Ilya Legoev: from football to Todorovsky


The first is the first. Football in the "box" was fascinated as a good fighter. And the point here is not even in the goals and scoring moments. The Match Technology itself was clearly more perfect than that that was used during our championship. Exciting panoramas, mighty multimedia component, add ideal lawns and new stadium architecture to this. In general, everything looked very elegant.

Conclusion of the second. The inspiration of telecommattors and football experts was so sincere that they wanted to forgive anything. Yes, they were mistaken and sometimes carried some oblique stupidity with a smart look, but they did it with a glitter in the eyes and soul of a lap.

Conclusion The third is perhaps the most important. Moscow has become a very telegeny city. Streets, parks and, of course, "Luzhniki" performed as a sign scenery of a football holiday and coped with this role quite well.

In the serial sector, two series from Valeria Todorovsky was offered in the season final of the season. After the eleven "Garden Ring", where the director acted as a producer, and after midnight "thaw" - the series, which, that and looked, will become a classic genre.

Rumors around the "Garden Ring" burst back at the end of last year. On a different kind of secular parties, the actors engaged in the series, an intriguing whisper reported this "bomb". "A large project, a large channel, but the dialogues of the characters are such that it is not clear how it will be shown," the participants of the act in the eyes of Giggles are giggled. And with enthusiasm issued compliments to the young director Alexei Smirnov and his supercommand.

"Garden ring", probably, you can call the variation on the topic "Rich, too cry", but with an important detail: there are no characters that you want to regret and lose tears. The main characters of the action performed by Evgenia Bric, Maria Mironova, Irina Rozanova and Anatoly White for various reasons are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And they abuse alcohol, smoke a lot and are clearly not shy in expressions. Add a gloomy visual row to this (design interiors here in the role of the collapsing scenery of a happy family life), and it will immediately become clear why the actors were so inspired by the film processing process. All of them, as they say, enjoyed the moment. Soon they have to try on some retro images in the next historical "cranberry", and life will return to the usual and very predictable framework. It is in this framework that it will be very pleasant to remember how it turned out to be prompted very funny and completely indecent anecdote.

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