Alcoholic wife: how to get rid of dependence


Why does alcoholism arise? Specialists call several reasons for the problem.

1. Genetic predisposition. It is no secret that the children of parents grow often grow, who also love to drink.

How to solve the problem? Before getting married, get acquainted with the family of the groom and think again, do you agree to such risks?

2. Environment of a man. If a husband has a drinking friends who are constantly called to sit with them in the bar or go to merry fishing, the love of alcohol will be constantly supported by the opportunity. And therefore, the likelihood that your man will throw a drink, quite small.

How to solve the problem? Offer another form of leisure. If he wants to communicate with friends, invite them home and arrange a party. It is desirable with the complete absence of alcohol. In any case, you yourself will control the amount of drunk. And most importantly, do not give in persuasion to drink together.

3. Lack of favorite hobbies, goals in life. It is the impossibility of answering the question exactly why and for what, leads to the fact that the man begins to fill out the emptiness alcohol.

How to solve the problem? To go along with her husband to a psychologist-narcologist or he can attend a specialist alone. The expert will help to deal with the psychological need to drink and prompt the solutions. You can also offer your husband to make a love welfare for him. If your favorite hobby takes the top, the man can and at all forget about his bad habit.

4. Alcohol addiction requiring treatment. It arises after a certain "experience" at the drinker. Such a disease, unfortunately, almost always treat specialists and drugs.

Marianna Abavitova

Marianna Abavitova

What do psychologists say?

Incredibly, but it turns out that his own wife is often guilty in alcoholism! Candidate of Psychological Sciences Marianna Abavitova believes that the influence of a woman in this question is primary.

"It is clear that drinking is bad, it interferes with family relations. But such people themselves find each other. There is even such a psychological term as the "Alcoholic Wife" - a co-dependent woman. It turns out that such a woman can make an alcoholic from the nonbeid man, unconsciously leading it to it. Therefore, my advice: go together to a narcologist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, which is treated as an alcoholic, like a treating partner.

As a rule, these women do not leave the husbands of alcoholics and pull this strap. They are bits, they are sponsored by this alcoholism - give all that earn. Strengthen, crying children suffer. But such women usually do not throw husbands. Because if there is no such husband, then the meaning of life is lost - to be a victim. If life develops so that such a union breaks down or ends in connection with the death of a husband, then usually these women attract the same men to their lives and make alcoholics from normal husbands. "

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