Anna Mikhailovskaya: "I did not understand why I was offered to play bitch"


Anna herself believes that he does not see her success in the profession, if not her family. The character of a person in most cases depends on the fact that parents laid into it. Pope Artists, Mikhail Fedorovich, is busy in the construction industry, Mom, Olga Alexandrovna, worked as a stewardess. It seems to be a profession that you can't call creative, but our parents were not limited to their children in creativity. So, from five years, the girl was engaged in sports ballroom dancing, and her younger brother Anton was fond of music - guitar. He is now fourteen years old, so it is still unknown who he will be in the future. After all, Anna herself and did not think to tie his life with the theater and movies, she had completely different plans. Everything decided the case ...

Anna Mikhailovskaya: "That day a training was to take place, but my ballroom dance partner called and said that he would not be able to appear. I lachedered - whether I should go. But parents convinced that it was impossible to miss classes. In the studio, I noticed some special revival. The girls were worshiped, they discussed something. It turned out that we came from the "Mosfilm" studio: a girl who dances well had a major role. I chose me. Since this all started".

In that project "the most beautiful" there was a lot of stars of national cinema. Not robla?

Anna: "At first worried. But, first of all, it helped my mother nearby. Since I was a minor, she always accompanied me on the set. And secondly, all the warmth was treated. Therefore, I felt perfectly. I remember, the director told me: "Anya, this is your first, but not the last work in the movies. So keep in mind - in other shooting groups such relationships may not be. " But while I am lucky. "

Some lesson removed from collaboration with famous artists?

Anna: "Most of all I remember the case associated with Olga Arospea. Her leg was sick. And everyone saw how tormented her pain, as it is hard to sit down and climb. Therefore, when they started the episode where she was busy, I and Alexey Makarov, I wanted to help Olga Alexandrovna stand up. But she stopped us: "I have a foot in my life hurts, and in the frame - I am absolutely healthy." So I learned the acting rule: "The scene treats everything."

Since childhood, Anya was engaged in sports ballroom dancing and oriental martial arts. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

Since childhood, Anya was engaged in sports ballroom dancing and oriental martial arts. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

And before filming in the project "the most beautiful" you did not think about the acting profession?

Anna: "I planned to become a student of the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Construction University. And thanks to the results that I showed at the Olympics, I was ready to accept me there. It remained only to pass the final exams at school ... who was the first to advise me to become an actress, I do not even remember. But often heard the question: "Well, probably, now you will try to go to theatrical?" Many have remembered how they themselves have passed upon admission. For example, Alena Khmelnitskaya read before the admission committee of Ivan Bunin and even recommended which one of his works should I choose. Nothing remained to the entrance exams. And I taught the Buninsky story right on the set. "

With someone from the actors engaged in the "most beautiful" project, was then reinforced on the set?

Anna: "Yes. With Alena Khmelnitsky, we have four joint projects. For example, not so long ago the premiere of the series "Mannequer" with our participation. She is kind, an open person, and we sincerely rejoice in every meeting. It is nice and work with it, and communicate. "

In the film "Angel in the heart" by your partner was Daniel Pevtsov. After his tragic death, many publications appeared and rumors about his evil character and addiction to drugs.

Anna: "You know, I don't read any articles about Daniel and I do not believe rumors. It is terrible when such conversations appear after the death of a person, because he can no longer protect himself. I prefer to trust my own opinion based on personal communication. Daniel I remember an open, good-natured guy. I have never seen any inadequate behavior on his side, I have never noticed the harmful habits. We communicated with him both on the set, and in their free time, the whole group rested together, went to the beach. And Daniel himself, and his family (and in the picture was also busy and his father - Dmitry Singers) I really liked. "

At school, the future actress studied perfectly. According to the results of the Olympiad, it was even enrolled in the Moscow Construction University without exams. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

At school, the future actress studied perfectly. According to the results of the Olympiad, it was even enrolled in the Moscow Construction University without exams. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

After the film "Mannequer" you did not offer to try yourself as a model?

Anna: "While such proposals have not been received. Although after the premiere I was often asked - I do not want to become a mannequin. And I invariably answered - no. I have another profession, and I love her. It's great that thanks to her I can also visit the place of the model, and, for example, an economist. Or, suppose yesterday I have a cute honest heroine, today - the tricky intrigue, and tomorrow the girl whose character changes because of the circumstances in which it turned out to be ... from good to bad or vice versa. "

And the crust in your filmography is a lot. It was noticable that such roles often offered?

Anna: "At first I did not understand why I was invited to play girls with such a sterrectic character. And then one of the directorists said that the whole thing in contradictions of external and internal qualities. One of my most famous harm is Natasha from the series "Margosha" ... Once in a fitness club, two young women, noticing and recognizing me, began to demonstrately discuss my heroine. Say, it seems so sweet, but it behaves badly, the tricky, unpleasant. I pretended that I did not notice this conversation, although she was carried out deliberately loudly. I then brought me out that people discuss the character from the film so that this is a real person ... But over time, it became more likely to offer positive roles. "

In the project "Cadet", your heroine Katya is engaged in oriental martial arts. For the role I had to master the basics of any martial art?

