Amanda Seifried: "To meet your half, do not need to fall in love at first sight"


Looking into the huge blue eyes of Amanda Seifried, we are ready to believe in all experiences of her heroine. She matured together with us, mastering the images of the clapping by the eyelashes of Turgenev's ladies. And then they changed the characteristic roles in which the girl looked no less convincing. A series of novels with Hollywood beauties also unexpectedly stopped: now the actress is married to a colleague on the workshop Thomas Sadoski, with whom she moved from a noisy New York to the farm and raising her daughter Nina. About how her life has changed in recent years, Amanda told in an interview.

- Amanda, hello! Probably, you have already said a million times since you can drown in your eyes, but I still can't hold back.

- Thank you. (Smiles.) To be honest, I am glad that I have such a memorable appearance, and at the same time a little bit to her. Sometimes it seems that the roles of enthusiastic emphasis are getting me thanks to her. But here to get some other more complicated. Not all directors are ready to see me in another image. And I want to change! I apply a lot of effort so that it was. The main questions for me when I read a new scenario: who is the director, what is the story about and do I do something like that before. I want every time in my work everything was in a new way. From the romantic comedy, I have grown.

- But they were in your filmography as much! Do you yourself believe in love at first sight?

- I believe that it exists, but rarely happens. Yes, and to meet your soul mate, not necessarily fall in love at first sight. You just communicate with someone for some time and understand that you no longer want to part, you want to live only with him, give birth to children from him - and everything, no romance is needed. That is how I had with my husband. God, we were so much kissed, when they performed together on Broadway, but at the same time there was no deduction between us. Just work. I didn't even think that I sing on stage with the one who would soon be called a man of his life. We converted only a year later, when they met again on the filming of the "last word". Then I was convinced how comfortable with Thomas. No one inspired so much confidence in me. And he never ceases to do it. When I worried that I had no experience and my mother would come out of me, he said: "Relax. I already see that we will fine. " And we really do everything well. Not perfect, of course, but there is no ideal parents. I hope my daughter will appreciate when it grows. (Laughs.)

Amanda Seifried:

The film "Dried Girls" became the first major star project

- You and Thomas quickly decided to have children. Just a year passed, if I'm not mistaken ...

- Want to ask if my pregnancy is scheduled?

- Yes exactly.

- Honestly, everything happened by chance. But I then madly delighted! We have already discussed what we want to be together, planned to get married, but everything turned out a little faster. So the child became a catalyst. As they say, a person suggests, and God has. I believe that all events in our lives occur exactly when it is necessary. I guess I'm in something fatalist.

- I heard that you reported this news to my husband in an unusual way. Tell about it?

- It was not in the city then, but I really wanted to please my beloved personally. Still, on the phone, you will not speak about this. Here are just the secrets of keeping I do not know how. (Smiles.) Well, in order to somehow distract yourself and not run ahead of time, I wrote him a poem. I myself hardly believe it! As a result, he returned, I began to read with the expression, he heard to the end and asks: "And what are you talking about?" In general, Thomas did not understand anything. (Laughs.) I had to read a couple of times until it finally got. I guess I moved with abstract images.

"Why did you hold the name of my daughter for more than six months?"

- My husband and I decided so. Friends and relatives, naturally, were aware, and the rest is not necessary, and, in my opinion, you should not be offended. She is still very baby! Now, of course, everything is aware that we called Nina's daughter.

- You have everything outgrown with your chosen one, because you even got married secretly and without witnesses ...

- On the one hand, I like the whole girl's attribute, but on the other - still a large-scale ceremony with a bunch of people absolutely not for me. In addition, I was as many times the bride on the screen. Therefore, in real life I wanted something completely unique. And it still coincided that literally a year ago I planned the wedding of my sister. So dreamed that this day became the best in her life, no matter how banal it sounds. I chose flowers, the decor for the cake, solved how it is better to send guests, - in general, it controlled absolutely everything. And it was wonderful, I liked it madly, but I didn't want it anymore and decided to arrange a small ceremony and not worry about anything. Therefore, we left for a farm and got married away from all. Oaths themselves invented. It turned out very chamber and truly romantic.

Amanda Seifried:

"Molded", where Amanda played the role of Kozlets, got three "Oscars"

Photo: Frame from the movie

"When you got pregnant, you almost immediately moved for the city." What prompted to accept such a decision?

- Well, where else to raise children? Probably, I have enough classical ideas about this, but it seems to me that the farm is a great place. There is so quiet and calm ... We have cats, sheep, chickens, horses and even a cow. Now this is my home. To be honest, I dreamed of being my mother all my life, and now, when this desire was finally implemented, I want everything to be perfect. And so that the space in which my child grows, was also safe and inspiring.

