Star pairs working together


Beyonce - Queen R'n'B, Ji Zi. - Hip-hop magnate. But the various musical directions in which they work, do not interfere with the spouses sometimes perform together at the concerts from each other. Just also recorded a few singles with his wife and starred in the clips on Beyonce's songs. However, a joint tour of the speech has never happened. Until the last moment. A couple of weeks ago, Star Chet announced the general summer tour tour "On the Run" in 16 cities of the United States and Canada. The organizers of concerts are already called the tour one of the largest in recent years. And the most expensive. On the secondary market, the ticket price already reaches 343 dollars. This is 90 percent more than the tickets for last year's Jay Zi concerts (on average 180 dollars), and by 17 percent - than on Bayonce touring (an average of 294 dollars). They also say that the spouses are willing to please not only fans of the North American continent, but in the fall of the tour in Europe.

Jennifer Lopez. Photo:

Jennifer Lopez. Photo:

Jennifer Lopez It was always confident that with a loved one, not only homemade, but also professional duties should be divided. Meeting with Ben Affleck, the singer starred with him in two films and one series. With Marka Anthony, Jay Lo recorded several joint compositions and in the painting "singer" performed the role of his hero's spouse. With the current boyfriend Casper, Smart Lopez also associate professional interests. Beloved Jennifer, who started with performances in the dancer at her concerts, now worries the chief choreographer of her tour shows. In turn, Lopez became producer and composer of a realistic series, in which Smart teaches young dancers.

Ched Kruger and Avril Avan. Photo:

Ched Kruger and Avril Avan. Photo:

Chad Kruger , the frontman group Nickelback, in addition to its main work in the team, writes songs for other artists. And it was from joint creativity that his novel began with a singer Avril lavigne . After the wedding in July last year, the musicians did not cease to cooperate. In the autumn, the singer released the single Let Me Go, which they and her husband wrote together and executed. In the clip on the song, the spouses also starred together.

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Photo: smith.

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. Photo: smith.

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith , married in 1997, did not appear together on screens since 2001 - from the moment of the release of the picture "Ali". However, behind the scenes they are associated very fruitful work. In the piggy bank of the spouses of 11 joint projects, where each of them came either as a producer, or a screenwriter, director or actor. For example, Jade Pinkett was the producer of the film "After our era", where Will played a major role with their son Jaden. Together, the spouses were also producers of the painting "Karate Patzan", where the main role also performed Jaden.

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Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor. Frame from the film "Exemplary Male".

Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor I got acquainted in 1999 on the set of the pilot series of the comedy series, which never won the ether. A year later got married. And, despite the unsuccessful joint professional start, did not be afraid and continued to work together. As a result, their names are valid next to the titers for nine films, among which "exemplary male", "bounced" and "soldiers of failure." At the same time, the spouses have its own little secret: they never play a pair on the screen, and always opponents. Ben and Christine joke that such roles of opponents add raisins to their family life.

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Sylvester Stallone. Photo:

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Sylvester Stallone. Photo:

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson - Spouses with 25 years of experience and parents of two sons. But they are pleased with the pleasure of not only a joint family life, but also joint creativity. Tom and Rita boasts nine films in which they played together. Among them, "Larry Kraun" and "unquesting in Seattle." However, Hanks and Wilson are ready and not shining in the frame, just to be nearby: they both were producers of such paintings like "Mamma Mia!", "My big Greek wedding" and others.

By the way ...

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt They will remove in the first joint film since the time of the painting "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". In 2004, on the set of this militant, the actors met, and after completing the work began to meet. However, becoming a family, Angelina and Brad did not even think about the continuation of cooperation on the screen, laughing that some of them had to sit at home with children. Nevertheless, Jolie wrote a script for the film in which she wants to play with his civil spouse. The remaining details are still unknown. But the bosses of the film studios have already prepared to fight each other in order to pick up this project each under their wing: it is obvious that the film with the most famous Hollywood couple in the lead roles will attract a huge number of spectators.

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