Decrypt dreams about dancing on the pole


This dream sent me one member of the group, which for 8 months worked tightly. Participants in this group were configured to understand that they prevent them from succeeding in various areas of life, as well as master new, more efficient behaviors. Ultimately, the group worked in the direction of more successful of each participant in the spheres of life.

Some time ago, the group completed its existence. And recently came such a letter:

"I spent training for the dance on the pole in a group with newcomers. Studio herself is in some sports complex, where one athletes are alone and where the half-one is some kind of sport, they have acrobatics there, gymnastics, in general, our dances they do not tolerate, but they gave us the room. My boyfriend came to my workout for the first time in my life. Began to engage, the band is all new, we enter these athletes who pass the hall, and begin to interfere, say that you cannot conduct training, etc., we listen to them, but we continue, they go, goes around 15 minutes, and they come again, Begin to train next to us. I ask if they will stop us for a long time, they say they do what they want. Then the most important thing comes to me calls me Veronica. Although my name is different, and I call him myself. The athlete says that does not like our dances, and that there was no reason. And they finally go. "

In the interpretation of a dream, the comment of the dreams will help us that Veronica is her predecessor, which in reality actually leads this training. And most importantly - this is the name of our dreams.

Thus, the dream tells that our dreaming is located in the inadequate hall, where he is trying to spend training in fashionable dances. For the first time, her guy comes to the training session, but someone more authoritative to whom the space owns, drives it as Veronica, "Puzzled" names.

The situation of "those" times and the error in the name, as it seems, does not directly say that in a dream, the heroine struggles with something that comes from her own mother. The image of an athlete who is trying to drive it, is her own resistance that she directs to fight the mother. It should be understood that the struggle occurs not in the literal sense. Rather, our dream is fighting with some right, the beliefs of their mother who absorned, and now it prevents her.

The very furnishings of Soviet times says that the case is not something momentous, but in what accumulated over the years.

The spicy point of sleep is the fact that our heroine is finally found with his boyfriend, but the maternal position in it is strong. It is difficult for her to communicate with his friend, regardless of the truth that she learned from Mom.

Here it is time to make a retreat and say that family psychology argues that there is a special continuity between mother and daughter. Daughters, want one or no, often inherit the maternal destiny, habits, thinking. As a rule, they do not realize this and blindly guided by maternal ideas about themselves, their family, childbirth, finding a partner in life, etc. until these installations are unconscious, daughters will repeat the parental commandments with particular accuracy, while doing Errors. Because something right was for the mother at one time, may be complete devastation for her daughter at her time. It happens that the mother, due to the circumstances of long-time, make many abortions, and then their daughters in absolutely not understandable reasons do not enter into relationships and do not want to start the children, subconsciously fear that they will have to discover their children to the same fate, but themselves - suffering about this. And such examples hundreds. I happened to hear how women refused their love and married, agree on a compromise and the calculation, and after decades, they prohibited their daughters to fall in love and create families at the order of their hearts.

Family psychology suggests that the norm of parent-child relations is the fact that the mother is dedicated to their daughter in adulthood, gives her his blessing regardless of how much daughter lives according to maternal beliefs. In other words, the mother helps his daughter to find a mature, independent position and its own destiny.

Now back to our heroine. It seems she ripe enough to rely on himself more than on the beliefs of his mother. Sleep says that in his soul it is pretty readiness to become more solid and autonomous.

I wonder what your dreams are about? Send your stories by mail: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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