Summer-autumn season of retrograde Mercury: a period of errors and breakdowns comes


Mercury is the main planet in astrology responsible for communications, information and intellectual tasks. Mercury is the main component of our interaction with society, because it is for solving social problems that we need to communicate, explain, receive information, interact, cycling the power of the thought process. And retrogradity is the phase of the Movement of the planet when it slows down. From the ground, it seems that it begins to fall back, conventionally returning to the path already passed, plunging into the past, hence the prefix "Retro". In such periods, the universe makes it possible to correct their past mistakes or refine what was abandoned. Regarding Mercury, this is due to any information sources, papers, training, communication, friends and acquaintances. But all the astrologers unconditionally identified statistics that misconceptions, errors and breakdowns are exacerbated. Perhaps this happens in order to force a person to revise something in his information field and surroundings. It is necessary to pay attention to the situation at which it happened ...

This year, Mercury was already retrograde from March to April, but it did not stop and continue to complicate us a little communication in the summer, from July 26 to August 19 , and late autumn, from November 17 to December 7 . But already two days before and after these dates, it is better not to take anything important. It is believed that all actions, symbolically corresponding to Mercury, after returning the planet to the direct (usual) state, we will have to correct. And by experience, indeed, such cases are often frequent.

What I advise not to do In these periods to avoid small trouble as much as possible:

- Do not buy various techniques (information carriers, telephones, household appliances) and cars. According to statistics, increased risk of breakdowns and returns due to marriage. It is better to wait for the end of the period.

- Do not start any important learning cycles associated with a completely new discipline for you. Perhaps, after the start of the training, you will break or you reconsider your views.

- Do not run any powerful promotions to attract new customers and connections, Networking. New people may be useless.

- Do not appoint very important documents or transactions in these dates. And if you were assigned, then browse each page to avoid annoying errors, which then have to be corrected.

In connection with the last item, the registration of firms and business is better to postpone for this period.

What remains to us do In these periods:

- Restore and improve your old or used equipment and car.

- Renew all projects and learning cycles that you started and abandoned. For example, add a long-started article or dorisite the picture. And you can also increase the qualifications of familiar discipline. And buy well to buy courses or webinars with discounts or in stock.

- It is useful to ring up old customers, make an e-mail distribution on the old base, return people from the past. By the way, during this period, they most likely will appear before you.

- It is also favorable to work out any problems of the past or subconscious blocks, correct your shortcomings and abandon the bad habits.

- You can clear your space from destructive information and useless people. Clean the notebook, archives and throw out unnecessary papers and outdated information for you.

- If you deal with papers, armor, tickets, contracts, recheck everything very carefully. Do not spare your time. Book the flights and hotels in advance.

By the way, I have my own astrological lifehak, How to "deceive" Mercury . In order for the energy of retrogradity to be symbolically implemented, you can completely deliberately and specifically spoil something, confuse, break themselves. For example, put the signature on the document not in the place, confuse the address or destination, spoil the unnecessary technique. Of course, the situation must be as minor as possible. Do not risk with a presentation before a multimillion deal.

Such little tricks discard the situation and distract the attention of a vigilant mercury.

As you can see, you can remain active and productive and in the period of retrogradity. The main thing is to know how this period can be used for myself.

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