Anna: "No, it did not need to study. After all, long before that film I did Taekwondo. True, it lasted for a short time, and I did not achieve special success, unlike my younger brother Anton. He also deals with this sport. And he became the owner of the silver medal at the Russian Championships. Despite the essential difference in age - twelve years, - my brother and I are very close. Together we ski, or rather, the brother - on a snowboard, and I am on skis, arrange rolling rides. In general, we have a sports family. Dad also engaged in Eastern martial arts, however, he chose Aikido for himself. "

Anna Mikhailovskaya:

"Despite the difference in age - twelve years, - my brother and I are very close." Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

By the way, in one of your interviews it was said that as soon as you got the right, your father wanted to buy you a car, but you refused. Why? Afraid of led?

Anna: "I was not afraid of led and, having received the right, I took my father several times, but I was not going to give it to me. Just once said: "If you like to drive, why don't you buy a car?" I would like to immediately note that I have never needed anything with anything, our parents did everything possible for us. We have always been surrounded by attention, care, gifts we were given to those that we dreamed about. But at the same time we were brought up so that if you want something, I should try to get the desired myself. While you are still a child, dad and mom provide you, but when you grow up, it must make efforts to achieve the goal. Although they are still ready to help you. Therefore, my thoughts did not arise to ask Pope with mom about such a gift like a car. Moreover, at that time I was already filmed in the cinema, earned money and could myself sang on my personal car. And when I decided on this purchase, we went to the car dealership with the dad, looked at different options, chose. I have long been driving. I feel confident. "

Once you claimed that you will never marry an actor. Meanwhile, your spouse Timofey Karataev - Colleague on the workshop ...

Anna: "Yes, no vain came up with a phrase:" Never say "Never" ... you fall in love with a person, and not in a professional. The main thing is his character, mutual understanding, whether you easily together. "

How did you meet?

Anna: "For the first time we saw on samples to some movie. Honestly, I don't even remember what. And then we met only a year later in the picture "Who, if not me?". Probably, the sympathy between us arose immediately, but for a long time we just communicated like colleagues. Then they began to be friends. We were very good just from what we are near. We went to the movies, skiing, together met the new year. Over time, our friendship has grown into relationships. "

When did Timofey made you an offer - it became a surprise for you?

Anna: "Yes. That day Tim went to shoot, and I went to accompany him to the airport. And there he says: "Anya, will you become my wife?" And before me, it does not reach that it seriously makes a proposal, but does not ask a purely hypothetically, for the future. Therefore, I answer: "Of course, Tima, I will become. Let's talk when it comes to this. " And suddenly he pulls out the ring ... "

In order to play a wedding, Anna and Timofey had to be construed on film studios about the weekends. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

In order to play a wedding, Anna and Timofey had to be construed on film studios about the weekends. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Mikhailovskaya.

Wedding you played in August. Honeymoon was able to hold together or right from under the crown ran to shoot?

Anna: "No. We had a beautiful, wonderful wedding. After that, we went with Tima in Italy. True, our honeymoon continued only ten days. Since both waited for work. And even in order to leave for such a short time, I had to negotiate in advance with the studio. I was even suggested: "Or maybe, instead of a trip to shoot with a spouse, they are rummaged?" They were not in Moscow then. We still have so. We love to travel, but if we choose somewhere, it's not for long. And buy a ticket for an hour for four to departure. This is what is called the cost of profession. "

How did parents respond to the fact that their future son-in-law is also an artist?

Anna: "Good. Why not? First, I have modern and all understanding dad and mom. And secondly, for them the main thing that my husband was a good person, carefully treated me and so I was happy with him. Therefore, Timofey has a great relationship with them. He is loved in our family. "

And with my husband there are discussions on professional topics? Critic each other?

Anna: "No. Somehow so far without it. Maybe just a reason has not yet arose. (Laughs.) And to a reasonable criticism, I treat positively. Especially from people relatives to me. I understand that if they say something, then only from good motives. Always and in all matters it is important to me the opinion of my family. They are my support. I am glad when homemade watch movies with my participation and they like what I am doing. True, the grandmother has her taboo: she misses the paintings, where something bad happens to my heroes, because it immediately begins to worry. "

Before marriage, you lived with my parents. It was not difficult to start to keep the economy?

Anna: "No. Although, I admit honestly, living with my mother and dad, I did not really go to household problems. If I tell me that you need to remove in the apartment, I will do, but no more. The initiative itself has not shown in this matter. But when we began to live with Timothy, I immediately began to engage in the economy. And there was nothing difficult for me in this, I just took an example from my parents, from my grandmother. How much I remember, we had cleanliness and order in our house. You come home, the tablecloth is covered before dinner, the table is beautifully served. And I began to behave in the same way. And with cooking difficulties, it did not arise, and my husband can feed. After all, in our family, not only mom, but also dad can be prepared.

And with my husband I was taken to shoot together? Or do you prefer not to mix work and personal life?

Anna: "While joint projects we do not have. Is that the samples together passed. Although we would not refuse such a proposal. And I think still we have ahead. "

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