Irina Nelson: "To rest, I have enough silence, calm and feelings of accomplishment"


Irina Nelson - the girl is unpredictable. At the peak of the popularity of the Réflex group, she left Russia to make a steep turn in his career, and then change everything again. At the homeland, Irina returned to a completely different person, but the fans believed in her, and was not mistaken. Now the singer is again in the hike of touring and builds very ambitious plans.

- Irina, we know that you have recently returned from Yakutia, did not frozen there?

- It is impossible to freeze there. This is probably the most hospitable people in the world where people are very hot and kind, well understand music. In addition, due to the climatic features of this edge in Yakutsk -43, it is much easier to be transferred than -10 in Moscow.

- How do you warm when you are freezing?

- I love hot cocoa since childhood. I love to go to the bathhouse, if frozen. When I come home in winter days, I immediately climb the second floor where we have a sauna, and turn on the magic button on the stove. Well, and if I froze somewhere on tour, then a hot tub and tea with lemon. And no alcohol. All these myths about vodka with pepper - complete nonsense. Imagine what is your hit on the liver!

- Many artists admitted that in a few weeks the holidays recovered. And you?

- absorb tons of food for the time to "feel the holiday" ... Why? These are stupid, old, stupid traditions that go from the poor. When could a poor peasant with all my heart satisfied? Only on a festive day. And even more so in the New Year or Christmas. But now why do it? In order to suffer from remorse and reset the weight? For the sake of two days of the holidays? What stupidity!

Like a vocalist of the Reflex group and as a solo singer Irina Nelson came up with touring all Russia and many other countries

Like a vocalist of the Reflex group and as a solo singer Irina Nelson came up with touring all Russia and many other countries

"Nevertheless, you probably have a way to lose weight when necessary ..."

- Unfortunately, I have no secret way. I can advise all yoga or sports, good foods and restraint in food.

- So you never sat on a diet?

- I have been more than ten years Vegetarian. What are you still diet? But vegetarianism is thin. If you wanted to become vegan, you need to start with yoga, and then visit the doctor and pass all the tests on this topic. And after all, make a decision.

- And if you want to eat something sweet, do you always refuse yourself?

- To be honest, I always eat sweet, but, though, only for breakfast. I have been a husband all the time, the composer and my producer Vyacheslav Tyurina, not buy me all sorts of buns and candy. But, apparently, he loves me very much. (Smiles.) Constantly brings. I just eat in the morning, in small quantities, together with a circle of coffee. Then for the whole day sweets will be burned. The main thing is not to have them day or night.

- I heard that you became also a yoga teacher. How did it happen?

- I started doing yoga when I lived in America, in 2010. But it attracted me before. I read a lot of literature. And in America he studied professionally and received a diploma of the Los Angeles "Kundalini Reserve Institute." Yoga for me everything. This is philosophy, life, health. These are close to me in the spirit of people.

- It seems that music and yoga make up all your life. Do you have other hobbies?

- They simply do not have time. All our music, songs, clips, all that was created under the reflex brand is our fruit with Vyacheslav Labor. We once thought how much work we do, being in the status of independent artists who have no contract with any company. In terms of volume, this is a minimum of 10-12 people. That is, we worked and working for wear. If the guys from my team, when came from touring, rolled down and went to rest, then I went to the studio and continued to work with Vyacheslav, I sat on the installation of a new video or wrote poems, came up with costumes. Well, and then again into the plane and so on. What are the hobby here ...

- Irina, you have lived abroad for many years. Probably the reason why did you decide to leave the homeland?

- In 2007, I felt the strongest overwork. Reflex was on an absolute peak of popularity. The work was an unreal amount. But I realized that I had torn myself specifically, and I say: "Glory, you need to come up with something. I go out of the composition. I need to relax. " My place in the group was taken by the singer Zhenya Malakhov, and my husband and I left for Dubai, where I treated the nervous system for almost two years in one of the special clinics in the mountains of Fujairah. I never said about it because I do not like to talk about the weaknesses.

Everwely busy artist vacation is infrequent. And if this happens, then Irina prefers to relax in warm edges

Everwely busy artist vacation is infrequent. And if this happens, then Irina prefers to relax in warm edges

- It is known that then you recorded a solo album, which was very different in style from the music of the REFLEX group. You had a chance for success, and in America, but you still returned to Russia ...

- At first, everything seemed to be more than good. But at that time, my dad died in Barabinsk and the crisis has come full of emptying me. I wanted home, I realized that I could no longer. My mentality is alien. This is another planet practically. But on returning to Russia, we realized that the fate of the group was predetermined. No song from the new album did not hit the esters of large radio stations, although my solo sounded. Everywhere the program director said: "Return Irina to the group, and all things." Many in show business, of course, it arranged - one powerful competitor is less. But they did not know that the real songs could not be killed. People and now sing them. And here I am again a soloist Reflex, as well as the Solo-singer Irina Nelson.

- That is, work again boiled?

- Yes, now we are preparing the video to our new album "Adult Girls". We decided that the first group and singer in the country, who for each song from the new album will be removed video clip. Seven are ready, and they can be seen on the ether of music channels and on the Internet. I recently implemented my dream - I recorded the Mantra program. But we have four more new projects with Vyacheslav. Violin Quartet Reflex running Vyacheslav Tyurina, English Singer Talitha, Italian duet Am I Right and Raper Vasya Yamayy. In general, work boils without stopping. And, of course, vacation is in question.

- But if he takes place, how do you spend it?

- enough silence, calm and feelings of accomplishing debt. Well, or fly in Thailand. But this is when there are no unlocked urgent questions.

- In the suburbs you have a beautiful country house. Do you still live there?

- Yes, we returned home. For us, of course, our parents and children come, two cats, Sunny and Fanny people live with us, which we picked out on the street. They were scared scared by someone, scratched. Probably, poor people were offended. We have been treated for a long time, drove them in the clinic many times. Now everything is fine! Gradually, they become manual, live with us in the house and please us, of course. Therefore, we called them so - translated into the Russian Sun and Funny.

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