Agnia Kuznetsova: "Once he married, carrying this cross"


Actress Agni Kuznetsova for a long time went to his female happiness. There were paths and betrayals, and bitter disappointments. As she confessed in an interview, such novels werehed the soul, confusion arose and pain from one thought about love. Meeting with choreographer Maxim Petrov as if he opened a new chapter in her life. It applies to these relationships very seriously: marriage is no longer "butterflies in the stomach", and everyday work. This couple together for almost three years - the guys shared his joyful moments and experiences in a frank conversation with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Very soon you have an anniversary - three years. What feeling come to this date?

Maxim: With a light, sometimes not very, like, probably, in all families. There are good moments, and difficulties. Difficulties are probably concluded that we are both workaholics, we have many projects. My job is mostly in Iceland - I already live in the border for fifteen years, in different countries. Europe does not let me go, so you often go there to fly there.

Agnia: And I work in Moscow, I have shooting, permanent employment in the theater and participation in Reintridge. We often part for a few weeks. And when we meet as now, as if the new honeymoon begins with us, and the trigger goes again.

Maxim: We must pay tribute to Agnes: she understands the situation and let me go. The month of separation is still carried out normally, but when it lasts longer, the wife begins to be nervous.

Agnia: Yes, I demand his arrival either by abolishing some projects and arrive for a couple of weeks. This year was three times in Iceland. Therefore, we have such a bit of Gypsy.

- Have you met for a long time before the wedding?

Agnia: We met in March 2015 at the charity show of the project "Dancing with the Stars", together prepared the number. At Easter, in April, we had the first date, in July Max made me an offer, and on September 16, we got married.

Maxim and Agnia did not have long to check their feelings: got married six months after dating

Maxim and Agnia did not have long to check their feelings: got married six months after dating

Photo: Personal archive of Agni Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

- It turns out, in many respects it was an emotional solution?

Agnia: On my part yes. I fell in love. And when a person is fond of me, I will take it by any ways. I understand that it was not quite a female sounded, but he did the proposal after all. (Laughs.)

Maxim: I am a little older than Agnes. And I already had a clear understanding that I want a family. You can work all my life, the generation of guys-dancers, which I train, are replaced, and the thought is creepy: "And when will you arrange your destiny?" I realized that it was time already, besides, I had clear criteria, what kind of woman I want to see next. We had time with Agnia to communicate to understand how it represents the future family life. I want to be like my parents - together once and forever.

Agnia: I do not want to offend anyone, probably, different situations happen when you need to divorce: for example, if the men's doctor, hesitates the money for gambling or goes to the left. And if there are no serious problems, since I got married - live, carry this cross, clamp. Do you know that in ancient in Ukraine, newlyweds put on the neck of a horse horsepower? This is a symbol that now they are together in one harness. And the tradition was traditional: the bride was crying before the wedding. And this also has some truth: you associate fate with a person, carrying and his burden. I do not want to say that everything is hard and bad in marriage, but if the girl believes that endless pleasure is waiting for her, it is not. You join to work on relationships together, to sacrifice something, compromise. Love as a flower, followed by, watered, begins to flourish gradually. At the first stage you have a passion, hormones, but this is just the beginning. So nature is intended to ensure that the woman and man are connected. The most important thing begins later.

- Cross ... how seriously. You did not scare this position, Maxim?

Maxim: Probably, I just lacked a person who would send me. I had a relationship, of course, but it was not a clear position: how and what to work on. Looking for - looking for, trying to find something better, and so you can never find. Agnia Law: Relationships need to be built.

Agnia: You say so, as if at all I did not fall in love with me ...

Maxim: Of course, there were feelings, love, but there were also concrete principles of vital. All I wanted to see in a woman, I found in Agniya: devotion, loyalty, mutual understanding, and I liked that she was also from the creative sphere.

Agnia: Add more that you wanted a Russian wife. Maxim lived in Iceland, and all his brides from there. But they did not wait for their hands and heart offers. (Laughs.)

Maxim: When I found out that Agnia is also a Sibiryachka, there is a puzzle and fell asleep. We are neighbors almost: I'm from Barnaul, she is from Novosibirsk. Our families are like, and both we arrived to conquer Moscow. Just achieved yourself without having any friends, nor connections. In general, I thought, we will understand each other.

Agnia: Only you wanted a blonde wife. I know you always liked blonde girls.