- Do you like to dwell surrounded by animals?

- Highly! And since childhood. My parents and I lived in a regular apartment, but we often went to nature on weekends. There were a lot of farms, and I fantasized how my home will ever appear, full of alive. And for a few years ago I saw this wonderful place, and I wanted to buy it. I think it was one of the most faithful solutions in my life. By the way, here I am madly like my ps Finn, which has been more than ten years old. For a long time he was my support in difficult periods, partly even became for me the first child. I just adore him! By the way, Finn was the only witness on ours with Thomas Wedding. I am not kidding!

- In New York, it was impossible to meet you without a dog. With your Finn, I didn't even part up on the interview!

- And not only on an interview, I constantly took it on shooting with me. He, for example, starred in "Survival Game." But in fact, Finn appeared at me by chance. I have never been a dog or cat. Just once on the set of the series "Big Love" I saw on the hands of our artist of a glorious puppy, similar to a bear. It turned out that his Australian shepherd had puppies, everyone was attached, and this one remained. I took it. A stupid idea in fact, with my schedule, driving ... And the dog was breaking the belly on the very first day. I had to rush to the veterinarian. So, having started to take care of your pet, I understood that I was deliplier. I loved your dog to madness. So I had to fly the finn to fly with me - in general, to lead at all a dog lifestyle. But I wondered him twice a day, wherever he was, he was preparing food herself. Trained before the birth of a daughter. (Laughs.)

Amanda Seifried:

In the painting "Time" partner actress was the singer Justin Timberlake

"Once you gladly planned the wedding of your sister, then, probably, and in a new house there a lot of things rejected?

- No, I have made only small changes. To live in it was comfortable. For example, it fell a small house for guests with a private bathroom and a kitchen, however, without a stove. It seems to me, much safer when people are prepared at the main kitchen. Still, I can not get rid of the desire to control everything.

- Do you cook yourself yourself?

- Most of all I love to eat delicious! If not regular morning jogging and classes in the gym, would not be so slim. But it is impossible to relax, otherwise you can say goodbye to the acting career. Probably, only thanks to this love, I learned how to cook, even mastered the pies. Not herself, though. I just saw one girl on the Internet, which showed all sorts of wonders with baking, and invited her to buy it. We perfectly spent time in my kitchen. And yes, now I feel free to say that the stove pies are easier than the lung.

"You do not hide that from an early age struggle with stress and nervous diseases." Life on a farm helps you?

- Yes very. It is generally uncomfortable where people are afraid around me. In the crowd, I begin to worry and worry, and the airports are probably the worst place for me. Therefore, we and Thomas are so good from all this fuss. We are pleased to buy products in a small shop near the house or on the market, and I also have a small grill, where I grow tomatoes, blueberries and a latch. So there is no need to go to huge shopping centers.

Amanda Seifried:

Romantics with the filming of the musical "Mamma Mia!" Amanda Saifred and Dominic Cooper moved to real life

Photo: Frame from the movie

- And at a young age, how did you cope with your fears and problems?

- What to smear, it was very hard. Diagnosis to me, unfortunately, put on only nineteen years. Unfortunately, because my life would be much easier if in childhood I knew the reason for my panic attacks, insomnia, insane fears. If it could discuss them with a specialist, get medicine. After all, I just did not imagine horrors, confident that something is wrong with me. For years in Thirteen, I opened my mother, but she shrugged - they say, I have no idea what it can mean. And advised not to bother. All kinds of psychological and especially mental problems are taboo for most people, they do not want to notice them, this is not a tumor or cyst. At the same time, we had a wonderful family. Of course, I tried not to issue myself. Well studied, I was engaged in sports, I had a lot of friends. But the stress that I was tested alone with him, prevented rejoice in life. All of these obsessive states with at times turned my existence into a nightmare. Already at the age of five, I did not tolerate when the socks were not laid rovnelyko, one pair to another, and not decomposed on the color. With horror I remember how in fourteen I had insomnia lasted for a week. Lord, as it would be nice if adults told me then: "It's not scary. With this you can live normally. You are not an aliens, not alien in this world. " But I heard something like that, only when I grew up and finally got to the right doctor. So now everything is under control.

- Let's talk about one of your last films "Last Word" with Shirley Macmene. She is alive legend! How did you work with a star of such a scale?

- Many actors are afraid to go to the site with the stars of the Schirl level, but I did not have time to frighten. As soon as I first saw her at the rehearsal, I immediately understood that it was surprising with her, she was a wonderful man. I just wanted to speak as much as possible on her background, so I especially tried. To be honest, I generally went to listen for this role only because the movie will play Shirley.

