Express preparation for the season of bikini


Orange question

If the winter season allows girls to hide the flaws of the shape under deaf sweaters and long skirts, then light summer dresses, shorts and especially swimsuits only emphasize possible imperfections. However, it is necessary to understand what we are ready to paint "imperferences". We will not touch the weight category, because in the end this is a matter of taste and preferences. But, without exception, the young lady with his own black list, in which numerous problems are recorded, there is a general paragraph called "Cellulite".

The harsh statistics reads: almost ninety percent of women are familiar with the "orange crust", as the unattractive tubercles and irregularities are delicately called. The presence of this specific type of fatty deposits is absolutely independent of weight and physique. Moreover, there are often cases when weightless lips are against cellulite unsuccessful struggle, and in the meantime the campaign ladies know do not know about the sensational problem.

It is enough difficult to understand the mechanisms of the appearance of malicious "crust" without a detailed immersion into scientific terminology. Overnight and depressions in strategically important places (belly, hip and butter zone) - the result of the microcirculation disorders in the subcutaneous fat layer. But even those who studied all the complex algorithms do not still answer the question of how to prevent the problems or get rid of them.

I discovered the first signs of cellulite to remember: there is no such disease in the medical practice, and therefore we are not treated, but the elimination of cosmetology imperfections. Girls who can take themselves with all their shortcomings may not worry about their own health. Orange peel is not hurt, it does not harm and affects the psychological state of a person. By the way, almost until the end of the 20th century, carefree women did not consider hips and irregularities at all on the hips and buttocks the problem, nor medical or aesthetic. And some experts still insist: moderate manifestation of cellulite - the norm for an adult woman, meanwhile his complete absence can be a symptom of hormonal disorders.

By the way, it was the game of hormones called one of the main reasons for the manifestation of this female trouble. Change of hormonal status (sexual ripening, pregnancy, intake of oral contraceptives) can lead to the appearance of low-rotor tubercles. Among other catalysts are all the same stresses, smoking, unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

We tear the covers

It is meaningless and useless to fight with its own nature: sooner or later, one way or another cellulite will manifest itself. Our task is to minimize the visual effect of this cosmetology flaw. Disappointing those who hopes to transform from the pupa to the butterfly and at the same time absolutely avoiding physical exertion and does not control the power. Unfortunately, it will not be changed without hard work. Exception of this rule - radical surgical interventions.

Each who wondered to hone the silhouette and smooth the relief of the body of the body, there are several important levels of improvement. First of all, you need to stabilize the weight and get rid of extra kilograms. We are talking about the parameters that are comfortable for you: to focus on the standards of beauty that are broadcast from the podiums, it is absolutely not worth it.

As for the diet, there are several rules and taboos, which we do not get tired of talking. Whatever excellent metabolism you have, fast food, snacks, semi-finished products and other sources of "fast" carbohydrates sooner or later will make their job. In order to eat right, quite thirty minutes in the morning - during this time you can cook useful and light lunch. Yogurts, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry - the basis of the ration of the one who seeks to a beautiful figure. Remember the sufficient amount of water - drink at least two liters per day in small portions. A competent diet will put the metabolism in order, and this will be the first victory on the way to the perfect body.

The next step is the choice of the type of sports loads that fit your body and temperament. Someone prefers classes in the pool (aquaeerobics and long-term swimming) are in progress. Yoga and Pilates will help lead to harmony not only physical, but also sincere state. If you are struggling with overweight, reset kilograms carefully and gradually: otherwise, the skin will lose elasticity and tone.

The use of massage and cosmetics against "orange peel" cause a skeptical smile from some cosmetologists. Nevertheless, most specialists are confident: without tough-mittens and anti-cellulite scrubics, it would be much more difficult to achieve the desired effect. Peelings based on coffee cake, walnut shells, honey or grape seeds will improve blood circulation in problem areas, therefore, accelerate the metabolism and will not give fluids stagnate and form inesticular tubercles. It is important to understand that no most effective scrub in itself can erase the thighs of irregularities - all products with the prefix "Anti-cellulite" work exclusively in the complex.

Making a choice in favor of purchased tools, carefully study their composition. Among the active ingredients that are able to visually smooth the skin, caffeine and birch extract (eliminate the stagnant liquid and prevents its further accumulation), the extracts of the pine crust (has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect), citrus essential oils and brown algae. Often, cooling (menthol or mint) is present in anti-cellulite products) or warming (cinnamon, red pepper) substances that locally activate metabolic processes. It is absolutely necessary to accompany the application of any creams and gels at least a short massage. After a month of persistent beauty manipulations, you will see the result - the tone and the tour will improve, the relief is leveled, the silhouette will pull up.

In the tedious pursuit of perfect skin, many girls absolutely ignore the decorative arsenal - shimmers and body oils adding radiance. Very vain: microscopic golden and bronze particles visually smooth out the shortcomings, emphasize the beautiful tan or artificially create it. Be sure to use fluids, fragrant mistas and sprays that are refreshing, moisturize and soften the skin, it will also significantly help the main anti-cellulite program, and will become a pleasant and sensual addition to it.

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