Jeva Andreey: "When love ends, always sad"


In domestic cinema love actors from the Baltic states. Here and Jeva Andreyev, have already become popular with us. Behind the girl's shoulders are such interesting projects as a "good boy", "youth", "Fitter", "Farca". Now the new significant premiere is expected - a family drama with the elements of the Mysticism "Mermaids", in which Jeva has the main role. About life in Russia, national characteristics and that the distance of love is not a hindrance - in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Jeva, you were born in an international family: Dad Russian, Mom Litovka. More yourself feel fatherly or mother's daughter?

- I do not know, probably, it depends more on nature. In childhood and youth, I was more like dad: very active, energetic, hooligan girl, who believed that she could be all. (Laughs.) But now, growing up, I change and find more and more similarities with my mother, even outwardly.

- Is it true that Russians and balsions are distinguished by temperament? We are accustomed to perceive them removed, restrained. Of course, you are not so completely.

- Well, it means that I took this openness from Pope. (Smiles.) But it seems to me that it is not a matter of national characteristics, but in individuality. I often come to Lithuania: I have my favorite family and cats there, and I can say that Lithuanians are very welcoming, funny and simple. At first it seemed to me that people in Moscow are even colder and closed. Perhaps it is simply connected with the peculiarities of life in a metropolis: if I came to some Russian village, I would have met me warmly, wept-fed. Here everyone is trying to survive, are occupied by their affairs. Rhythmic rhythm, great competition - all this affects communication. Correctly talk about loneliness in a big city. And I was not easy for friends here: I had to live for almost six years with little departures to London and Lithuania, before my company appeared. I used to feel myself a little lost and lonely in Moscow, but it did not bother me, I easily adapt, plus focused on work, I wanted to quickly learn the language.

Dress, beloe zoloto; Clock and Earrings, All - Chopard

Dress, beloe zoloto; Clock and Earrings, All - Chopard

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What did you know about Russia before? Dad told something?

- First, I have relatives in the suburbs, we used to come here before. Summer I spent my grandmother, we have a big family, I have cousins ​​and sisters. The child does not need a huge vocabulary to communicate. I knew a few words in Russian, and everyone understood me. In Moscow, we were driving - we walked around the Red Square, went to the Bolshoi Theater and returned back. And only when I was already twenty-two years old, I came here alone. Everything seemed unusual. Before that, I lived in London, it is an absolutely different city. There, people are smiling all the time, apologize if you were crushed by the lacaround, and I was at first annoyed, it seemed fake, sculpture. But then I compared my feelings with the impressions of Russia, where God forbid someone to touch - immediately you will get a surrender, and I realized that smiles are better, it creates less tense atmosphere. But over time I accepted and loved Moscow.

- Probably also due to the fact that everything is going on with work here.

- Yes, it is, of course, fine. It all started very quickly, my first Russian film was called "Startup", I was filmed, really not knowing the language. And then there were samples, but I did not say anywhere for a long time, and almost two years I sat without work. Even told the thought: Or maybe you should not stay here? Still, I dreamed of starring in London, work in English. But now, a lot of interesting proposals in Russia appeared, the country does not let me go.

- What do you think, why didn't you go to London? In one of the interviews, you said, they love their artists there.

- Not that did not go. Just need to be in one place, go to castings so that people recognize you. And I come for a week, I do samples and immediately return back. Why love their own - because of the language, there you will not play British if there is a little-fledged accent. And the range of roles is small, which give Russian or people from Eastern Europe. Here, no one bothers that I still speak Russian a little with an accent. But the dream to work in London is still alive.

Trench, Studio Sasha; Pants, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Ring, Mercury

Trench, Studio Sasha; Pants, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Ring, Mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- You have also had a Hollywood project, if I'm not mistaken.

- Yes, I recently graduated there to be removed, called the television movie "Romanov" - about the descendants of the Russian tsarist dynasty. This is a good story and famous director Matthew Wiper who shot the series "Madness". The shooting took place at sea in a small town in Romania. It was a wonderful experience.