Maxim: Yes, I did not want a blonde! (Laughs.) Then, the beauty is such a thing ... only at the first stage works, and then there should be a location to a person. To have something to talk about what is called. (Laughs.)

- Maxim, and you dance all the conscious life do?

Maxim: No, I was engaged in sports all my life, and the dances appeared in it quite late. At first I entered the Cultural College to the Dance Faculty. I started serious steps to do only at nineteen years, but already at the age of twenty for twenty years old became a master of sports on dancing. Our couple was one of the best in Russia, we held prizes in the competition.

Agnia Kuznetsova:

Now in the role of Agnes not only the tragic roles. In the comedy "Girls do not give up"

- Now a man who dances, it's like an earlier guy with a guitar.

Agnia: First guy in the village. (Laughs.)

Maxim: In fact, at first I hid it. In Russia, especially in the outback, was not considered as a big plus that the man dances. Rather, the opposite. It now has an interest in dancing. Especially abroad it is valued and paid worthy.

- Did you know something about actress Agni Kuznetsova?

Maxim: Not. But when Agnia and I began to train together, my mother said: "Do you know that Agnia Sibiryachka?" She tracks everything, the series looks, the magazines reads - aware of the life of celebrities. (Smiles.)

Agnia: At this show, Maxim danced with my friend Valery Guy Germany, and before we started rehearsing our number, we met at the birthday of her daughter. And before that, Lera in absentia Maxima told me any pleasant things about me. So she also played a role in our fate.

- Agnia was filmed in several films Germanians. Have you seen something, Maxim?

Maxim: I saw "everything will die, but I will stay", "Yes, and yes." By the way, I looked at him a day before our meeting with Agnia.

Agnia: How interesting, you did not tell me about it! That is, at first you saw me on the screen naked, and then I had already made my choice. (Laughs.)

Maxim: Agnia differently looked on the screen, and then some little girl came, very positive, energetic, with everyone easily communicated. But it was a fleeting acquaintance, the evening ended, and all ran through their affairs. And in two weeks, they reported that the project for participation in a charity show comes Agnia Kuznetsov.

Agnia: It seems to me that first noted that we like each other, our choreographer Paul.

Maxim: No wonder he was so often late for training. (Laughs.)

- Where did you go to the first date?

Agnia: The first date, as I said, it turned out for Easter. I went to church, on the procession. The vigil service ended late, at two nights, and Maxim sat all this time and waited for me in the restaurant.

Maxim: I will explain. We had such a tradition with the guys: every ether of "dances with the stars" we noted. And since people are very emotional dancers, I understood that the party would be noisy. Therefore, I decided to change the location to quietly chat with Agnia alone. I confess, at that time did not make anything. I felt that she was a good man, but I had no relationship at a distance. I did not want these flights again, talking on the phone.

Agnia: For three hours he was waiting for me at the bar, tired, got drunk.

- That is, communication failed.

In the first year of living together a couple traveled a lot: they were on the list of their tourist routes and Europe, and the Maldives, and Altai

In the first year of living together a couple traveled a lot: they were on the list of their tourist routes and Europe, and the Maldives, and Altai

Photo: Personal archive of Agni Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

Maxim: Why? We sat very well, talked to souls. Then I spent Agnia to home and, I ask to see, hanalently left.

Agnia : And otherwise I could not. (Laughs.) And then we went together to Omsk at the film festival, I invited Maxim.

- Agnia, you did not scare the prospect of relationships at a distance? And now you have a guest marriage.

Agnia : No, in no case, I will not call our marriage guest. Of course, in the fact that we do not see some time, there are its advantages, we have time to miss, but still we are working great work on living together. Compared with the first year, we spend much more time together. And then, maybe I will take a creative vacation. We think about the prospect of living on two countries, work here, in Russia, and in Iceland. Guest marriage is when people do not live under one roof, only meet. We also have an apartment in Moscow, and in Iceland, and we plan to live outside the city - so we are working on the creation of your generic nest.

Maxim: For us, it is probably even well sometimes to part. I lived one for a long time, and the first year was quite complicated for me, I wanted a personal space. I am a dip from many things.

- Do you mean household habits? Something had to change?

Maxim: I think I'm an ideal husband! I don't need to care for me, I am very independent. And I can't prepare Agniya, I can't try it myself to surprise me with some culinary masterpieces.

