About the fish Türbo on the grill under the Dutch sauce and love


About the fish Türbo on the grill under the Dutch sauce and love 56354_1

Wash and remove the fish. Sprinkle salt, then sprinkle with a small amount of flour and on top to pour olive oil. It will create a fish when driving a crust that will not allow the juice.

Fish is ready for baking.

Fish is ready for baking.

In a pre-warmed oven (on the grill mode, that is, only the upper part is heated) to put the fish on the grille, to substitute the baking sheet below. Bake for 10 minutes on each side.

Fish is ready to use.

Fish is ready to use.

While the fish is baked, prepare sauce and side dish. For the garnish, the Claude with a fresh spinach with a small amount of cream oil and added cedar nuts (300 g. Spinach, 30 g. Oils, 1 tbsp. Spoon of cedar nuts).

Spinach for the side dish.

Spinach for the side dish.

And now sauce:

You will need:

butter creamy 150 g;

yolks 3 pieces;

water 1 tablespoon;

juice lemon 1 tablespoon;

salt pepper.

Take two yolks, lay out in a small saucepan and, slowly heating at minimal fire, beat, add water, lemon juice, salt and gradually small pieces, not forgetting constantly stirring, add creamy oil. When the sauce thickens, remove from the fire and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.

Dutch sauce.

Dutch sauce.

The author of the recipe and her story:

So 50 years ago, Claude as part of the French delegation came to the capital on the days of France in Moscow, and she worked as a model at Chanel and was a girl of unearthly beauty ... In Moscow, she decided to walk through the streets and got lost, could not find his hotel. In search of the hotel Claud and met on the street with a pretty young man who owns a foreign language that 50 years ago in Moscow met not so often. All two weeks that she was in Moscow, they met every day: romance, kisses on the bench ... In general, a big and bright feeling originated, but she had to go to France, and from there - to a new job under a contract to America.

They corresponded, and then she came a letter from his friend that Vladimir has big problems, since he was a military pilot, and the connection with foreigners was not welcomed in those days, but even on the contrary ... But from her a young man does not want to refuse, so If the Claude herself will not write to him that everything is over, she married or anything else in this spirit, then he will have big problems ... Claude did it. Vladimir wrote her a farewell letter, promised that he would love and look for her all his life. Claude all these years was very worried that the beloved problem was from her and asked me to try to find him. I called Television in the program "Wait for me", and they found Vladimir. Only he died by this time from lung cancer, he was a pilot, however, it was then expelled from the army because of this story, so he became a civil pilot. Vladimir really was looking for Claude the rest of his life, but was looking for in Paris, and she moved to Spain. He really loved her all his life, his family (even his wife!) And his friends knew about it. The last attempt to find Claude Vladimir made 2 months before death, when he was already seriously ill. And the most discerning that when he flew, in his schedule there was constantly flight Moscow-Malaga, that is, he was very close, but never found it.

We met Claude at the airport, all his friends-pilots, his adoptive son, also a pilot, everything in shape ... Then she was taken to the grave of Vladimir, and the next day - on his yacht ... how sorry they did not meet. Shortly before the death of Vladimir, his wife asked what he would do if found Claude. "I don't know," he said, "honestly confess that she loved her all his life. Sorry, Galina, I do not know ... "

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