Where to go to relax with children


Rest with children are calm, you can't call: constant fuss, there is no opportunity to relax and lie down on the beach in silence ... But these minutes of the joint recreation are very close and wept all close. Yes, I myself do not seek to simplify life. I try to spend time on vacation with benefit for health and head: always take with you everyone on the stack of books and summer written tasks for the main subjects. As my experience shows, it is just necessary that the sun and the sea do not wash all the knowledge of the head. Children at first, but then they understand that it is useless: mom is perfectionist and will not retreat until the whole school curriculum read along with them.

When our family has grown to the "large" sizes, the will of the Will-Neils were puzzled by the question, how to rest so that everyone was comfortable and at the same time not too expensive. The time of quiet and cozy hotels clearly went to the past. I have a great experience of resting the whole family both in large hotels on the "All Included" system and in the apartment. As for the latter, the benefit is obvious: inexpensive and at the same time you can not depend on anyone. But in the hotel there is an opportunity to mom, that is, I, too, to fully rest, and most importantly - you do not need to cook and clean. So, where to go? What to be ready?

one. Greece. Pluses a lot: Pure Mediterranean Sea, rich vegetation (at least near houses and villas), fresh seafood, abundance of vegetables and fruits. But there are enough minuses. First, everything is expensive there. Prices in euros. And even a hike in a cafe for ice cream pours out 50 euros on our big family. And in Greece, it's still boring: we all lack communications and "movies." Children in apartments quickly begin to go from boredom crazy. Therefore, you have to carry them along different attractions to somehow fill the pauses between the beach and dinner.

Ira along with the daughter Marichka on the beach in Bulgaria. In this country, they rested this summer

Ira along with the daughter Marichka on the beach in Bulgaria. In this country, they rested this summer

2. Go, more precisely, fly on, in Bulgaria. There is warm, but not hot. And the air is stunning, filled with iodine. This year we first went there at the beginning of the summer - and did not regret. True, the Black Sea is not so beautiful and not so clean as Mediterranean, but it is its own, native, beloved since childhood, - we like it "temperament". But being in Bulgaria, you need to remember about one important rule. I learned him 5 years ago, when I first got there to the hotel. We have so hot down all the rotavirus that I remember the rest for a long time ... So I learned that it was better not to swim in local pools.

3. France. I have a long-standing love for this country - and because I learned French in Moscow State University, and because I love French literature and just adore all French. Pluses rest in this country a lot. The entire infrastructure in France is very well developed, everything for children: football fields, game complexes, sports grounds and recreation parks. True, they have to entertain them - they do not lie down and do not relax. But art de vivre is impregnated with art. I adore the style and lifestyle of the French and try to teach it my children.

France also has a very noticeable minus: almost no one speaks English anywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to go there with someone French-speaking (our luck with me is lucky). And there are still nuances that few people know: in no case cannot be called a waiter with hand, he will defier to ignore you (until all the glasses do not fit), because he considers himself to be equal and this gesture is humiliating for him. We must catch the look of the waiter and give it to understand that you are ready to order or ask for an invoice.

Irina with the eldest son Alex in Sicily

Irina with the eldest son Alex in Sicily

four. Italy. We have long planned to go to Sicily, on the southwest coast. My close friend of Chiara comes from there and told a lot about the wonderful local towns, about hospitable people, about beautiful beaches and delicious kitchen. And for some reason, there are almost no Russians there - everyone is mostly routing on the northern coast of the island, in the Palermo zone. But the Italians themselves choose the south of Sicily.

The fact that in terms of visiting tourists is very unfairly deprived, we have seen already in the first days. After all, here, as it turned out, the largest number of pure beaches labeled with a blue flag. And how was it possible not to evaluate the luxurious and unnoticed beaches, washed by the Mediterranean Sea, magnificent landscapes? And the Italian cuisine is famous for the whole world: spaghetti, pizza, risotto with seafood, gentle Tiramisu and Gelato (the most delicious ice cream). And this plus turns into a significant minus. Here everything is so tasty that it is impossible to resist - as a result there is a risk of bringing 3, or even all 5 kg. And, of course, the Italians are very noisy and temperamental - not everyone will take this "asset and drive" more than a week.

Recently, TV presenter discovered the south-west coast of Sicily, to which tourists usually do not get

Recently, TV presenter discovered the south-west coast of Sicily, to which tourists usually do not get

5. Return to the Motherland. There are many beautiful holiday destinations and we have in Russia . For short rides for the weekend, we usually choose the gold ring: Ivanov, Myshkin, Kostroma ... especially loved the Ples. How beautiful is there! No wish, many of their paintings by Levitan wrote exactly there. By the way, I definitely advise you to visit his museum in the plete. And in the summer it is good to relax with children in Sochi. This city is beautiful with its all-season (thanks to a soft climate) and versatility: you can choose a beach holiday, and you can go to the mountains. The beaches are better chosen in the Adler area, closer to the border with Abkhazia, is cleaner there. And the Sochi embankment with a huge number of cozy cafes is ideal for the evening promenade. And, of course, the south of Russia is the delicious fruit, Churchhel, that children love so much, smoked cheese kee from natural milk, which is best to go to the local market.

Alas, in Sochi dirty sea. And no wastewater treatment facilities save. As soon as rains are held, all the dirt is washed off into the sea, together with the sewer and garbage. As a result, 5-6 days swimming is just dangerous until the sea itself is cleaned.

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