The most absurd celebrity riders


Rider contains two parts: technical and domestic. From the first everything is more or less clear: here the requirements that the artist presents to light, sound equipment, scene, and so on. The second part is more intricate and depends on the level of claims and fantasy celebrities. And if in Soviet times most stars were quite modest in their wishes (some were content with living in ordinary hotels in provincial cities), now it is believed that the greater Rider, the higher the status. Many domestic colebriti even survived their Western colleagues.

Oh, Madonna!

During the last world tour of Madonna, it was accompanied by a team of two hundred people - and everyone had to be accurately accomplished. The star was lucky ballet artists, thirty bodyguards, yoga instructor, personal chef and acupuncture specialist. At the request of the singer, all the furniture from the premises were carried out and replaced her own, and it was necessary to place the armchairs and sofas in a certain order. Madonna put forward a prerequisite: the dressing room must be equipped with twenty international telephone lines (!). There should also be: three white orchids (stem length six inches), roses of gentle pink color, three candles, the salt of the Dead Sea and water from mountain sources, consecrated by Kabbalah rites.

However, the organizers of the concert Jennifer Lopez in Moscow suffered no less. Each time the singer demands to repaint the walls of the apartments to that color that more corresponds to her mood. (During a visit to our capital in 2012, it was boiled white.) In the room, there must be flowers, candles with the aroma of Vanilla, Venetian lamps and several mirrors in full growth. Among the pleasure of the singer - headphones encrusted with diamonds, a white sofa, gently called by her Love Seat, and a leather seat on the toilet. In addition to the team from the ninety, Jennifer brought his family to Moscow - Mama and two children. For kids equipped a separate room and a playground. The star was quite scrupulous in the trifles: bath towels for children sewed specifically, with their names and embroidery (crocodile for one and a hippoplate for the second). Lopez insisted that coffee in her cup was signed necessarily counterclockwise. Cuban bread was looking for all stores of the capital. But it did not help. In fifteen minutes before the concert, the star refused to go on stage: the Croquus City Hall complex seemed too big to go through it. Of course, the singer provided a car on which she drove exactly forty seconds.

Jennifer Lopez. Photo: (@jlo).

Jennifer Lopez. Photo: (@jlo).

Calculate with Jennifer can Mariah Keri, in the rider of which included champagne worth one and a half thousand dollars, restroom with gold cranes and handles, two hundred towels and a separate room (!) For her dog. Apparently, Mariah is distinguished by special squeamishness. Water procedures it can take in a huge bath with mineral water. In addition, in that hotel, where the singer intends to stay, all the toilets should be replaced with new ones.

Among men, too, there are capricious. So, in the dressing room, Robbie Williams should be a photo of the Dalai Lama, Bonsai and four ashtrays. Robbie often revives their rider with funny requirements: it asks to bring him a Japanese tree into the room, then a living monkey.

Rider Raper Jay-Z, consisting of fifty-seven points, includes table silver and porcelain dishes (a star does not eat from disposable plates even on hiking conditions), freshly squeezed orange juice and four golf machines. In addition, the musician refuses to go to the scene without doping. In the dressing room, alcohol stock must be departed immediately.

Sometimes the frauds of stars force the organizers to grab the head. So, sting on tour in Kiev demanded urgently paint the walls of his dressings in pistachio color. Enrique Iglesias wanted for him on his heels all the time a special fight with the juicer was running and carrot Fresh. Rolling Stones musicians wished to place about a dozen billiard tables for the scene - to have something to do in the break. Paris Hilton ordered an aquarium with alive lobsters, and the musicians of the Depeche Mode group are four hundred kilograms of ice. And why do they need so much?! Probably cold helps rockers to keep themselves in good shape. Limp Bizkit could not do without three Vaz of Dragee M & M's (in one vase green candies, in the second - red, and in the third - yellow). And Iggy Pop asked Broccoli's cabbage, which ... with pleasure thrown into the trash can. Rocker said that he hates broccoli since childhood and happy that could now afford to deal with the product with such a radical way.

Stars - like children. And what would be a star to either, just not refused to speak. Paul McCartney has everything clearly recorded: "If there is furniture in the dressing rooms, it should in no case be covered with skin, like a car salon." Ex-Bitle is a vegetarian and a fighter for animal rights. Failure to comply with the rider threatens the organizers at least a fine (starting from one hundred dollars per item), and the maximum - the rejection of the star to give a concert. Unlike Sir Paul, sultry Macho Antonio Banderas prefers only leather furniture. Well, and Shakira does not sit on the sofa in life, if it fills him not goose down, but something else. Against the background of his colleagues, Justin Bieber is just a dream! Coca-Cola, Ginger El, Cotton White Socks and Internet Access - That's all the wishes of the singer.

Vivat King!

