the daughter goes to walk to spread rose petals in front of mom and dad at their wedding. (Laughs.) My attitude to marriage has not changed: There are feelings, real love, and there are simply some papers, which, probably, are made in order to competently divorce. "

"The most classroom temporary interval in a person's life is from thirty to forty. When still young and the body, and the soul, but at the same time you have enormous life experience. " Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

"The most classroom temporary interval in a person's life is from thirty to forty. When still young and the body, and the soul, but at the same time you have enormous life experience. " Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Do you still wear the surname rustle?

Olga: "Yes."

What do you think to women who give birth after thirty-five, in our country still a special attitude?

Olga: "Perhaps yes! People hurry to live and make a huge number of errors. Including in the upbringing of children born too early. Most young mothers turn out to be psychologically not ready for this. The kids are transferred to the hands of grandmothers and nanny or have to leave a job and raise a child. And then the girls are crushing that they did not have time to build a career, and blame the children. We have decided for myself for a long time for myself that we want to fully experience this life, to work, travel, having fun. And when all this is already enough: there is a table, and a house, and life experience - you can also give birth to children. But society thinks for you. The opinion is dominant that if after thirty years, a person did not acquire the offspring, something is wrong with him. Unfortunately, stereotypes very spoil life, but I try to deal with them. "

In one of the programs "Girl" you fiercely defended Women Child-fries. Changed opinion with the birth of a child?

Olga: "I still adhere to the position that the woman is entitled to choose the path of its own implementation. Just some see their appointment in motherhood, others in business, others - in creativity. No need to condemn and pierce unwillingness to have children. Let it be better that will be a conscious decision not to go on public opinion than the cultivation of an unloved child who will grow with such a bunch of complexes, which will definitely spoil someone's life. "

Did your attitude changed to the choice of television projects in connection with the birth of the daughter?

Olga: "No, I still do all my transmissions. But it's funny that children's programs began to appear. For example, the game "Understand me" has become very popular: schools across the country form their teams for the TV. It's funny that I had the opportunity to become a leading program, which I myself watched at school myself. And now she was reanimated and called me. Pleasantly. In the cartoon "Real Squirrel" I voicing the funny pug nicknamed a bunny, and in the "Ice Period" - Mammothich. So on my shelf there are already several disks with cartoons that I will show a mound when she grows a little. "

Your new television program "Understand me" taught you to find a common language with children?

Olga: "She taught me to better understand what is happening in this children's world - that they are wondering what games they play, what books are read. After all, modern children are so different from us at that age! We are talking to a fourteen-year-old girl and you understand that she thinks already as an adult. This is already a girl who lays out his photos in a bathing suit in social networks. Children have internet, they travel a lot, forced to develop a much greater amount of information. They are already uninteresting those films that we watched. Recently, I had a seven-year-old daughter of my friends. I put her "33 misfortunes" - an excellent fairy tale with Jim Carey in the lead role. I also sat down to watch, because the film is wildly interesting, but ten minutes later that the girl bother frankly. I ask: "You're better" to include transformers? "Replies:" Yes. " All these "visiting a fairy tale" they are not interested in, boredom! This generation is completely different, they have even other color perception, smell, sound. I downloaded one program in the iPhone - there is such cool music, funny bright bubbles are bursting, and just do not tear the mus from the screen. I ask the doctor: "Is it harmful for the baby?" And he answers: "Modern children are different in each other. When your mother kept you in her arms, it was a monophonic shatter bathrobe on it, and a bright colorful T-shirt on you. We had ten colors of Guashi, and they have twenty-five thousand pixels in the iPad. These are completely different people. " In one of the American schools, we decided to cancel pass - as unnecessary. And we are already rarely writing from hand, and children and eat constantly sit in computers. The public began to be outraged: they say, how so, the registers are developing a small motorcy! And in fact, modern children are already thinking by other areas of the brain. So the meeting with the new generation inspires, I do not want to lag behind. "

Olga Shelest:

"I still adhere to the position that the woman is entitled to choose the path of its own implementation. Just some see their appointment in motherhood, others in business, the third - in creativity. " Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

It turns out, in the conflict of fathers and children of the a priori of the right children, as the modern realities understand better?

Olga: "Of course, we teach them from our bell tower. But just as life experience, traditions and culture are transmitted. The husband puts the muse the modern electronic compositions, and they like it very much. And I sing to her "White Ships" and "Song about Mammoth" - these are songs of my childhood, I grew up on them and, I dare to hope, a good person, so my story will become part of her story. My experience is part of her experience. This is the connection of generations. "

Are you for a rigor or for pampering in raising?

Olga: "For love. It seems to me if the child will feel it, he will answer you the same. And faster will figure out what it is possible, and what can not, because I will understand: Mom wants the best for him. But this is still my speculative conclusions. Who knows what character will be our girl? But I would not want to pamper. From the side it looks disgusting: I want a horse - there is a horse on you, I want a car - on the car. Today is one thing, tomorrow is different. There must be some reasonable balance. "

Whose advice in terms of education do you listen?

Olga: "Neither whose. And I do not give them myself. It seems to me that everything is very individual: those principles of education that "work" with one child is not applicable to another. Even during pregnancy, when usually everyone is sitting on the forums and eagerly hit someone else's experience, I did not do that. And all his friends, girlfriends, mom said that I really appreciate their care, but if I need some advice, I'll ask myself. "

Olga, and what is extreme, remained in your life?

