Julia Artemova: "After thirty life just begins."


"I never wanted to grow up, I never understood how it was to be an adult. I had a fully equipped life: I played in the theater, was constantly on tour, worked as a speaker. But a year ago everything has changed. I realized that it's never too late until we breathe, there is an opportunity to do something, change. Suddenly, I realized that the years would fly very quickly, and I ripened to start my solo career. I always sang, I want to tell me so much, I am filled with inner strength, the light that I wanted to share with the listeners.

I will tell one case: I was nineteen, my girlfriends gathered to the club and during the fees began to discuss one friend, calling it "that the old woman", and after all the familiar was twenty-four years. When I was nineteen, I thought I would never try, never die.

I thought that by thirty life ends and, only overheating this line, I understood: everything just begins! I suddenly realized that I didn't really live. Not so long ago, I lost my father, and this once again reminded that our life is alone and you need to act. It is necessary to act, without looking around, not postponing for later, without fear. Need to live here and now. Need to start. No matter how old you are, it does not matter. All you need is to start.

As long as I do not have a husband, no children, I have the opportunity to surrender the whole and completely. I could get married at eighteen years old, but I wanted to leave something after myself, filled with something this world. In addition, I always have an example of my parents before my eyes - they lived together so many years! And when I had the opportunity to get married, I did not see in my partner of the person with whom I would build my future.

The adoption of its age is closely related to the adoption of herself. Take yourself as you are - this is a colossal job. Being slender, perfect and generally the most beautiful, I still had disappearing. In this sense: you need to learn to talk to yourself: "I am pleased with myself, I am beautiful, I get better every day better and better" and broadcast it all. Do not succumb to the tricks of fashion, do not succumb and do not believe men who are unhappy with you. We come to this world alone and go too alone, so you need to protect yourself and love, forgive yourself. Everything comes on time. Love yourself, rejoice, repeat how the mantra is that you are the most beautiful, smart and happy. There are no ideal beauties, there are no ideal people, there are only imposed canons. Ideal you are ideal, you are ideal in your own context.

The main thing is what energy you carry. You can be a long-legged beauty, but with such a bunch of complexes that no one will look at you. And you can be pynes, but such a cheerful and perky, that you will have a whole queue from the grooms. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

It is necessary to understand that every age has its own buzz. After twenty, you feel that you just start to dive into this world, it begins to open it for yourself, you are young and inexperienced, everything for you in a novelty. After thirty, you start to grow up, and after forty everything is just beginning, as the heroine of a famous film said. But the charm in this is no less than in another naive-childhood awareness of the world when you are twenty. By the way, there is a boomerang - then during the fees to the club I called the twenty-taught girl an old woman, and now someone calls me that way.

Everything in this life is not just like that. I sincerely believe that we are all in a space bank: what do you give, then you get. In this world we come to teach our soul, we are constantly learning. I think that any woman should learn to accept itself and their age.

I began to take myself as I am: I have such a life, such a person, such a voice and such age. No one will make you happy but you yourself. "

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