Himself paparazzi: the stars turned into secular chronicles


The most terrible nightmare of any star is to stay without a smartphone at a party. And the point here is not at all the calls of particular importance, but in the ability to do Selfie and lay out them in social networks. A few months ago, one British teenager diagnosed a serious nervous breakdown, the reason for which was unsuccessful chase for the perfect selfie. Among our celebrities have not yet been noted such cases, but you can envy the diligence of local stars. At the recent "Kinotavra" Womanhit constantly watched the scenes of self-activity.

Sitor Aliyev, Anna-Tsukanova Cott and Alexander Cott. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Sitor Aliyev, Anna-Tsukanova Cott and Alexander Cott. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Probably, Artele Tkachenko does not give rest to the famous star Selfie from the Oscar award ceremony. At the closure of the "Cinevian", the actor gathered around him a company of his very famous colleagues and tried to take a picture. What is important, without releasing a bottle of champagne from the hands.

Sitor Aliyev, Anna-Tsukanova Cott and Alexander Cott, waiting for the beginning of the ceremony, perform an important social function: to report where they, with whom and what are busy.

Ravzhana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Ravzhana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

In Selfie do not refuse. It knows Ravshan Kurkova, which is ready for beautiful gestures and smiles, not even in the most convenient situation. Her boyfriend Ilya Bachurin excessive optimism does not show, but also not turns away.

Yuri Kolokolnikov more often than others rented the guests of the festival. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Yuri Kolokolnikov more often than others rented the guests of the festival. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

A member of the jury of the main contest Yuri Kolokolnikov behaved not as an international celebrity, but as usual. That is, foolished, having fun and filmed not only himself, but everything that happens around. Guests Yury willingly played out.

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