Yuri Chernov: "We were appointed marriage for the first of April"


On the twenty-four of April, the actor noted his anniversary - sixty-five years old, but it is hard to believe. No matter how many years have passed, whatever roles have played to the cinema and on the scene of the Satira Theater, where it is now, in our view he is still the same schoolboy with "Noodi" from the film "Let's live to Monday." It would seem that he is so simple that it is not worth talking about it ... how the artist itself laughs: "Yes, I'm a jester, I'm circus, and what?" Meanwhile, to his actions and words, Yuri Nikolayevich belongs seriously. And let a lot in his life decided to have a happy case, you need to possess wisdom so as not to miss it and use it in full.

Yuri Chernov: "I was born in the city of Kuibyshev, now Samara. My father Nikolai Maksimovich was an artist at the Progress Aviation Plant. Wrote posters, agitoes, portraits of leaders. And in the summer he worked in a pioneer camp, created portraits of heroes pioneers, posters to various events. And, of course, I took me with me and my younger sister. And once the film crew from Samara television came to the pioneer camp. Cooking a festive concert. I was going to perform in it and read the "Poems of Tanker", a very serious poetic work. And I had a rather high voice at that time, almost maiden. Therefore, when the director heard from my mouth this ODU veterans of armored troops, he said: "No. This number is not suitable. And how are you, a boy, look at becoming a leading concert? "I agreed. It is worth noting that it was not shooting, but a direct ether. I coped well. And I began to invite me to participate in various television programs, and in parallel I began to study in the television studio for children and young people. At the same time, I played my first role in movies, in the film "Orbit Tyne", about flight to Valentina Tereshkova space. So, still studying at school, I was known in our city. And when already in the graduation class it was necessary to decide where to do, one of my buddies suggested: "And let's go to Moscow, in the theater school." I answer him, they say, you will take you, so handsome with a stunning baritone, and who will take me?! He thought and noticed: "Will not take. But you need to try! "Focusing, I admitted his right. And she announced his parents that I was going to the capital. "

Why did you choose a circus school if you were going to become a dramatic artist?

Yuri: "In fact, I went to theatrical universities, then arrived. But all my plans changed one happy case. In Moscow, we were settled in a hostel, where applicants lived in different creative universities. Naturally, we all once allowed, tried to support each other. And somehow one guy came up to me and asked for help on watching the circus school, play it on the guitar. I agreed. And after our speech, one of the teachers suddenly asked me before the admission committee: "Why don't you do to us?" I answer that I want to become an artist, to film. And I hear in response: "You need to learn from us. You will get a wonderful artist. Here is the example of Yuri Nikulina - and the Great Clown, and in the films playing the main roles. " It was a strong argument. But most of all I was impressed about what I was compared with Oleg Popov, they found some kind of external similarity. Therefore, I became a student of the circus column. What never regretted. "

Nikolai Maksimovich and Valentina Ivanovna supported the interest of the Son to work. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

Nikolai Maksimovich and Valentina Ivanovna supported the interest of the Son to work. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

Your first stellar role is raw materials from the movie "We will live to Monday." How did you get into this picture?

Yuri: "One of my buddies in the circus school worked in the crowd on different filming and joined me. Then they were going to shoot a tape about Blucher, and I should have played a redarmeys in the episode, who is mixed on the privala of fellow soldiers, depicting the Japanese general. I was stuck with a black mustache and a beard. And in this form, I walked from the grima along the Gorky studio corridor, where I noticed the assistant director Stanislav Rostotsky. Invited to go to the office, where there was a film crew "Let's live to Monday". Stanislav Iosifovich saw me and immediately said: "We will shoot." So I was approved for the role of Syromyatnikov. Already in the evening I called my parents in Samara and told me with delight that I would be filmed in a movie with Vyacheslav Tikhonov himself! And my mother speaks to the phone: "Son, what are you happy! His autograph necessarily take. "

And remember your first shooting day in this picture?

Yuri: "Of course, especially since the funny story happened. For our schoolchildren's heroes bought portfolios, form. And they looked, of course, new, neat. And my hero is a two-way, he can not have such things. And Stanislav Iosifovich says: "The briefcase must be received! You know, and play a football! " Well, since the director said, you have to do. And I began to drive a briefcase instead of the ball in the yard. And suddenly some kind of woman passing by, who did not realize that they were going to shoot a movie, began to count me: "What are you doing?! Father and mother go to make money to earn, bought you a new form and a portfolio, and what are you doing! How not ashamed! Well, stop immediately! " She immediately joined the other: "Double! Ugliness!" But the director was satisfied: and the portfolio was staked, and it was confirmed that the actor was correctly chosen to the role of Syromatnikov. "

Yuri Chernov:

I performed my first role in the movie Yura, while still a schoolboy (in the photo - a frame from the film "Orbit Tyne").

How did your relationship with Vyacheslav Tikhonov?


