What remains behind the scene of the series "Alchemik"


The plot of the series is spinning famously. 1916. Professor Alexander Nevelsky, studying alchemy, receives the Elixir of Faust, allowing people to endlessly extend their lives. English Scout Osvald Reiner kills Nevelsky and abducts all his records and a bottle with elixir. In turn, his mistress, the Maid "Astoria", steals this bottle from Reiner.

Then the story unfolds in our time, involving all new characters in his whirlpool. Here both the KGB staff, and the Masons, and Sideli Knights, and the heirs of the Alchemist Dynasty. In total, we see the four generations of Alchemists of Nevelsky. Senior - Alexander Nevelsky - played unforgettable Ihtyandr, actor Vladimir Korenev. His Son Sergey on the screen embodied Igor Yasulovich, Andrei's grandson "got" Igor Petrenko, and Pavel Barshak played the role of the great-grandfather Ivan. In general, in this series of director Alexander Muratov, some stars of Russian cinema were starred: in addition to the above-mentioned actors in "Alchemik", Artem Tkachenko, Victor Rakov, Svetlana Ivanova, Yuri Belyaev, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Andrei Ilyin, Boris Shcherbakov.

What remains behind the scene of the series

Viktor Rakov usually get the roles of scoundrels and villains. But in the "Alchemist" he is a positive policeman who is ready to come to everyone

"I received a colossal pleasure from working with director Alexander Alexandrovich Muratov, my partners - Artem Tkachenko, Victor Rakov, Sveta Ivanova - brilliant. We came up with a lot, improvised, we had a creative team, "Igor Petrenko remembers his work.

"Alchemist" is an adventure, and mysticism, and love for all times, and somewhere a fairy tale that will be interesting to the audience, "says Alexander Muratov about his work. - But the main thing in the film is not alchemy, but the transformation of the characters of the heroes that pass through the time. This is a story about artistic passion, about love, about the possibility of living out of time. "

According to the creators of the series, the main question that is asked in the film is - what is immortality and whether it is necessary in general to humanity. After all, if a person did not find his calling, then many years of life may not bring him happiness. Although the actors themselves sometimes relate to alchemists with some mat.

Artem Tkachenko appeared on the screen as an extramarital son of the English scout of Oswald Rainer. His hero Elixir immortality once saved his life

Artem Tkachenko appeared on the screen as an extramarital son of the English scout of Oswald Rainer. His hero Elixir immortality once saved his life

For example, Artem Tkachenko, who played Mark Terentyev, the extramarital son of the English scout of Oswald Rainer and the Maid from Astoria, to mysticism and Esoteric believes with caution, and in the elixir of immortality - with a large stretch. Since, as he believes, he has been looking for a long time for thousands of years.

"And the rulers went, and go, - the actor smiles. - Probably not there are looking for it, not in those places. Here Pushkin found Elixir immortality, Mayakovsky found, Lermontov. My hero Mark Terentyev Elixir immortality was once saved. He lived in the times of the Great Patriotic War. And if it were not for the elixir, he would die. It is not known whether my hero began to extend his life consciously - just in order to continue to live. But in the context of our painting, he does, because he has a kind of higher destination - he keeps the secret of Elixir Nevelsky. An interesting thing is that this is the elixir that the ancient Greeks and Chinese emperors were looking for. Simple people as if not interested in eternal life. But I wanted to say that you need to live today, and not looking in a distant future. No, you have to live here and now and receive pleasure from it. "

According to the plot of the wife of Andrei Nevelsky Olga (Svetlana Ivanova) after the birth of the son begins to hurt. Believe that Elixir is ruined women in the Alchemist family, starts come true

According to the plot of the wife of Andrei Nevelsky Olga (Svetlana Ivanova) after the birth of the son begins to hurt. Believe that Elixir is ruined women in the Alchemist family, starts come true

Victor Crakov with him and Victor Rakov - he played a positive policeman in the series, who is ready to help everyone. "My hero refers to mysticism with skepticism," says the actor. - Here we coincide with him. For me, the real and urgent phenomena are much more important: my family, work, premieres of the future season ... ".

Victor Crakov, by the way, was injured during filming. That's how he himself recalls what happened: "In one of the bats, they are beaten by a bottle of head. It was used, of course, not glass, but a sugar bottle. But still it was heavy - as a result, I had a slight brain concussion. But this dubl entered the picture. Fortunately, the shooting was not interrupted: the injury was not so serious. We removed the episode, and I went to Moscow to lie down. "

Hero Vladimir Koreneva - Alexander Nevelsky - received Faust Elixir back in 1916

Hero Vladimir Koreneva - Alexander Nevelsky - received Faust Elixir back in 1916

The picture shows different times and era that affected historical costumes, beautiful makeup and prop. Removed the film in Belarus and Russia. The Nevelsky House was located in the old manor at the Museum of Applied Crafts under Minsk. The film even used objects of exposure about the alchemists of the early last century. Artist-producer Alexander Maksimovich reconstructed and transformed this museum for different generations in the film, I was looking for something on documents, something creators were complemented using computer graphics. That is why the present, and the distant past, and the distant past are also shown.

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