Agnia: But at the same time, it means that the house shines purity, and for lunch was the first, second and compote. It seems to me that every man in the genetic level has laid down that a woman creates comfort, she is a keeper of a homely hearth. Many would rather prefer the wife to work, the economy was engaged. I know such couples, where the husband is very displeased with the fact that the actress's wife spends a lot of time in the film and the moment and the moment of jealousy is present.

Maxim : In my opinion, jealousy arises from self-satisfaction. Personally, I do not understand how a person can close at home, to deprive him of self-realization. Especially if you see that man is talented. I can say that Agnia loves his profession for all one hundred. And she has so much energy that it must be developed and engaged in creativity. I myself like this: Zakiseu without work. It seems to me when the wife sits at home, it is very sad and not in modern.

- Are you at home discussing the premieres of Agnes, her work?

Agnia: Maxim somehow does not particularly find a desire to go to my premieres. My fan is dad.

Maxim: Yes, I saw all your performances! In fact, I would like Agniya more thanks to your work. I want to know the details: how were the samples that she was told. And she will burgle in a nutshell: "Everything is fine!" Or: "I was not approved" - and that's it.

Agnia: Seven years ago, one person said me: "What about communicating with you, with actresses? You, besides your profession, do not see anything. " And I remembered it. In fact, I myself have noticed more than once: there are actors who are only talking about themselves: where they were filmed, from which director, in which festivals what awards received, where they were not approved. It's just impossible! It is necessary to be an interesting interlocutor, with a wide range so that no one can guess what your profession is.

And now young people do not sit on site

And now young people do not sit on site

Photo: Personal archive of Agni Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

- Agnia, and you see changes in your acting amplua, roles that offer?

Agnia: Yes, I played in the series "Amber Eye Tiger", which should go on the first channel, a family lady, who already has children. My "screen husband" was Pavel Prilum. And now I have a new project - I will play my mother of a nine-year-old girl. That is, I turn a little into the rank of heroines, which are no longer a girl, difficult teenagers, and approach the thirty age. But they are also like that, with nerves, these women.

- And at STS not so long ago, you left the comedy "Girls do not surrender." A completely new genre for you.

Agnia: Yes, it is a comedy, but at the same time it is very lyrical, romantic. This is not a tick, where you can dull to portray. There is such a powerful love line of my heroine of Masha and the surgeon, which Kirill Safonov plays. Between them initially can not be anything in common. They even do not fit each other. She looks at him from the bottom up and in the straight, and in the figurative sense of the word, he is very high. We are Cyril Couple, which is completely not mounted visually, and it also plays a role. I looked at him from the bottom of my eyes in love with glasses, and he is such a heart, a womanizer, Lovelaks.

- Cyril in his role ...

Agnia: He is a stunning actor who, what is called, works with a sheet. He has a wonderful sense of humor and incredible charm, male charisma. Of course, you can fall in love ... in the frame ... and not only. (Laughs.) I understand why our spectators adore him.

- Maxim, well, at least a flasher of jealousy appeared?

Maxim: No, I trust Agnes. And then, I came, I met her from filming.

Agnia: We have no kisses with Cyril on the script. And I would sometimes even wanted Maxim me. This is very rarely happening, it is necessary to somehow play it.

- Agnia, are you jealous when he is so far with his project?

Agnia: He now had a show, analogue of "dances with the stars" in Iceland. And his partner was Johanna - the singer, who held the second place on Eurovision. Gorgeous woman, very spectacular, beautiful. Moves like a goddess. And I understood that they were in close contact every day for several hours. But I was not jealous of Johanne, I was jealous to the project. To the fact that Maxim pays a lot of time work and does not engage in our family matters. Even call sometimes can not.

Maxim: As a rule, I try to find time for calls close to, but here it was deliberately isolated, set a goal to win. I have this third project, and Johanna is a very strong partner, I realized that we can become the first. And it happened! But I had to work hard. I lost weight by eleven kilograms during this time, weighed eighty-three when we started training. On the day of the show, I did not take the phone at all - set myself ... and Agnia, of course, a couple of times arranged to me the scene. But she is right, and I apologized.

But while they have to live into two countries: Iceland and Russia

But while they have to live into two countries: Iceland and Russia

Photo: Personal archive of Agni Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

- Agnia somehow said in an interview that the marriage limits a person, and this is good, because otherwise it will turn into a pig. I laughed very much.

