Svetlana Foduodulova: "My husband planned the abduction of the child!"


The story, which began so romantic in Prague, where Svetlana Foduodulova and Sergey Khomitsky got married, ended with the fact that her husband tried to paint the child with Down syndrome in front of his mother. At the same time, the man knew that because of stress, a stroke could have happened. Video kidnapping has already appeared on the network and made a lot of noise. I found out the details of the singe itself, the owner of the highest coloratura soprano in Russia.

- Svetlana, your fans were shocked when they found out what was happening in your family. What is the conflict between you and my husband?

- His character first manifested itself during my participation in the project "Voice" - he turned into Tirana. I was recognized on the street, they asked autographs, it began to annoy him very much, he began to just mock. It killed all the feelings, this fairy tale, which was once we had. And I saw a completely different person. I did not recognize him. For some reason, returning from the Czech Republic, where he worked, to Russia, he began to drink alcohol. Not much, but there was a half aftund of wine to appear aggression. He began to demand me to take career and began to deal with only them. When he first raised his hand on me, I filed for a divorce. But literally in a month it turned out that I was pregnant, we came up again. I thought it would change thanks to the child, we will have a real family. Unfortunately, fairy tales did not work.

- Well, how did it happen that your own husband almost stole your daughter right in your eyes?

- This story occurred two days before the court, when in principle had to decide and determine the place of residence of the child. The spouse wanted the child to live with him in the Czech Republic, where he has permanent residence. At the end of April, they flew to the meeting on the divorce and filed a counterclaim about what they want to pick up a child. What only did not sound in meetings on their part. For example, that in my things they found drugs. The head does not fit! Well, naturally, the court did not even take into account. And the husband said that I hinder communicating with the child. Although in guardianship I asked to see his passport, where it was seen that it was simply not in the country - with whom to give to give?

When Svetlana Foduodulova married, she dreamed of a strong and happy family. But fairy tales did not work. In the photo with a former husband Sergey

When Svetlana Foduodulova married, she dreamed of a strong and happy family. But fairy tales did not work. In the photo with a former husband Sergey

- Nevertheless, you still gave him to meet my daughter, and in the end he almost stole her ...

"I just didn't even think that he was capable of it." He changed tactics, began to write me Esems, how he missed me in Sona, as he wants to see her. I thought: if he really wants, why not! As a result, we organized a meeting in the children's cafe. And honestly, here I lost a little vigilance. I even asked a friend to come with me. But I did not think that it would work out. Sergey wrote to this receipt, which guarantees: it does not grab and does not injure the child. The first hour he really played with her. And then all these events began to occur. On the chambers it is clear that he planned the abduction.

- How did you define it?

"Somewhere in the midst of the seventh evening at this cafe a two dubious men in black clothes, one with a scar. Seli, ordered only coffee and began to watch football. The husband also did not order the food himself, asked me to do it, because, as I assume, I knew that I would need to run away. They all were planned, they were preparing for this steal. At a certain point, a black tonted car without numbers arrived at the cafe. And Sergey suddenly said me that she was going to pick up Sonya right now. But the child can not be to pull out of the usual conditions and drive into some kind of removable apartment in Khimki! She now neurologists prescribed medicine, and they are at home. It is impossible - we have an unusual child. But at that moment these men grably grabbed me and dragged me at the end of the hall, kept her hands. And he fled on his hands on his hands on. My friend immediately rushed after him, and I screamed: "Help, I'm trying to steal the baby. This is my child!" And the people who were in the cafe jumped up, blocked his way to the car. Almost 50 people said: "You will not go anywhere." I am very grateful to these people for the fact that they turned out to be so not indifferent. They called the police that came quickly.

Svetlana Feodulova with a dream daughter.

Svetlana Feodulova with a dream daughter.


- How did he behave at that moment?

- He fought, fought with men and tried to get through the crowd with a child in his arms. And I consider this crime. Okay, they attacked me, but such attitude towards the child! The fact is that the daughter has a very easy excitability. Neurologists said that she was at risk - she could have a stroke, if he even suddenly suddenly the corn crow, for example. And he knew about it. And I trusted him, because I thought that he would not be able to harm the child, he could not grab and injure, scare. And he went to it.

- And what eventually solved the court after all this story?

- The husband did not appear on the court, his lawyer ran away from the court, the child would live with me. Well, now Sergey is trying to justify himself that it was a forced cry of the soul that he acted in the interests of the child, and again - what did it on the soil of jealousy. I think that, no matter how he tried to convince me, nothing will justify such actions - to harm a three-year-old child. Now he is trying to find compromising on me. Photographed some car at home and says that this is the car of my lover.

- And now it is financially helps?

- He was determined by double alimony, because a child with disabilities. But for me now alimony is not important. In general, he never listed the money from January. Only two weeks before the trial suddenly paid 20 thousand rubles. We, when we bought a house, lay an earth for him. Now all things of the Sonchiki in this closed house. And we live with her in a large apartment with parents in Moscow, in my generic nest. A child has a lot of space: two rooms, a large corridor, where she likes to walk with a wheelchair. I am now her pulling her, although it used to be difficult. But I'm used to ...

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