Among our stars have those who constitute a rider with a truly royal scale. And in the first place here, of course, Philip Kirkorov. Residents of the city, where going on touring the star pop scene, should be notified about this grand event in advance. In the airoport

Philip Kirkorov . Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Philip Kirkorov . Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Philip Pobrosovich organizes a VIP meeting: a limousine is served right to the plane, two more cars are designed for personal protection of the singer and staff, and the Mercedes brand bus is for the team. If the tour is held in Russia or CIS countries, then Kirkorov wants to see next to their tuples also the traffic police cars as accompaniment. Naturally, the singer alone only in the room of a five-star hotel. With you, he brings a personal cook, which will immediately be provided with products for "royal meals". Namely: French cheese of solid varieties, beef fillet, chicken fillet, mayonnaise, seafood, Korean carrots, black and cheese bread, fish and meat assorted, tomatoes, bananas, grapes ... Hot tea, coffee and mineral water should be available since Unloading equipment. Also, the star requires two dressings, tired by vases with flowers.

Sofia Rotaru in the territory of the CIS countries are very loved. Therefore, the organizers of her concerts will not be stored for expenses, knowing that they will pay off. I will meet the star of a representative class. All the way it is accompanied by traffic police cars. For Sofia, Mikhailovna book the best mansion of the city, or the suite number in a five-star hotel: she prefers to live separately from its team. Rider has a three-time nutrition. Rotaru monitors health, so homemade cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, fresh vegetables, water without gas and juices are included in the menu. In the dressing rooms, the star wants to see green jasmine tea in bags, ground coffee, unscanned fruits on a dish, as well as sandwiches with meat delicacies and caviar. However, after the concert Sofia Mikhailovna does not mind to relax with the help of the whiskey chivas regal. In general, the life of the artists is nervous. Alcohol and cigarettes help to calm down many. Alexander Peskov insists that his team allowed to smoke directly on the bus. In a parody's room, two bottles of bright imported beer are waiting, and in the dressing room - Cognac Hennessy Ho. Almost all seboribriti require the window in the room to be curtained with a dark curtain. Valeria Leontiev has problems with eyes, so one of his indispensable conditions is "the feeling of the night at any time of the day." Just dark curtains are not enough here, you need to close the window with a black thick plaid.

Lolita Milyavskaya. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Lolita Milyavskaya. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Some musicians are suitable for writing a rider with a sense of humor. So, at all caused bewilderment one of the requirements of Lolita. Meet the singer at the airport must not limousine, but ... "Oka" with flashers. As it turned out, this item was introduced into a document to check whether the organizers of Rider were read at all. "When I call and ask about" Oka ", I answer: Relax, guys, it's a joke," Lolita laughs. The rest of the singer is pretty unpretentious: "The hotel must be good, but the number of stars is not the main thing. In the dressing room you need to put a large mirror, stool and table. From drinks - water without gas, tea, coffee and two liters of milk. I love him very much".

One-handed driver

Of course, all the stars care about their own security. Being remembered what happened to John Lennon, Paul McCartney is particularly about it. He is accompanied by six guards. By the arrival of the singer, all roads must be free. Also, the ex-beat insists on the presence of a service dog at a concert who can find an explosive by smell. During the speech, not only video and photographing, but also laser pointers and lighters are prohibited. And all letters and gifts are revealed by the personal security of Sir Paul on the territory specifically allocated for this.

On each solka, Valeria spectators are passed through a metal frame. And the singer itself in a tour must accompany at least two high-class security guards - "sober and tidy dressed."

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Boris Moiseev also places its requirements for the protection. It must control all the exits, as well as to ensure that the audience did not throw foreign objects during the concert. Dmitry Khvorostovsky will sit in the car, only if driving will be "smoothly shaved and pleasant a smelling man who does not drink, not smokes, wears a white shirt and tie."

The singer Taisiya Povaliy insists that the driver is necessarily ... with two hands. Her husband and producer Igor Likhuta explained why this point was made: "Once a car served us on some tour, and when we got into the salon, I saw that the driver ... there is no left hand. I immediately asked to stop the car, protested, but he calmed down - they say, he worked at the festivals, he had a huge experience. We, thank God, then safely got to the place, but since then I write in the rudies: the driver must be with two hands. "

But Alla Pugacheva cares more about energy security. She can even leave the hotel cooked for her if a "negative impact" feels. Before the speech, the singer puts the mascot of his sign of the zodiac, and on trips is powered by the recommendations of the lunar calendar. The organizers specifically calculate the lunar days to prepare the menu in accordance with the prima diet.


What only intricate requirements do not push the artists sometimes! Group "Disco Accident" Submit live rooster! No, the musicians were not going to hand themselves to turn her neck. On the contrary, they assured that the feathered creature will remain whole and unharmed and after the concert will be returned to the organizers. It turns out that the bird was required to execute the popular song "Eggs". After some time, this request from the Ride was removed, leaving a fairly standard list. And the organizers sighed was calm, but then the "disco" accident "decided to re-add a perchnow to his show. They asked to provide a concert ... a few pairs of plastic feet from mannequins. This time it was necessary to illustrate the song "Feet".

The most absurd celebrity riders 57104_5

Group "Outwashing scammers." Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

The Rider of the "Outwheat Fraudsters" group contains a rather intimate requirement: fourteen toilet paper rolls without perforation. "It's not a joke!" - Prudently indicate in the document artists. The fact is that the paper is spread over the scene in one of the songs.

Oddly enough, the Podataya Shura turned out to be one of the most unassuming stars. In each point of Rider, the singer politely adds the word "preferably". The only thing that he cannot come, the TV, the screen of which manits the singer at any free time.

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