Talk about sex - Nightmare # 1. How not to be afraid to say "about it"?


Talk about sex - Nightmare # 1. How not to be afraid to say

Faced with the reluctance of the partner to say "about this", it is important to understand - the situation is quite realistic; The main thing is to act, gradually performing steps in the right direction - let and small.

To begin with, imagine the worst event of the development of events, then terrible, what, in your opinion, can put an attempt to talk about sex. Surely, this "terrible" will be a complete misunderstanding of you with your half, which is than thanks to a stormy fantasy - very soon will lead to a complete rupture of relations. However, if the conversation on intimate topics will actually lead to parting - then maybe it was just not your person? After all, truly loving and dedicated to you partner will not exactly leave you because of the simple fear of conversation on any topics. If communication for sexual topics is frightened first of all possible awkwardness, then try to see with your half some good erotic film (let both in the silence of silence). For this, such a classic painting, as the "Last Tango in Paris", "9 and a half weeks" or "Main Instinct" will be suitable. Quite the "innocent" discussion of their plot will inevitably affect both bed scenes, and this is practically the very conversations about sex that will easily translate into the right channel of your relationship. And now I would seem to be removed!

There is another way to destroy the fear of communication for sexual topics - this is the exchange of roles. If you can't decide on such conversations, but constantly dominate the relationship in relationships, try to give the "Brazdes of the Board" to your partner - perhaps he will be able to do what I could not have managed, easily and unnoticed, which will only benefit your relationship. By the way, he often taboo on the conversation "About this" - a consequence of a stereotype, according to which it is not necessary to talk about sex in principle - they only need to do. Thus, communication for sexual topics is automatically becoming something wrong - however, in relations in principle there can be nothing wrong! They are an endless field for knowing each other, and some restrictions here simply have nothing to do.

Finally, imagine that the "Forbidden" conversations for you about sex is a kind of sexy experiment. You are not afraid to make love in the afternoon, not at night? You do not scare a perspective to move together with a partner with a bed on a table or carpet? Then do not be afraid and saying "about it" - after all, in sex, the main thing is that the "process" itself brings with all his countless grains to both partners, and any experiments go here only to favor.

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