Ekaterina Volkova: "I am interested in crazy people"


Thin, with a slightly apologetic smile, beautiful with that beauty, when I want to substitute my strong male shoulder and protect from everyday adversity ... This is what actress Ekaterina Volkova looks like. However, its fragile appearance is hidden persistent nature. She brings up three children alone, manage to film, play in the theater, give concerts with their jazz group, build a house in the Moscow region, to engage in charity. That's just for communication with the press recently almost lacks time. But for the actress made an exception.

- How do you choose the roles in the movies today? Can you refuse? Because of which?

- I refuse when I really can not agree with the scenario when it is very weak. But then you can persuade me, because I love to play. And when there are big breaks, in the shooting especially, I start to worry. Although now I have more and more theater. You know how Abdulov once said to me: "For the first twenty years, you work for your name, and then the name works for you." I still have three children, and there is a huge responsibility to them. I have always been an independent woman, nor from whom never depended. This is my profession, this I make money on life, education and education of children. Therefore, I really do not refuse. So it turns out - where I always work!

- And where is the work now?

- Now I have mainly theatrical work. I have a few entrepreneurs. In August, shooting a detective "Anatomy of the Murder" begin. From January, shooting the second ambulance season with Gauche Kutsenko will begin.

At the actress, three children. The eldest daughter lives abroad, but Bogdan and Alexander are still schoolchildren

At the actress, three children. The eldest daughter lives abroad, but Bogdan and Alexander are still schoolchildren

Photo: instagram.com/volkovawolka.

- You still have music ...

- I have a program that I love very much, together with Jazz Bandy Vladimir Agafonnikova. But at concerts that are rarely due to my schedule, they still ask for my author's songs.

- Children like all your work?

- Well, I do not know. (Laughs.) It seems to me that they like the fact that the mother is always in the TV. I so much happened that the films and TV shows are repeated. It happens that they say: "Well, you are straight over all channels!". They are probably nice. But we do not revise my films, no. Yes, and they still have no age to be very interested in.

- You have three children. What surnames do they wear?

- Senior - Volkova. And two in Pope - Savenko (surname on the passport of Edward Limonov. - Approx. Auth.).

- Are you restless?

- Junior Restless. Son Bogdan more poet.

"You once told about the first beverages of a ten-year-old Bogdan, when he stifled a boy who won his chess. What now?

- He has it. (Laughs.) Papino is. He is silent, silent, and then ... he has such a "psycho." But I somehow try to align him diplomatically. In the sense of what "count to ten". In general, I do not care about your emotions.

- Does it turn up to ten to ten?

- I control myself, yes. But this also came with age. (Laughs.) Bogdan has not coped with it. I generally try to cultivate independence in my children. But while I do not really work. Well, of course, I would like the presence of dad in the life of children more. Still, it seems to me that for the boy see an example of a father, to communicate with a man very important. But while our dad does not show a very initiative. He is more busy with the party, writing books.

- How does communication with dad, except that he gives his books with signatures?

- Rarely. Periodically, he just invites them to his home. But this happens every six months. For me, it is generally very small.

- What does your older daughter Valery do?

- Learn in Marburg, finishes university. Already behaves - engaged in psychotherapy through dancing. She was very fascinated by this topic, because he studies in sociology and psychology and still dancing. Works in the bar, gives private lessons. Of course, she is already an independent person. He says, perhaps, in the summer will marry. I am a little afraid of this, but nevertheless what to do is an adult, she has been 25 years old.

Younger children were born in Union with Edward Leimonov. But now the Father, according to Kati, pays little attention to them.

Younger children were born in Union with Edward Leimonov. But now the Father, according to Kati, pays little attention to them.

Gennady Avramenko

- Are you afraid of? You seventeen left mom!

- I mean that he is a foreigner, we have different mentalities. The main thing is that it was really love and a good man. I ask her: come back, wait for you in Russia? She replies that it is already difficult to imagine itself alive in Russia. Of course, we miss her very much. But this is her choice. And you know when love, relationship, then everything is clear where she is better.

- Children are friends?

- Periodically friends, then they swear like a normal brother and sister. That together the soul in the soul, then something was not divided - immediately at different rooms.

- What about Valeria?

- She is very tied to the younger. Perhaps we will go to her. Children will have a practice in German. Because Bogdan chose the second language German. He is studying in an English school. He, by the way, is very good with study, except for the geography for some reason. (Laughs.) But the youngest ... In general, it sincerely does not understand why she needs to teach the multiplication table if she wants to just sing. And I had to translate her to the branch of the arts.

- And How?

- Sings! (Laughs.) In the summer we will teach the multiplication table. "Troika" we put on mathematics with a large stretch. You know, there are such children to whom we need to look for an approach.

- Is it hard to be a large mother?

- Not so easy.

- What are the advantages in our time, in addition to free parking in the center?

- For large families? Liberation from transport tax. (Laughs.) The most important thing is never bored for you. There is always something to do.

- You somehow said that the crazy is your topic. In what sense?

"Yes, I'm interested in crazy people, so I repeat it periodically that I am crazy." (Laughs.) I am a very passionate man, fonding, happens, I act somehow mindlessly. Only in feelings. I confess, I was always interested in the nature of people who go through the streets and say things that others seem insane. God forbid us go crazy, but this is a very interesting nature for me.

- Not from this world, on your wave ...

- Yes, my men were like that. (Laughs.) It was always interesting for me why they think so, and not otherwise. Why so act, why refuse some social ordinary benefits. I mean Lemonov, for example.

Ekaterina Volkova loves to change dramatically - she boldly becomes a blonde, then brunette. And once again shaved naked

Ekaterina Volkova loves to change dramatically - she boldly becomes a blonde, then brunette. And once again shaved naked

Gennady Avramenko

- By the way, about your men. Previously, a lot was written about those who are next to you, Eduard Bogakov, Sergei Chalias, Eduard Limonov. Now less. You do not give reasons, material so that the media is greatly interested in your personal life?

"Just now I realized that he should not speak too much about his personal life, shout, for example, about happiness - happiness loves silence. I, apparently, because of my inexperience, I did not understand this before. And it was very frank in some stories about his personal. Still, it seems to me that in the artist the main thing for public information is her creativity. But this is a personal matter of everyone, just specifically I stopped talking about my personal life.

- What about sports? With fashionable gymnastics and yoga today?

- I try to just walk at least. I don't like to run very much. Moreover, I recently had a knee operation. On the play, I broke the bunch. And so hard was rehabilitation that they don't really shoot much. But if possible, I go. Now, probably, I will go to yoga. Already possible.

- Moreover, India has always liked.

- Well, she now likes. It's just not possible to go there. Until. And then it will be seen. We are tied to school. While the youngest will be "Troika", I told her that there were no Indies and passes of classes.

- And where do you spend time?

- You know, such a year is all immediately and together. I dreamed of buying land in the village and acquired here 25 acres. Began to build. Soon, I hope the housewarming.

- And play, and children raise children, and jazz sing. Katya, where is the power?

- Well, somehow I try. I'm just a very responsible person. And strong, probably, by nature. I understand: Anyway, no matter how you feel, you need to get up and go, doing things, because no one will do anything for me.

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