"Perfectly. It was not just an outstanding, brilliant artist, but also a person with a capital letter. Attentive, sensitive, kindestheart ... My dad and mom arrived at the premiere in Moscow. And in the house of the cinema, after the show, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich not only congratulated me with this event, but also approached to meet and talk to my parents. He said a lot of warm words about their son, that is, about me ... By the way, at the time when the film "We live to Monday" came out on the screens, my dad was already working as an artist in the Samara House of Culture, and it was he who painted the poster to this picture and depicted On her Tikhonov. And I represented a ribbon in my homeland Vyacheslav Vasilyevich. He knew what my father was doing, and, being in the House of Culture, asked him to take him to Nikolay Maksimovich Chernov. Naturally, all the leadership of DC and father's colleagues were very surprised and, probably, even envied. "

But they say that in the circus school students strictly forbidden to remove. How did you manage to knock permission?

Yuri: "And I hid that I am removed. He was asked with classes, told about the fallen aunt, grandmother, uncle, grandfather. By the end of work on the picture, I "got over" the whole relatives - and real, and invented. Just like in the Ryazan comedy "Beware of the car": a lot of relatives have a lot of relatives, and they all have fragile health. Although after the premiere "Let's live to Monday" the truth naturally came out. And I was warned in School: "Either study, or shooting." And here on the wave of success tapes went suggestions. For example, I was approved for the role of Petrukhi in the film under the working name "Save Harem". I really wanted to play, but, alas, the shooting was planned out of the capital, with departure to Dagestan, and I understood that such a long definition would not be able to hide from the leadership of the school. Therefore, I could not appear in this legendary tape, which came out on the screens as the "White Sun of the Desert".

Yuri Chernov:

"The circus school presented me with real friends, each of us succeeded on his path" (in the photo - Mycolas Orbakas, Yuri Chernov, Alla Pugacheva, Soso Petrosyan and Anatoly Marchevsky). Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

Usually studentism is a fun, good time ... And how did it have it?

Yuri: "The most wonderful! Gennady Khazanov, Ilya Klyaver, whom the whole country knows under the name of Oleinikov, studied. Yes, and we had a cheerful course - Anatoly Marchevsky, Mycolas Orbakas, Soso Petrosyan, Nikolay Reznichenko. We were very close to friends and are still friends. I am pleased to remember the past times. I remember how a mycolas met a charming girl Alla. They started a novel, which, however, is not surprising - he is a handsome man, clever, very charming, talented, she is Mila, attractive, with a stunning sense of humor, also immensely talented. In addition, the owner of a stunning voice and radiant eyes. It was a magnificent couple. We spent a lot of time together. Since Alla is a very sociable person, it easily joined our circle. They loved each other very much. Got married. And we all walked on their wedding arranged in a cafe. Then they had a daughter's daughter - a wonderful girl who absorbed all the best of her parents. Of course, at that time we all dreamed of the future, as it would work out, and about the success we can achieve. But the reality was much brighter of our ideas. Mikolas's wife became a real primon. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is a whole phenomenon on our stage. Their daughter of Christina today is the star of national pop music. Mycolas works in the specialty, it is a wonderful circus artist, a gorgeous clown. Tolya Marchevsky is now headed by the Ekaterinburg Circus. In general, the guys from our course went to work on the main specialty, I am the only one who knitted my destiny with the theater. So the student years were very happy, cheerful, surrounded by wonderful people. There is something to remember. "

And how was your personal life?

Yuri: "My first marriage was unsuccessful, in his youth. The daughter of Anna remained from him. She gave me two grandchildren - Alexey and Alane. But with her mother, the family did not work out with us ... time passed, and I found personal happiness. And the most funny thing that I met the main love of my life thanks to the parents of the girl, followed by at that time. The fact is that she had very much, as they say, "cool" dad and mom. Apparently, assuming that I would soon become their son-in-law, they told me: "You would need you, Yura, to get a higher education. Go to Gitis at the Directory Faculty. " Agree, not the worst advice. And I went to enter this university. I looked accidentally not at that audience and saw her ... fell in love immediately! Valentina - Theatersed, at that time worked at the department of the foreign theater. Of course, I began to care and was immensely happy when she agreed to marry me. By the way, in my youth my wife was very similar to the artist Zhanna Prokhorenko popular in those years. And the currencies were often accepted for movie star. I remember, someh since I had to take a train ticket. The queue is huge, we went to conversations that there are no tickets, we must wait for someone to pass them. And I went to the station at the station. Seeing her, the cashier exclaimed: "Oh, what are you standing in the queue?! Go to us, now we all organize you. " We realized that Valentina was accepted for Prokhorenko, but nothing was said, since I needed to leave. And indeed, immediately found a place in the desired train, and not a simple, but a jewel. By the way, when we got married, I also gripped in the registry office too: "Surely Zhanna Prokhorenko married?!" (Laughs.)

"The name of the daughter came up with a wife, and, agree, it is unusual and beautiful. It seems to me that Yaroslav is like something like me, but her mother's character. " Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

"The name of the daughter came up with a wife, and, agree, it is unusual and beautiful. It seems to me that Yaroslav is like something like me, but her mother's character. " Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

How did the wedding play?