Olga: "Oh yeah! Everyone is dreaming of summer, and I - about winter, when we go to the mountains! Because of the pregnancy and the birth of the muse, I had to skip two (!) Skating season! But this year I will arrive. Husband already believes when the Muse is three years old. Every day shows new videos: "Look, this is only three years old, and he is already riding a snowboard. Look, this man is only two and a half, and it stands on the board. " So, I feel, Muse will be the first child who will fall on a snowboard per year and two months. "

"I don't know what merit to us was sent by such a magnificent child, who calmly sleeps at night, does not capricious, eats everything they give, and smiles all the time." Photo: instagram.com (@olgashelest).

"I don't know what merit to us was sent by such a magnificent child, who calmly sleeps at night, does not capricious, eats everything they give, and smiles all the time." Photo: instagram.com (@olgashelest).

Would you like this?

Olga: "I would like her to know foreign languages, was physically developed. If we see some kind of talent, we will act in this direction. It seems to me that in childhood it is not worth a particularly loading the child, we must give him the opportunity to grow quietly. "

Why did you spell about the connection of generations, how do you perceive your age?

Olga: "Great! I believe that this is the most classmost interval in the life of a person - from thirty to forty. When young and young and the body, and soul, but at the same time you have enormous life experience. You independently make decisions and are no longer afraid to make mistakes, because a lot of things seemed and you know how to get out of any situation. I am a thrill! Well, after forty, as they say, life just begins. So I'm in anticipation! "

And in terms of clothes something has changed? Let yourself wear short skirts?

Olga: "No, that's what I can not understand this at all. Nevertheless, you need to be aware of how old you are, no matter how hard your legs were. On the beach - please. But in the rest of the places, in my opinion, it looks terrible. I am not a hell at all, but when I see my favorite Julia Roberts on a red walkway in a skirt above the middle of the thigh, I get awkward for her. And after all her legs are cool, but the face is already an adult woman. This dissonance confuses me. Or some women aged love to wear t-shirts with Mickey Mouse or funny inscriptions. Well, once it is still possible to lose weight, but every day leaves the house, playing in a teenager with an elderly face, is too much even for my sense of humor. "

Maybe this is the crisis of middle age?

Olga: "Probably yes. After all, society believes that it is already necessary to achieve something to this life. Build a house, plant a tree, raise a son. And if something from the items of the program is not fulfilled, the person begins to panic, and even in childhood, trying to pull the X-hour hour. Some hopes did not come true, did not come true, and the youth goes away - hence the depression. And in the hope of catching this last trailer of the outgoing youth, people are stuck in all serious. Throw wives, boat young mistresses or leaving to live on Goa. "

Olga Shelest:

"What a woman does not like to dress up!" Photo: instagram.com (@olgashelest).

Being young - fashionable. We want to see young people on the screen, and many are ready for this for this even to lie under the surgeon's knife.

Olga: "This trend appeared in America: the more traces of plastic operations on your face, the higher the social status. What are you laughing? Hike to plastic surgeon - expensive pleasure, not everyone can afford it. And if you can see that a person made a face suspender, pumped his forehead with Botoks and increased his lips, "he also has money. Of course, absurd. I am all pushing my older girlfriend Rita Mitrofanov: "Go, do something that I had a living example before my eyes. After all, soon I will have it all. " Sometimes you see that the person spent over himself some kind of procedure, it began to look better, younger, but uncomfortable asking: what did he do? In addition, not everyone admits that they visited the cosmetologist, most often you hear in response: "I just rested in the resort!" It seems to me, in ten years they will be considered a moviethon of a person who did not visit the surgeon. By the way, Rita is a living example, how to look young in forty-four years. It's just she in the soul of rock and roll slaughter, and this thirst for a cheerful life leads me to delight. "

You, by the way, a very pretty woman and could position yourself as glamorous beauty. But feel your appearance calmly.

Olga: "In essence, yes. But I always accept compliments with embarrassment to your address. "Large eyes and luxurious hair" I gave me nature, there is no my merit. Much more pleasant when they make a compliment to my acute mind or excellent sense of humor. For me, the appearance is secondary. And then, who to demonstrate my cute? "

Well, male attention is nice, probably?

Olga: "Well, firstly, I have a husband, his attention is enough for me. And secondly, I'm surrounded by men from morning to night. Of course, they distribute compliments, but I perceive them calmly, otherwise the guys in general "will not leave."

But nevertheless, you gladly dressed in the evening outfits for our shooting?

Olga: "This is my job. And then, what woman does not like to dress up! I remember somehow we raised the topic in the "girls" what a woman should walk at home. All as one told: "No bathrobes and hair curlers! It is necessary to wake up a little earlier husband and quickly make marafes to see you in all its glory. " But I have my own opinion on this. I come home for midnight, wake up five minutes earlier - for me just unpaid mission. At home I wear what it is convenient: sometimes I put on a bathrobe, sometimes jeans, shirt. But my husband sees what beautiful I'm leaving for work - with makeup, styling and in an elegant dress. And returning the same, with a full parade, to a family dinner. Well, and if so, then I can go in my legitimate weekend to fruish in favorite workouts?! "

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