Plastic surgery: pros and cons


Natural beauty is one of the most valuable gifts that man can be endowed, especially a woman. However, there are still a lot of people who are not satisfied with their own appearance. And here the latest technology of aesthetic medicine can come to the rescue, in particular - plastic surgery. Of course, the value of the latter in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. It is enough to mention the fact that it is plastic surgery that helps to find a new face and, possibly, a new happy life to people who survived severe injuries and diseases. Those who are simply dissatisfied with their appearance and would like to eliminate existing defects, can also take advantage of the achievements of plastic surgery and approach the ideal image of themselves in dreams.

The inevitable consequence of the increased popularity of plastic operations was the increase in the number of active opponents of the industry of medicine. The arguments they nominate are fairly reasonable and logical and are raised most often to two main theses. First, this is a health risk that carries any plastic surgery. Secondly, it is the loss of individuality, a substitution of a unique and unique image given by nature, fake surrogate. But how true are these arguments? We will analyze each of them in detail.

Zarina Abregova

Zarina Abregova

1. Of course, Health Risk Factor When carrying out plastic operations, as well as in the form of negative consequences after already perfect manipulation, unfortunately, real. The most loud cases associated with causing harm in plastic surgery clinics and subsequent long-term litigation, on a broad public hearing. However, despite the resonance, such cases are still exceptions rather than widespread practice. In our country, a huge number of successful plastic operations is carried out daily, the result of which can only be assessed by the close environment of the satisfied client. Adverse health effects may occur when conducting such innocuous, at first glance, manipulations, such as dental and cosmetology procedures, but it does not occur to anyone to abandon the services of a dentist or cosmetology sessions. On the other hand, it is obvious that the choice of a doctor and clinics for holding a plastic surgery should be taken with maximum seriousness and responsibility, then the risk of consequences will be minimal.

2. As for the second Argument on standard, "doll" appearance Here, here, perhaps, the well-known saying cannot be appresented correctly: "The best is a good enemy." Feeling measures and prudence should help customers (and especially clients) to keep the balance between the desire for ideal appearance and naturalness. The most "plastic dolls", which were mentioned, are just an example of a crying non-compliance with the sense of measure. Most of the numerous identical "Insta-Gerls", which turned the efforts of plastic surgeons into each other's clones, could not stop at the ideal beauty on time. However, among domestic and foreign colebritis, there is a huge number of positive examples. The exact spout Blake Lively and Scarlett Johansson, the aristocratic cheekbones of Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox - all these examples of competent plastic operations. None of these kinodivs lost its bright individuality and unique appearance, but only competently emphasized natural beauty with the help of a plastic surgery. Interventions in their natural appearance are made extremely delicately, and beauty looks harmonious and natural. An example of successful plastics in the Russian show business is Olga Buzova's appearance, which reincarnated from the vulgar young lady into the fatal woman, without losing his individuality.

Thus, plastic surgery to date is a real magic wand capable of doing wonders. Should I refuse it?

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