When the frost has a nose


We all heard twenty times that the tan was not in fashion for a long time, and it is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, otherwise there is a risk to get cancer. In January, the most part of Russia is difficult to torn. Here if at least a couple of days was solaried - already joy, but it turns out that it is premature. Winter harms to our face no less, if not more than summer.

Cold, wind, snow, heating - all this is a terrible stress for the skin, which thinks and dries it. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to double the efforts to care for yourself to look young and fresh.

Because of the change of climate, we change the skin type: the fat becomes normal, but is experiencing a shortage of vitamins and nutrition. Normal - dry, the last winter is generally starting to flaking and even crack, and the problem may inflame. Since we are frowning with strong wind, hello facial wrinkles. In accordance with these changes and select care products. But the main winter rule for all types is moisturizing and nutrition.


Moisturizing is not only special face creams. In winter, due to central heating in rooms, very dry air, which is destructive effect on the entire body. Its moisturizing depends on your imagination and finance.

There are, of course, air humidification devices. They are very functional, but lowesthetical. Another thing is a small room fountain or decorative reservoir. It can be just a beautiful water vase. Successful with humidification of the air copes the usual aquarium: it is useful, beautifully, pacifies.

But it happens that "not to fat" or in colleagues allergic to fish. You will be saved any water tanks and wet rags on heating radiators.

And, of course, do not forget about the drinking mode - moisturize yourself from the inside: water, juices, herbal tinctures are recommended during this period. But tea and coffee should be excluded from the diet, because they dried the body.


Even if you are used to wash with a tar soap several times a day, you do not clean the skin in winter, but only change its acid-alkaline balance. All means for washing should be very gentle as possible.

For the soul, use gels that include moisturizing agents. Yes, and from face cosmetics can not be flush, but remove with cosmetic milk.

For skin cleaning, our grandmothers have once used natural cotton. Now in the composition of cotton disks, everything is not included, because the makeup artists recommend buying instead of cotton discs ... Cocoons of a tide silkworm. They perfectly clean the skin and open the pores, which makes it possible to effectively go to the next stage of care.

Food and protection

In winter, you need to use daytime and night creams, and masks apply more often - 2-3 times a week. Before going out, make sure your tool has a protective function for the skin. But it is impossible to apply the cream immediately before leaving, as this may lead to the supercooling of the skin of the face.

Do not forget about the protection of lips. Hygienic lipstick, shine, balm - all this is desirable to have in several copies for themselves, children and husband. Yes, yes, all these rules concern both men, since much more pleasant to communicate with a man with smooth and smooth lips than with cracked.

"Winter" nutritious masks are able to solve many problems. It is based on oil, any, although sunflower, it creates a protective film on the skin and protects against snow and wind. And then add to the oil ingredients "to taste".

Banana is rich in vitamin A, it nourishes the skin. Gelatin improves blood circulation and leveled. Lemon gives vitamin C, which gives the skin elasticity. Carrot gives a beautiful, fresh color of the face. Chamomile calms and relieves irritation.

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