- Your mom is a musician, and childhood was associated with music. Some of the famous people have you from you?

"My mother graduated from a musical conservatory, sang in a very famous Chorean" Young Music "in Lithuania, they rushed polim with tour. There were a lot of famous and pianists, and conductors. I spent a lot of time in Philharmonic, in the theater. And herself studied playing guitar and piano. Although it began to be late enough, at eight years, but ranked first places in all contests. I studied for three years, and then I decided to quit everything, I'm tired. My parents are democratic people, did not insist. But Mom said: "Jeva, do how you want, however, that day will come when you regret this decision." And I remember him well. I have already been eighteen years old, I returned home and heard my mother plays. At that time she had already done it quite rarely. It was such an incredible, touching, piercing melody that I froze, and tears felt on the eyes. Mom looked at me and asked: "Is that the very day? .. Well, go here, sit down, play what you remember." I have a base in many areas: I was engaged in different sports, danced, drew, but I did not become a professional anywhere. But when I chose an acting profession, I realized that here all my skills will come in handy.

Suit, Studio Sasha; necklace and ring, all - mercury

Suit, Studio Sasha; necklace and ring, all - mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And what exactly did you push you to become an actress?

"I don't know, I always studied well, the final exams passed on" excellent. " Thoughts were and for journalism to flow or for some faculty related to the culture, organization of events. Sitting in the office I would definitely could not. But already finishing school, I met the company of actors, and they asked: "Why don't you want to go to theatrical? Just gaining the course our master, Jonas Waitus, a famous director. " And I decided to try. Listening easily, showed some etudes - for some reason I was sure that I would do. But it was not easy to learn. I was surprised to find that besides me, such a talented and energetic girl, another twenty-one. Competition was serious, and I was not in all the first. When he graduated from a university, I had a couple of performances in the theater, but I didn't know what to do in terms of profession. The film industry in Lithuania is small. And once I woke up in the morning, gathered a small suitcase and flew into London - I really wanted to take a movie. Parents were not even surprised - they were accustomed to wait for surprises from me. But, fortunately, I always had enough mind so as not to get into some dangerous stories.

"I don't know how in Lithuania, and we have students of theatrical universities living fun."

- And our first years student were fun, we wanted to change the world, correct all errors. I lived at the time with my parents, but I had friends in the hostel, and I often came to visit them. And the windows were lazy, and hid from the administrator, and the bottles brought with themselves - everything is like normal students.

- And student love was?

- Sure. The young man was with Cyprus, but lived in London, and I flew to him.

- This has played a role in your move?

"Yes, for the first time I got to London thanks to this person."

- What do you think love helps in the profession?

- Of course, all the actors have their own chest of emotions and experiences - and beautiful, and terrible. Everything goes there, in this piggy bank. That is what normal people are trying to forget faster for us treasures. At the right moment you are "opening" this chest and "pull out" the experience of emotion. A peculiar profession, difficult psychologically. No wonder they say: if you can do something else, do. If not, be an actor.

Coat, Studio Sasha; Earrings and Ring, all - chopard; Necklace, Mercury

Coat, Studio Sasha; Earrings and Ring, all - chopard; Necklace, Mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What are negative emotions related to?

- betrayal of friends, love experiences, disappointment. When the story ends, always sad, lose something, and sometimes it is scary to start a new life. I remember your mistakes too. There are certain acting equipment. For example, we remove the scene, where I run through the woods and you need to portray fear, but I am not scary. I feel like a forest diva, I like all these sounds of the night. And then I use the technique of substitution, I remember some of my terrible experiences, I begin to cry. Sad, this trace remains with you for some time. Why the actors have so many problems - and depressed, and alcohol, because it is not immediately able to let go of your character. Over time, I learned to do it.

- "Mermaids" in which you played a major role, by emotions a strong project?

