In search of the Golden Cockerel: where to find a symbol of the year


Year of the rooster procuer. It's time to look for protection and patronage from a new year symbol. Fortunately, this bird is readable in many countries, and the monuments of Petukhu have around the world. You can choose the country you like and go there to convey hello to the patron of the year.


As is known, the rooster is a symbol of France, since the initial name of the country - Gallium - comes from the Latin word "Gulza", which means both the "Galov tribe", and "rooster". Gallic rooster was concerned about the coins of France, and on its emblem. An image of this bird everywhere can be found in the form of bas-reliefs on various buildings. The rooster is also a symbol of the National Olympic Committee of France. So all sporting events take place under his sign. Gold plated Gallic rooster is an element of the decoration of the fleet of the Elysees Palace. The most famous monument to this bird is installed in the French city of Sizun.


This country also read the rooster as its symbol. True, the legend of fried rooster from Barcelusha was based on the basis. According to the legend, in the XVII century, a terrible injustice was not accomplished in this city: the local judge sentenced to hanging in any no obey person. In the last word, the accused exclaimed: "If I'm innocent, then let the roasted rooster fit when they hang me!" At the time of bringing execution to the execution of the fried rooster on the table, the judges really jumped up and began to squeeze. Innocent was saved. Since then, the rooster from Barcelusch became a symbol not just the city, but also the whole country - as an personification of justice. And the stone monument with the image of the rooster, the judges and sentence decorates the main square of Barcelusha. The figures of the black and red rooster in Portugal can be bought in each souvenir shop.


Cuba also has a place where there is a legend about the sales judge. Accordingly, there is here and its monument to the rooster. It is located in the city of Moron, which also has an unofficial name: the city of Rooster. First, the monument to Rooshu was standing at the southern gate of the city. But since 1981, he settled on the main urban Avenid-Taraf Avenue.


In this country there are whole two famous monuments of Petukhu. One that is quite logical is located in the city of Bremen. Of course, here the rooster is only part of the composition "Bremen Musicians". This beloved by all the monument stands on the central square of the city near the town hall. The rooster, as it should be, at the very top of the pyramid, consisting of the heroes of the famous fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. The monument is made to make a desire. And this year, I think the composition will have a special miraculous force.

The second Knutchu monument in Germany is located in the city of Münster. According to the legend, the rooster of Münster saved the city from a long siege. It happened, however, thanks to whether tricks, whether the owner of the bird. In the XVI century, the city was in the rings of enemies. After a long siege in Münster, it was almost no food left, and the enemies remained only to wait, when the godded gods, the gates themselves. But one resident who remained a living rooster, decided to release him to take a walk along the fortress wall. According to another version, the owner decided to weld soup out of the last rooster, but he broke out and was on a high wall. Be that as it may, but the invaders, seeing the bird that calmly walks along the bastions, having worked out with his cry, decided that in the city there is plenty of food, and removed the siege. The townspeople noted the merit of the rooster, who saved the city, perpetuating him in stone.


Bulgarians decided to perpetuate the rooster just for the fact that he drowshes the darkness and calls on the sun. The monument to this bird is installed in the city of Gabrovo - on a high hill. Thousands of tourists go to this city to touch the cock. By belief, it brings good luck.


Finns celebrated the merits of the rooster as a symbol of the Fazer chocolate company, setting a bronze monument "Petukhu Phasera" on the pedestrian street Levuvikat in Stockholm. The sculpture appeared in the Finnish capital to the century of the foundation of this famous chocolate company in 1991. This is the most original monument to "Kukarek", since the sculptor Bjorn Vecherre depicted it in the form of a vertebral skeleton with wings. Elk is the most popular hoof in Finland. So I combined the author two characters in one creation.


In the capital of Norway Oslo there is a monument to a whole cock family. It is called "Chicken Fountain". The composition of granite and bronze, depicting an important rooster in the company of two chickens, is simultaneously a fountain. Near him love to be photographed tourists. Of course, to lose it the cocks of the scallop for good luck is very difficult: there is a square pool around the chicken family. However, the photo can be a good talisman.


In the capital of Sweden Stockholm, on the contrary, a monument to Petukhu still needs to be searched. But if you try, then in one of the courtyards of the Old Town - near the Swedish Institute and the Royal Treasury - you can find a small sculpture of this gorge bird. The name and feat of this rooster are unknown, but, like his other sculptural congor, this year the monument will be popular.


But in the Turkish city of Denizli near the famous tourist town of Pamukkale about the merits of his beloved rooster of the local breed know all residents. Local roosters are famous for their loud cry and beautiful color. Denizli's black and white and red-brown roosters were recognized as National Tourism. And the Kukaraken of the Denizlie Rooster is not even crying, but singing. And singing this is divided into four types: wolf, heroic, lung, lion. Every year in the city there are contests of singing roosters. It is clear that the residents of Denizli have long perpetuated their favorite in the monument.


In Vietnam there is a whole chicken village of Latvo. At the entrance to this settlement there is a huge concrete statue of the rooster. The bird decided to perpetuate the countries for merits in the country's food security. It is the chickens who became the main product of food during the Vietnam War. And they were grown in small villages like Latvo.


In Russia, in honor of the rooster, they call entire settlements. The most famous, of course, the city of Petushki Vladimir region. But the monument to the cockerel at the entrance here only may appear. Prior to this, the sculpture stood near the House-Museum of Levitan. The monument to the rooster specifically for the Petushinsky district was made by Vladimir Sculptor Vladimir Chernoglazov. Another option for its accommodation is in the city center, the restaurant "Fairy Tale".

The 170-centimeter rooster of toned copper will appear this year and in Belgorod. Sculpture of authorship Anatoly Shishkov is ready, but while it is in the exhibition hall. And only then, perhaps, will find its place in any remarkable corner of Belgorod.

And in the Perm region, the monument to Kuchitsa has already found his place: a concrete bas-relief with the image of Cherchka is installed at the entrance to the village of Bischtskoe, where there is a poultry farm from the times of well-developed socialism.

There is your miraculous rooster and in Moscow. The bronze cockerel is part of one of the compositions at the metro station "Revolution Square". It is believed that this crested brings wealth to the house. Therefore, it is easy to find on a light golden ridge shining like a coin after the attachment of hundreds of thousands of hands.

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