- What did you learn from her?

- First of all, do not doubt your abilities and be proud of what you are doing. In general, when I just met her, I wanted to wipe my eyes insanely, I could not believe that she was live and real. (Laughs.)

For Thomas Sadoski actress married in the last month of pregnancy

For Thomas Sadoski actress married in the last month of pregnancy


- Does anyone else from the shooting partners put on you a similar effect?

- Perhaps Meril Strip. My emotions before the meeting with her were very similar. Especially when I met Meryl on the set "Mamma Mia!" I was still so young. And she is just an inaccessible height! It seems I was breathing feared next to her. (Laughs.)

- Before you do an acting game, you sang in the opera. Why did it threw?

- I still really like to sing, but I felt that the acting game could give me what the opera would not give me - the ability to get rid of tension and negative experiences. Plus, I immediately realized that I would be interested in doing all my life.

- When did you first come out on the scene?

- I started playing the theater at nine years, so the start was early. I do not remember that it was for the role, but I liked it so much before the audience! I had so much energy that I did not know what kind of application to find. That is why she was engaged in the studio ballet and vocals.

- Parents supported your undertakings?

- Yes, I am very grateful to them for making me and sister to take lessons. Parents have always been on my side, and they liked when I was happy. I did not have to run away from the house to film. They realized that I just need to throw out my emotions somewhere.

"I didn't even think that I sing on stage with the one who would soon be called a man of his life"

"I didn't even think that I sing on stage with the one who would soon be called a man of his life"


- Acting is still something like therapy for you?

- Yes, everything is so. For example, when I need to play in the scene, where I cry, there is nothing complicated. I just remember some sad events. Even my fears are here to the place. In the acting profession, it is necessary to be able to virtuoso to handle with the whole range of human emotions, otherwise the viewers will not believe you. In addition, the camera gives me confidence. When I work, I am completely immersed in the character and it becomes no longer before your own problems. And in ordinary life I have a stupid habit of everything to analyze, worry because of the smallest things that are not worth it. But what am I only about the negative? You probably got the impression that I am a total pessimist? (Laughs.) In fact, I love to play love and love. It gives so much energy, resources ... Creating a film, as it seems to me, in general the complete romance process. I think that is why many actors after films remain together. I am experiencing such strong emotions, it is very difficult not to fall in love for real.

- Despite your statements about the terrible uncertainty, bed scenes are surprisingly easy. Or is it just visibility?

- Honestly? I do not understand that in principle can be difficult. Especially if you touch the beautiful male body - it is such a wonderful feeling ... just need to be able to restrain and remember that everything is not really. I have solid positive emotions from love scenes. It's nice to remember it.

- Previously, you have shy to appear on the red tracks. As it is now?

- I'm not shy, but I go out only if necessary. Well, imagine: You stand in a close dress, on huge heels, hundreds of photographers try to attract your attention and scream on you. Of course, I already know how to get up correctly, in order to find and the figure and the figure, and the outfit, but still it is very awkward.

- And in a difficult situation you can stand up for yourself?

- Previously, I was very naive and easily influenced. I wanted to please all and everyone. But I learned to be more persistent and now I do not allow anyone to manipulate.

Amanda Seyfried loves his dog

Amanda Seyfried loves his dog


- Do you like to constantly ride the world? Do you miss home?

- I am not particularly easy to rise, but constant movements are part of our work, you get used to it. By the way, I didn't even have a rest to rest after the birth of a child and restore forces. Literally a few months later I had to go to Croatia at the shooting of the continuation of the musical "Mamma Mia!". The husband was busy and could not fly with me. I went with a six-month-old child on my hands on the island, where even hospitals are not. It was necessary to drag all the most necessary, literally every little thing. Collected seven suitcases! On the set it was crazy hard! But I received an experience that would not have traded anything. Yes, I love home comfort, but how nice sometimes live a little elsewhere. By the way, I recently flew alone for the first time, and it was amazing! Well, it was not a trip in pure form: I went to New York to make an acting master class together with my husband's sister. For a couple of days, but without a carriage, dogs, without suitcases, with one backpack. Just delight!

- What is your most risky act?

- Of course, to become a mother. Lead to the world of a new person, take care of him, to educate, take responsibility for his life - for this you need a huge courage. No parachute jump will be compared.

- What are you waiting for the future?

- I hate all these fantasies about the coming, try to live what is happening now. At the age of twenty, I could still count on someone or something like this person or this event will make me happy. And thirty experienced fear - how fast time is running! What will be in forty, I do not know. I would like to have three children, for example. But one of my advantages is exactly what I used to live without expectations. I'm not waiting for me to give some kind of work, I do not plan my career. Everything comes itself.

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