- Yes very. This is a dramatic story, and many extraordinary events take place along the plot. Find the body of a woman. According to DNA, it is identified as a sister of my heroine Margarita, which, as thought, drowned with a girl fifteen years ago. And it turned out she lived somewhere all these years, the investigation begins. This is a family drama with mystic elements. On the shoulders of Rita lies very big responsibility: she must save everyone too. There is a transformation of its character: it becomes less selfish, more tender, loving, understanding. This is a difficult role, but I am very grateful that it was entrusted to me, it was insanely interesting.

- What is especially remembered?

- Probably underwater scenes. Physically play it hard. The shooting took place in the pool, on the hex-meter depth, at night, in clothes that pulls on the bottom. At the same time, we still need to commit to kissing under water to kiss, imagine. Sycronist Bashchikhi trained us to many tricks, and I insisted that most underwater scenes be filmed without flocks. Water is my element, I adore her since childhood. I can always be found at the river, the sea, it calms me. I swim very well, dive. We had shooting and at sea, and we got into the storm. The entire film crew stood in the headers and warm chickens, and I was in the summer dress. All umbrellas were broken on the beach, and branched branches from trees, and we went to the sea. I confess, it was not easy, but I hope that it turned out a beautiful scene.

Suit, Studio Sasha; Ring and earrings, all - Mercury; Shoes, Jimmy Choo

Suit, Studio Sasha; Ring and earrings, all - Mercury; Shoes, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Is it important for you who is partner?

- Yes of course. On the one hand, you need to see how this man looked in her previous roles. But on the other hand, it is important to live a moment, here and now. I want to come and start with a blank sheet. And I am always for the elements of improvisation, if it allows the director. Specially I watch directing work. This, in my opinion, is even more important than the one who is your partner. Director - Captain of the Ship. Therefore, I want to know his work, technique, barcode, understand what themes you are worried.

- Well, while you are lucky on directors, and on partners. Real stars of Russian cinema were filmed with you: and Konstantin Khabensky, and Alexey Serebryakov, and Kirill Safonov, and Mikhail Efremov, and Peter Fedorov. What impressions of communication are you trying to keep a distance?

- I noticed: the person is more successful and meaning, the easier it is in communication. Maybe there are those who consider themselves the star and does not let me close. All my partners were wonderful: we made friends and helped each other. They have something to learn - just have time to notice and take a note. Now I will also have an interesting project with Vladimir Vdovichenkov - a full meter. And again I enjoy communication with a wonderful, stunning actor. I am always seriously preparing for the role. I remember my amazement when they were asked on my first samples: "Sorry, did you get to see the text?" - "What do you mean - see? I read the script three times, and I have suggestions for the role. " It seems to me that it should be necessary to respect its partners. It happened, the actor comes to samples, not knowing the text, and begins to improvise. And I, for example, I speak Russian for the first year and I can not simpovyize in response, I learned the whole word into word. From this, my chances are reduced to the project.

- Russian You taught myself or went courses?

- No, I didn't go anywhere anywhere, but I read a lot and watched movies in the original language. She taught poems. I am easier for me: I already had a base. And it is still important to have a musical hearing. Thanks Mom's genes, languages ​​are easy to me. I also speak English and German. But even now, six years later in Russia, receiving a scenario, I find two or three new words there.

- Dad, probably very happy. Did he see your films?

"Yes, he rejoices and proud, he is my big fan." But parents always said: "We will be on your side, no matter what happens. Listen to your heart and choose your way. " So, if I were filmed in another country, he would just be happy for me. I will deal with something else - I am sure he will support me. Although dad claims that he always knew that I would be an artist. As a child, I was even stuck to the patch of your mouth so that I would not talk so much. (Laughs.) I started talking very early. Friends of parents came to visit us, I wanted attention to and I, a three-year-old baby, climbed the chair and started to reclaim poems. They laughed and jokingly rushed my mouth a couple of times. But it did not stop me. (Laughs.)

