Anfisa Chekhov: "With the birth of a child, we turned into a family"


Anfisa and Guram got acquainted four years ago at the rehearsal of the entrepreneurial performance "Once sultry at night." Bubishvili immediately drew attention to the spectacular figure girl. She did not hurry to respond to courtship than she conquered. After the end of the project, the actors were driving: Anfisa flew abroad, Guram - on shooting in Uzbekistan. But you could not forget each other. The love story was developed when they were again partners in the set. Soon young people began to live together, and two years ago their son Solomon appeared.

Anfisa, in childhood you said that if you marry, then for the Georgian ...

Anfisa: "Probably, I possess extrasensory abilities. (Laughs.) I also stated that I would become a famous person, and became. I dreamed of filming the cinema, go to the theater scene - it happened. Maybe the thing is that I always know what I want? I specifically I did not seek myself a Georgian husband. But it happened. I love, love and happy. "

Did your love broade my love at first glance?

Anfisa: "No, we just were busy in one play, went together on tour. I noted that nothing such a guy. (Laughs.) At first there was a sympathy, and this feeling came much later. I think that falling in love at first sight is the property of romantic personalities, prone to idealize your chosen one. I still really really know a person, we are in the imagination by putting it with a set of good qualities. And then very often disappointed. Angelic appearance does not mean that an angel is hidden under it. Love is a feeling greater than love when you, knowing not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of a partner, accept it as it is. "

Did you have a trigger of characters?

Anfisa: "Of course, without this, there is no relationship. To feed each other caramel-air Musi-Pusi ​​can, but not long. Then there are all difficulties: in the form of different temperaments, the characters who have developed a lifestyle, habits. Show me a couple, which does not have such a tritist, and I will say that they will soon break out. Otherwise, it is impossible to adapt to two adults to each other, perhaps somewhere face foreheads, survive situations in which the best features of the beloved will open. In such situations and there is a feeling that you will be together, no matter what. "

Anfisa called Son Solomon in honor of the wise king. But the baby's house is called abbreviated: Sol. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Anfisa called Son Solomon in honor of the wise king. But the baby's house is called abbreviated: Sol. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Probably two leaders are difficult to make compromises? Gram is an East man, in their traditions a woman in the family plays the role of a second violin.

Anfisa: "I will correct: he is not eastern, but a Caucasian man. All for some reason confuse these concepts. I can say that nothing of the invented stereotypes about Georgians in Gurame is not. All these funny cinema performances are not completely about him. We just walked triggering character: he has his own glances, I have my own, he loves one thing, I'm different. Gurama did not like my lifestyle at all, the so-called bohemian community in which I rotate. He perceived me as a salon glamor lady, insincere, fake, which also behaves about sex. A man who adheres to traditional views on the family was not welcomed. In fact, it was a struggle with something imaginary, with windmills. Probably there are such stories in each pair, when people are influenced by something, instead of how to directly ask: what you, how do you behave in a particular situation, what do you think about this ... But I have some household quarrels I I do not remember. We did not swear, whose turn was washing dishes. Somehow, the division of duties in the house has occurred very organically.

It turns out, for some time, the screen image overshadowed you real in his mind?

Anfisa: "Yes, it was. Gorama fought two opinions about me. On the one hand, communicating with me, he understood that in reality I was very different from the girl who broadcasts on the whole country on themes of sex. On the other hand, with this formed representation it was difficult to part. Apparently, the screen Anfisa Chekhov looks very convincing. " (Laughs.)

Anfisa Chekhov prefers not to apply for personal life. And long hid the name of the father of his child. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Anfisa Chekhov prefers not to apply for personal life. And long hid the name of the father of his child. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Guram confessed that the happiest time for him was when you came to him on shooting in Gelendzhik. And there were such home, caring, cooked delicious soup.

Anfisa: "I like to remember that period itself. I went to the market, bought fresh vegetables, I prepared dinners, waiting for your beloved from work. And the film crew did not know who this girl is Guram, - we did not advertise the relationship. And then somehow, he called everyone for dinner, I went out with a tray: "Hello, dear guests!" - Everyone and sat down. Men are different. One wants comfort and warmth of a homely hearth. The other is a beautiful picture next to you. And I can also order food in the restaurant. The third is to see a friend, comrades, Muse. As they say, there will be a lid on each pot, but they do not always coincide. Probably, for this, love is given to look for compromises, lay the way to heart each other. I am not a housewife by nature. And Guram, by virtue of his character, like when a woman is focused on a family, a house, creates a comfort. I am not quite so, but we loved each other. And now we are looking for some ways, we open the qualities that are close to a partner, trying to negotiate. "

What good have you found in this union? What saw in this man?

