Lessons from Donald Trump: Lose several billion dollars and do not fall into depression


To lose a few billion dollars and do not fall into depression: lessons from Donald Dzamppza his long career in business Donald Trump has learned astounding ups and rapid falls. In his book, Trump Kike does not give up, "he tells about his biggest failures - for example, how lost a billion dollars.

Lessons from Donald Trump: Lose several billion dollars and do not fall into depression 56871_1

"What will you do when the whole world starts to argue that everything is over for you? I found myself in such a situation in the early 1990s, when I was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a person who suffered the most significant financial collapse in history. I do not recommend anyone to repeat this segment of my way, but overcoming a complex financial situation gives a certain experience that can be useful to other people.

(...) My situation in the early 1990s looked very deplorable. My duty, which I was not able to pay, was several billion dollars. (...)

For my takeilities were to follow terrible drops.

Well, and this fall would be akin to collapse. (...) In March 1991, Wall Street Journal and New York Times - one and the same day! - published large articles in which the analysis of my situation was given and predicted the full financial collapse that could follow at any time. This story was picked up radio stations. The news about the collapse of my empire was shelled the whole world. Everyone was sure that my song Spet. (...)

It was the hardest moment in my life. Phones in my office were silent - before this never happened. Suddenly, I had a lot of free time, and I could think and evaluate my position objectively. I became clear that in such a situation I was, because I lost the feeling of perspective and believed the stories that I am King Midas, able to turn everything around in gold. In other words, I soil on the laurels - and turned out to be at all where it was supposed to be.

But the idea of ​​surrender to surrender, did not even flax in my head. Night for one second! And that is why I managed to defeat my critics. (...) I do not advise you to dream about going through such stress, but I know firmly:

When you encounter any problems, the best strategy is unwillingness to surrender.

(...) And then it came a turning point when my behavior changed. My economists still remember how once in the evening, when no one had any strength, I gathered them in the conference room. Suddenly, for everyone, I spoke about new projects conceived by me. There were many projects, they were all large. I was in a raised mood, spoke on colorfully and optimistic. People thought that I had done. Perhaps the strongest pressure really caused me hallucinations. But I reached the point after which I had only one way - go ahead! I did not pretend - I was really ready to move on.

(...) As it turned out, it was really a swivel point. We all decided to focus on the decision, and not on the problem - and do it immediately. We got the most important lesson:

Focus not on the problem, but on her decision!

Oddly enough, but looking back, I understand that it is the proximity of full collapse that made me a good businessman and, of course, a more successful entrepreneur. I had to act in order not to be buried alive. I made a bet on what I want to talk to you now. I mean - positive thinking. Believe it works! "

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