Stars together with children baked pies


Little patients of the Scientific Center for Health of the RAMS, gathering in one of the metropolitan children's cafes, put on the aprons and armed with the necessary kitchen inventors to fight in a friendly culinary duel. Supports of the guys and to participate in unusual competitions came the stars of sports: the 2002 Olympic Games champion in the race for 50 kilometers Mikhail Ivanov, European Champion Anna Sidorova, Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games of 2008 on Basketball Svetlana Abrosimova, Russian tennis player, two-time champion of Russia Nadezhda Guskova . Also visited the kids on this day and Yuri Bashmet, Actress Irina Bezrukov, Alexander Lazarev-ml., Alena Hmelnitskaya actress, Sogdian's singer and others. Celebrities monitored the actions of kids creating various goodies, and at the event that they tried to help them.

Stars together with children baked pies. .

Stars together with children baked pies. .

And after a moment, the real Olympiad began. The stars took the guys under their reliable wing, headed four teams that had to make a certain time as many pies with stuffing. Each team became the winner in different nominations: "The most creative pie", "in the best traditions", "for performance" and "strong command spirit".

Nadezhda Guskov with children. .

Nadezhda Guskov with children. .

The culmination of the event was the solemn compound of the Olympic rings, personifying the reunification of caring people regardless of age, gender and social status.

At the end of the holiday, the children also did not miss the opportunity to take pictures with celebrities and ask them the questions of interest, many of which, by the way, were about cooked patties: the babies worried, whether they did it. Stars, of course, praised young culinary in one voice and thanked them for the efforts.

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