Notes of Thai Mommy: "Local sources expel evil demons and give immortality"


Bali is not only the island of ten thousand temples. The second name is the island of holy water. Local residents believe that water is a symbol of gods observing from the top of people and their acts. Therefore, many ceremonies are dedicated to the water. In one of them I managed to take part.

Early in the morning, while the people sleep, we go away from Ubud - somewhere north. Our path lies in the Temple of Tirna Empul. The place is amazing. Built in 926, the temple also has a second name explaining its essence - The Temple of Holy Water. Local sources, according to legends, appeared thanks to the God Indre. When he was poisoned, it was at this place that he created the Fountain of Immersion, hitting directly from the Earth.

Notes of Thai Mommy:

In total, there are 12 fountains here, each of which "answers" for its area. The main thing is not to confuse.

On the territory of the temple - several pools, which are filled with waters from this very sacred source. Water comes from fountains - there are exactly twelve them here. It is under the cleaning fountain that it is necessary (after the corresponding prayer) to lower your head. The main thing is not to confuse which one is responsible for what. There is a fountain, giving spiritual cleansing, is - protecting against various diseases, there is a filling creativity and inspiration. Two of them need to be bypass - water from them is used for ritual intimidation of the departed. By the way, these fountains even have names - it's a pity, they failed to remember.

Before entering the water, you need to make offering to the spirits and gods.

Before entering the water, you need to make offering to the spirits and gods.

Even before leaving Ubud, I was given "Chang" - those the most baskets with flowers and rice, which must be presented to the spirits. Already in the temple itself, our accompanying read a special prayer, after which it was pushed to the pool, filled with lively water with flower petals floating on the surface.

UV, water - ice. I am not surprised that the guy in the queue in front of me beats a shiver. So far, after a couple of minutes I do not understand what he trembles at all from the cold. Later they will tell me that many batlineiers really fall into the trance, communicating with the spirit of living water.

First you need to thank the water, express your request, and then dip your head under the ice jet.

First you need to thank the water, express your request, and then dip your head under the ice jet.

I can not say that I myself feel something unusual - apparently, we, with our rational brains, is not given to fully experience this connection with the highest forces. Nevertheless, I carefully perform all the instructions: before each fountain, you need to mentally thank the water, express your request and put your head for the ice jet three times. Having passed all those fountains to which I specified, our accompanying allowed to drink some of this water and just stand up, trying to establish a connection with the spring. So now I am - getting rid of evil demons, healthy spirit and body. You can return to your native phuket. But before leaving it is worth summing up our amazing journey.

Continued ...

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