Why celebrities do not recognize their extramarital children and do not pay alimony


Recently, the media often appear messages that show business stars do not pay an alimony to their extramarital children. In such scandals, Vadim Kazachachenko, Alexander Serov, Alexander Malinin and many others were noticed. Do they really have no money, no desire? Why do such situations arise?

Let's look more widely on this problem. In fact, many fans are dreaming for the father of their child to be a favorite artist. And often give the desired for valid. And if you recognize each such child, then the fees may simply not be enough for the payment of all alimony.

Of course, in youth, many artists, touring around the country, have numerous connections, including intimate nature. And from such connections, as you know, children can be born. And the law is completely on the side of the mother. To do this, you need to seek a suit of court, to conduct a genetic examination and establish paternity. Perhaps a potential father will ignore challenges to the court or refuse to conduct an examination, justifying this with some reasons. But the court in any case will decide.

Victoria Danilchenko

Victoria Danilchenko

However, this path makes not all moms who gave birth to stars. There is a lot of examples when a girl from the Russian depths declares that her child is a son or daughter of the famous artist. It is invited to various talk shows, its accounts in social networks acquire a lot of subscribers, it appears a multi-millionth army of support.

And the fact of paternity at that time was not proved at all. And for the star it can be both a PR and a blow by reputation. In our country, people who throw a native child do not want to pay alimony. So it turns out: the girls look at such an infectious example, as you can arrange your life, not working and not straining, and the stars, of course, do not want to recognize children according to the first click.

Unfortunately, such cases are often among ordinary citizens. Women grows their children for many years on their own. And having learned about the financial successes of the potential dad, go to court. First, it is an opportunity to get alimony, and secondly, if the father of the child is a famous actor, singer, then you can get a wide recognition.

I want to turn to women and young girls. Before agreeing with unprotected contacts, think about your future. And if such a story happened to you, be decent - go to court and prove your right thing. Do not do PR. First of all, it can harm your child.

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