Yuri: "She was special! We were appointed marriage for the first of April. We were preparing, everyone organized, invited guests. And suddenly, a day before an important date, I was called from the theater: "Tomorrow you need to go on the stage in the" point of view ". It turned out that the actor with whom we duplicated each other was seriously ill. There was no choice ... So after the registry office I had to run to the theater, to play the play, where I, by the way, was the role of the groom. All this time, the bride was forced to entertain guest herself, waiting for me to appear. But still we have got the best wedding! "

You shot a lot in children's films, including in the "Adventures of Electronics", where the father of Serezhegina played. And in life what is your father?

Yuri: "I love my children very much, I am corrupted by them. Valentina gave me two children, son and daughter. But it so happened that Maxim and Yaroslav were born in my absence: shooting, touring, and everything far from Moscow. True, literally the next day I was already near my relatives. I remember how I wanted to pick up my wife with his son from the hospital on a good car - on the "Volga". But when it came to it, it was impossible to catch a car - not that decent, and at least some. As a result, I managed to stop ... dump truck. And we traveled from the hospital on this giant. Although, on the other hand, agree, the vehicle was not a banal. So I argue now, thanks to what my wife was configured, seeing my disappointment. In general, I must say that Valya is well done, she is the most reliable rear that can only imagine. Whatever happens, she will support and find an encouraging word. When there is no work and I begin to get upset hard, she says to me: "Think! Everyone is ahead, it will still be, yes as well! " And its optimistic ideas always hit the point. First, and the truth, soon I was offered shooting or a performance, and secondly, these were interesting images, and not just a means for making money. From a woman in family life, much depends. As she will arrange, he will be able to orient you, so it will be. "

Large family of artist: Son Maxim with his wife Zlata, Yuri Nikolayevich with his wife Valentina, Yaroslav's daughter with the bridegroom Vladimir. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

Large family of artist: Son Maxim with his wife Zlata, Yuri Nikolayevich with his wife Valentina, Yaroslav's daughter with the bridegroom Vladimir. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

But still we found the time to engage in children?

Yuri: "I tried to devote time to the maximum. I'm my son, and I love my daughter. But to say that everything was perfect, as I would like, and that I am an exemplary father, I can not. So, for example, that day, when the Son married, I was in Tyumen on tour. I remember, I call him in the morning, only coming to the place: "Well, what about you?" He: "Dad, arrived at the registry office ..." Washed, shaved, again for the phone: "Maxim, where are you?" Replies: "All is well . Signed. Let's go for a walk. " And so I bothered them every hour, left alone, only when the play began. And when he ended, I went out on an exastssen and turned to the audience: "I have a big holiday today - I married my son!" You can not imagine what ovations began and how the whole hall shouted: "Congratulations!" And then we went to the restaurant . Of course, I paid the organizers of the tour. And I say: "Who will drink, colleagues? I cry for drinking! "Everyone was chosen by vodka, the waitress brought an order. We look, and on the bottle label it is written title: "Maxim". Imagine such a coincidence?! "

Daughter also found his personal happiness?

Yuri: "Daughter is not married yet. But she has a young man, a civil husband, as they say now. And I really hope that everything will go well. We have a rule with my wife - we never climb into the personal affairs of children. This is their life, they decide how and what should be. And we, as parents, are ready to support them, whatever happens. We and your wife seems more correct than asked, climbing with the requirements and conditions in someone else's family. "

This trick artist does easily, and only once for his entire career, Balalaik fell and crashed. It happened in the USA on September 11, 2001. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

This trick artist does easily, and only once for his entire career, Balalaik fell and crashed. It happened in the USA on September 11, 2001. Photo: Personal archive Yuri Chernova.

You are often called the "Orchestra" "man" due to the fact that you play on many musical instruments ...

Yuri: "It's true. The first tool with which I was mastered, became a guitar. This skill was taught my mother. She sang perfectly well and played the guitar. Once, as part of the film festival, we were in Samara with colleagues. And decided to go to my parents in the evening in the evening. So at home, Natalia Gvozdikov and Yevgeny Zharikov were at home. And in the evening at the table, Mom took a tool in his hands, sang and herself accompanied himself. Natasha and Zhenya were amazed how talented it is. She would be on stage! You know, it seems to me that I received a lot from her, and genetically, and thanks to her upbringing ... Later, already in the Circus School, I took a harmony, clarinet, balalaica, lip-harmonica. Yes, I am now interested in new musical instruments. So I myself do not know which one immediately ".

In artistic circles, they say that your balalaika predicted a big tragedy ...

Yuri: "It was, in 2001. We were on tour in the USA with a performance, where there was such a scene: I put a balalaica myself on my forehead. And everything was always safe. But in California, during the presentation, he suddenly falls and broken and broken. And we need to fly to New York, where the next performance awaits us. I worry what to do ... It is clear that you need to look for a new balalaik, but where?! This is America. And in the morning a television message, which first seemed to me by wildness: an attack on the World Trade Center. The twin towers rammed one aircraft, and then another. I am then a colleague actors said: "Your balalaika was a sign of the future tragedy!" Maybe ... But I'm more accustomed to trust good signs. Here I am a person, I want to believe in good. "

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