Agnia: I meant that the marriage limits from sexual promiscuity. Husband with his wife focused on each other, make love with each other. With a good wife, a man will not go left, look for some incomprehensible ties. It seems to me that the marriage retains a person, saves from the blud. There are, of course, such men who walk, but this is the same disease as alcoholism, for example.

Maxim: I immediately said that I don't see anything criminal in Flirt, I like beautiful women. But I always feel the edge where it should stop. When there is trust between the spouses, I do not want to betray. And I myself do not want to be disappointed. After all, I myself made my choice.

Agnia: Oh, Max, if you were not yet so boring! He loves to raise: do not smoke, do not bother when you sit at the table, the form has lost, go to the gym, throw the muscles. Sits in him a teacher for dancing, which all says.

Maxim: I have a great family, I take an example from my parents.

Agnia: Well, I don't think your dad saw mom.

Maxim: Mom peer dad. (Laughs.)

Agnia: Maxim dad is a wonderful person, clean, lightweight, positive, with a sense of humor. I can not imagine, so that he got it: "Lida, why is the plate not so worth it?" I would also marry such a dad. Max is like him, only when he has a very good mood. (Laughs.)

- Do you have a recipe, how to quickly reduce the conflict for not?

Maxim: Probably the most valuable quality in our couple is that we quickly cool down. I - for sure.

Agnia: But the first goes to put up Agnia. There is one way to not bring to the conflict: not to answer the rudeness in response, but simply squeeze your teeth and silence until Max spoke. But then he really cools immediately. Another option: Wrap everything in a joke, show a sense of humor. Sometimes we will manage to quarrel, even being in different countries. Can you imagine how hard it is? And here we will argue, and I take the Boss, our cat, and dressing it, doing a funny photo, and Max send. He immediately thaws.

- Agnia, how important do you are important signs of your husband?

Agnia : I am spoiled by this, though, perhaps, and not spoiled. Yes, cute, I miss tenderness. I want you to approach me, hugged.

Maxim: Here you are confessing how difficult it is to make concessions. And I feel this inner power. You be softer yourself.

Agnia: But he gives the bouquets often, always meets me with flowers after the performance. And I know that it will be something special, not banal roses. And in terms of gifts, my husband does not refuse me.

Agnia Kuznetsova:

"All I wanted to see in a woman, I found in Agniya: devotion, loyalty, mutual understanding"

Photo: Personal archive of Agni Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov

- Some time ago wrote that Agnia is waiting for the firstborn. How did you react to similar publications?

Agnia: In the first year of our collaboration, I relaxed somewhat: I worked a little, we traveled. I just ate, slept, rested and recovered in the end for a few keel. Fifty-nine kilograms have weighed while heighting one hundred sixty, and now about forty-nine. I even had a cheek did not fit into the frame. (Laughs.) I remember, then I was filmed in the military film "And the dawns here are quiet," and there was such a text: "Starshina says: eat, and then lose weight, like Grac." This text had to be cut. (Laughs.) And when we came with Maxim to secular events, I tried to wear a free cut dress to hide the completeness. Therefore, everyone decided that I was pregnant. As you can see, not yet, but we strive to have a real family, with children. God will give, we have a child. In general, in my opinion, the family should be big. I understand that I have been thirty-three years old and I hardly face three-four children. And since I am against artificial manipulations, I am thinking about to take a child from the orphanage. I bow to couples who adopt kids who have fallen into a difficult situation and raise them as their own. This is a great thing. No wonder there is a proverb: "You are not a building with a temple, you are an estate." For God, this is the greatest and useful thing that can be done. For me, all children are the same, everyone needs love.

Maxim: In any case, I want my children. Agnyusha, you look like this is to be a mom, and then you already accept the decision, to take a baby to adoption.

Agnia: Still, it is necessary that the child be in the family is not alone. We have a brother about the age of ten years. When I went to Moscow, he just began to grow up. Only now, when he shouted twenty-three, we began to communicate. We have a very close relationship, and I would have another sister ... and at Maxim a very powerful clan in Altai: Brother, cousins, nephews - there is a huge family.

- Are you kompaniy people?

Agnia: Max is very, I'm not.

Maxim: I am directly suffering from it. Sometimes I want to meet with friends, chat, but time and so little on the family, so you have to sacrifice something. I look forward to a new project of our country life: here we will arrange kebabs, invite friends.

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