Anfisa: "I am fun with him! Someone is looking for stability, material security, someone needs passion. It was always important for me to be next to a man I did not feel boredom. Whether we look at a TV at home or traveling for exotic countries - the main thing, feel drive. I was looking for such a partner in life with which it will be interesting. And Gram gives me this feeling for all one hundred: my life next to him just sparkles. "

Anfisa Chekhov:

"It is important for me to be next to a man I have not experienced boredom. With the Gram, my life just sparkles! " Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Have you been experienced alertness? After all, you had a negative experience of personal relationship ...

Anfisa: "There are two ways: you can become careful, be afraid to damage your gentle psyche. Do not make the first steps, look after, keeping the distance, do not trust. The second option is to become wiser, learn to better understand people. Love, burn, burn, but at the same time watching the partner, in something to test it. In order to and need a head to make lessons from their mistakes. "

Are you both creative people with the garam, it brings it closer?

Anfisa: "I don't think that it brings us clips. Although, do not be people of one profession, I would probably never get acquainted. I like to work with my husband, ride with him on tour. It is interesting. But among the familiar male colleagues, there are extremely few people with whom I could come together. Honestly, I do not really imagine life with a man-actor. It so happened that Guraram is an exception to the general rule. "

What do you have in mind?

Anfisa: "Monica Bellucci was best told about this:" The actress woman is always a little more than a woman. A man is a little less than a man. " Despite the fact that I have a strong character and I'm actively fighting with him, striving to become a little, I do not like weak men. I am attracted to strong, charismatic personalities with which there is something to talk about. And I do not like the actors' male for the fact that many of them find addiction to alcohol. "

Guram does not drink?

Anfisa: "Georgians if they drink, they do not get drunk. They have it in the blood. (Laughs.) Husband leads a healthy lifestyle, does not drink, does not smoke, no other "artistic" preferences does not suffer, engaged in sports ... Do not accept men prone to self-examination, ready to strike with a mirror for a long time, thinking out the outfits. And the actors have all these symptoms pronounced. Few, coming out of the role, remain ordinary people, and do not continue to play in the public. "

Anfisa says that with the birth of Solomon, values ​​changed for her. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Anfisa says that with the birth of Solomon, values ​​changed for her. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

But in general, your husband is spectacular. Do not jealous?

Anfisa: "Jealous ... why not. But this jealousy is pleasant: I understand that women are looking for Guram, look at him. And for serious jealousy, he does not give me a reason. You see, the matter is not in appearance, but in the character of a person. I need not so much time to understand, inclined in principle a man to an adulter or not. I know Gurama and understand that he will not walk. And then, I calmly treat treason. I have no wild proprietary instinct. I think that a man who lived with a woman in marriage for more than ten years, at least once, but comes to the left, so why experience it? But while I did not come across treason, so this is speculative conclusions. "

And your son is also a copy of the dad, very pretty.

Anfisa: "Naturally, he is the son of Guram. But when I laid out my children's photos in the social network, all noted our similarity. And when the Guram showed his pictures there, everyone argued that the son was all in him. It seems to me that Solomon is like himself. "

The appearance of a child changed your relationship?

Anfisa: "Of course. Very much. The fact that I had previously found curious, worthy of attention, stopped wondering me. Changed values, understanding the meaning of life. Our relationship with the garam has become stronger. We turned into a family, and before that there were just a man and a woman who are found and still reflect on whether they want to be together. "

And now there is confidence that with this person are you ready to live all my life?

Anfisa: "I know that I love, and I love myself. We want to be together with Gram, and I do not see this end and edges. And there he will give God. The most important thing is to live here and now, enjoy every moment of communication with each other. "

Looking at the dad with his son, it is difficult not to note their explicit external similarity. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Looking at the dad with his son, it is difficult not to note their explicit external similarity. Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Anfisa, in terms of sex relationships you are a real expert. It is not surprising that you have become a leading post-show "Bachelor. What do men want "on the TNT channel ...

