Secrets of biorhythms: how to lose weight, doing nothing


Have you noticed that periods of recession and a burst of your vital activity alternate as if on schedule? Surely noticed that sometimes you just can't get up from the sofa - so tired, although you slept, and nothing particularly laborious did. And after an hour a second breath opens, and you are ready to turn the mountains.

It's all about the personal schedule of our body, which varies depending on the time of day. Such ups and downs are really observed every day at the same time. For all this, biorhythms are responsible - the internal watches of our body. This area in medicine began to study not so long ago.

Usually we are trying to cheer themselves with coffee, and because of this, we often use more caffeine than it is necessary. The result is an increased nervousness and heart problems.

We all live according to certain biorhythms

We all live according to certain biorhythms


Based on research and knowledge in the field of biological rhythms, we will make an exemplary plan:

6.00-8.00 - Maximum activity of testosterone in men and raising libido in women.

7.00-10.00 - the time of activity of the stomach, so during this period it is better to make the first meal.

6.00-9.00 - physiological increase in pressure, which reduces the effect of training. The benefits of morning jogging on an empty stomach is a myth!

13.00 -15.00 - The time of active suction in the intestine. Turn on 150 grams of protein (fish, meat, bird), it will be performed in the best way.

16.00-18.00 - It's time to do sports. The fat burning is activated, the glycogen from the muscles is consumed less, the muscles will come faster into the tone. Thirst at this time must be quenched with clean water.

18.00-19.00 - The liver is best metabolized by alcohol and other toxic substances.

18.00-19.00 - Explore the energy reserves with light dinner (vegetables and light proteins). Since digestive enzymes are practically not produced, and the gallbladder and the liver in the passive phase, the last meal must be light and not fat.

19.00-20.00 - The most mobile joints are the perfect time for yoga, pilates or stretching.

0.00-2.00 - Melatonin and somatic hormone is actively produced, which can burn up to 900 kcal per night, provided you sleep at this time.

It is also important and genetics, which is actively developing so that the individual characteristics of the human body can be recognized. Already today you can explore the CLOCK gene and determine the internal clock of the body in a particular person.

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