- Now you say that it has become more restrained.

- This came with age. But calmer - a little wrong word. (Laughs.) I have a lot of energy, I try to direct it in the right direction. Previously, I wanted to communicate with everyone, to be friends. Now I pay more attention to loved people, work and our own spiritual development. I share: there are friends and there are friends, real, tested by time.

Dress, beloe zoloto; Earrings and necklaces, all - Mercury; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Dress, beloe zoloto; Earrings and necklaces, all - Mercury; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What can you not forgive people?

- I can forgive everything. I realized that when you're angry and offended, to wear revenge plans, you wander yourself. You hold bad thoughts, negative energy and eat yourself. I forgave everything everyone, I hope they me too. After all, I made mistakes in my life, offended someone, did not fulfill promises. And they also condemned me. I know how hard it is. But only when let's let go of the offense, you can live freely further.

- Does your profession affect the opposite sex?

- The specifics of the profession, of course, imposes an imprint on the relationship: you are leaving on the expedition, you have no house for a long time. Some of my colleagues say that their men are nervous because of the frank scenes. In each my relationship, this question arose, but I always knew how to explain everything competently, I had smart, adequate young people. Of course, no one will rejoice: "Oh, how cool, she has a bed scene with another man!" But the body is just a tool, a case, much more important in the inner world, soul.

- Simply, when a man from the creative sphere?

- It seems to me that it does not matter. It all depends on the level of intelligence, awareness. A person can understand and respect your work. On the contrary, actors, like two emotional people, get enough harder. I sometimes go like a flash - and romantic, and temperamental, growing up something. I need someone smarter, conscious, balanced grabbed my hand, put on the ground and said: "Everything is fine, I'm with you."

- Do you have a young man now?

- No, we did not break up so long ago. But there is an experience - what past relations taught me. Freedom is very important to me, this is the equivalent of the words "trust" for me. No one belongs to anyone and should not. But you, what is called, look in one direction, so you and good together. Partner is not your property, he is not yours, he is with you. And it seems to me not important who earns more who are more beautiful, sports or smarter. You must treat each other in a friendly thing, it is respect and acceptance. This is what I'm looking for in a relationship, and I myself want to learn how to live like that. I think that you do not need to specifically search for any time. Love comes when you are ready for her.

- Tell me, and the History of Moms and Dad is a standard for you?

- As in every family, they had different moments, but they always loved each other. And they have a very beautiful, romantic story of dating. When my dad served in the army, he had a friend Lithuanian, and that sister, and they corresponded with this girl. Then they somehow let them go to the dismissal in Vilnius for one day. It was necessary to spend somewhere somewhere. They wanted to find a hotel, but the girl said that you can stay at her girlfriend. My mom was my mom. And, as Pope told, he fell in love at first sight. Already the next morning, on the road, he began to write a letter to her. He confessed in his feelings and offered to become his wife. Mom replied: "You are a very nice man, but let's get better know each other." And so they began to correspond, flew to each other. But at some point, Mom decided to complete the relationship. Wrote him about it. However, Dad never managed to read the letter - she was ahead of him, flew to Moscow herself. And the most funny, he was just going to read it, but heard the call on the door. Opens - Mom stands on the threshold. Asks: "Did you get my letter? Read? " - "Not yet". - "Do not need. Give! " And everything was decided. And when the question arose about the creation of a family, Dad drove for her mother to another country. He and the shadow of doubt did not arise.

- Are you capable of this?

- I think yes. Stop believing in love ... in life and so much nihilism and cynicism, I do not want to fall there with everyone. Moreover, now the distance of love is not a hindrance. Airplanes fly, and there is an Internet.

- Where would you like to be your home?

- I easily adapt, and you can move freely around the world. For me there is no taboo, I consider myself a man of the world. People are much more important to me, not a place. The place is superficial. The most important thing is that we have in life is another person.

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