Anfisa: "Oh yeah! Relationship between a man and a woman is my element. This is what I understand well. And then, I led a similar show in Ukraine. "

So what do they still want?

Anfisa: "Men, as well as we, women, want to be loved, despite their shortcomings. They want to live comfortably. Wanted comfort, beauty. They want to see a woman near a woman who will stimulate them on victory and achievements. "

In the draft twenty-five girls seek the attention of the Bachelor. Is there really a great competition in our country that now we are forced to conquer men?

Anfisa: "This is given: for decent men now need to fight. Not so long ago, I visited one secular event. (In connection with the pregnancy and the birth of the baby, I fell out of secular life for some time.) I came to the club and noted for myself that the representatives of strong sex ceased to be initiated at all. What for? Gorgeous beauties that have invested in their appearance are not one thousand euros, just hunt them. But make a reservation, we are talking about men successful, wealthy, attractive - so-called prince on a white horse, the dream of any young girl. And they are not so much. "

One of the heroines of Teleshow, Nastya, refused to sit in the car in a short skirt. Showed his shy ... and flew out of the project. It turns out, female modesty is not in fashion?

Anfisa: "Modesty, kindness, stateness is definitely not in fashion. In the struggle for the heart of men "Business Class" often won the stervings that know well what they want. They are more active, bright, enterprising. But in the nastina situation, it became an obstacle without modesty, and its complexes - then she was afraid to appear by the pool without makeup, it was refused to sit in the car in a short skirt, fearing that the bachelor would see not entirely perfect legs ... Now women make a big bet on their appearance. But it is not always possible to stay beauty, as on the cover of a glossy magazine. In life, the mass of all situations in which you can look impaired. It is necessary to be alive. The dolls that survive look into the mirror are once again afraid to smile so that, God forbid, wrinkles do not appear, do not like men. Some of my acquaintances told how during their having sex, they were informed by this behavior of the girl. Instead of the passion to surrender to the process, it was concerned about how impressive looks in this position, how luxuriously lay her hair on the pillow and so on. The woman should be alive and natural in any situation, with humor to treat any of its imperfections. "

Anfisa Chekhov:

TV presenter considers himself an expert in terms of sex relationships. And even gives advice to participants of the post-show "Bachelor. What men want ". Photo: Personal archive of anfisa Czech.

Anfisa, and at one time went on dates? Can you remember some bright, unexpected situations?

Anfisa: "In general, communicating with the participants of our TV show, I admire their courage. I would not have decided to come to a similar project. Participate in competitive games - it is necessary to have a strong nervous system. I do not like competitions. And I do not like to walk on dates. Usually they look like an interview - you are trying to make a pleasant impression on an unfamiliar person, show yourself from the best side. I prefer not to fascinate, so as not to be disappointed later. My relationships always consisted with those people I recognized before dates - either at work, or in the company of friends, where we often see. In my opinion, the last time I went on dates, being still very young. I remember, I always had a girlfriend, ready to call at the right moment, if suddenly the fan would not like or behave too annoying. "

You are trying to give advice, how to behave with men, but they themselves said that everything is individually: there will be its own lid on each pot.

Anfisa: "It will be possible, but will it like this cover? Will there be a man worthy? Girls often complain that they come across some "not those". I always say: "Cause in you ourselves." This is what we are engaged in the show - disassemble mistakes, we find the reason why the participant could not charm our bachelor. Men despite different types, fall in love with women with a certain set of qualities. They are looking for the one that loves themselves, comfortably feels like a man, does not try to be strong and drag fate on themselves. It is able to flirt, to flirt, which is called, to file itself, but it looks natural. At such men immediately "put a look." Another task is to develop and strengthen this sympathy. "

Do you believe that you can find love on such a TV show?

Anfisa: "I know a lot of such people! Another thing is when the girl walks from one such project in the other endless. And we had one such, Karina. We saw video recording with her participation in three different programs. And our bachelor also felt interest from her part not to himself, but to the show. It is unlikely that Karina expects to find love thus. Most likely, this desire to see yourself on the screen, it has nothing to do with feelings. But I am sure that you can meet love anywhere: on the Internet, on the street, in another country, on the edge of light, in the TV program. But one thing to meet, the other is to keep. And here it all depends on the people themselves - from their desire to make each other happy. "

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