What are the stars for the sake of youth?


Bloody Mary

The blood in the minds of many nations had a sacral meaning, she was used to commit religious rites to deliver the gods. It was believed that with its help you can preserve and youth. No wonder vampires (judging by the Saga "Twilight"), although a little pale, but are inexpressible beautiful. In the annals of history, legends about bloody baths Elizabeth Batori are preserved. Hungarian countess bathed in the blood in the literal sense of the word: the young girls were killed by her order. At the conscience of the Hungarian aristocrat, who tried to stop their own wilts, near the six hundred innocently ruined shower. She even got into the Guinness Book of Records as a serial killer.

The healing properties of blood for cosmetics are trying to use now. In cosmetic salons, the procedure becomes very popular called Plasmolifting. Its essence is that platelet injections are made by the patient. The doctor takes the required amount of blood from the vein, places it in a special centrifuge, where the separation of platelets and plasma from red blood cells occurs. Then the enriched plasma is laid out on the patient's face or make injections. These magic injections contribute to the regeneration of tissues and stimulate the production of collagen. They say, after the place of plasmolifting wrinkles smoothed, pigment stains disappear and the skin becomes an elastic, as in his youth. This procedure is regularly made by the unstasive Hollywood beauties Demi Moore and Angelina Jolie. And Kim Kardashian even posted a photograph with a bloody mask on his face on his own page in social networks, than quite shocked its subscribers. Indeed, the face in the picture looks awesome. Sorry, the model did not demonstrate the photo after the mask - we would have been able to assess the result.

Our Lena Lenin went even further: she not only makes masks, takes the baths, but also drinks fresh blood! Fortunately, not your own and not young maids, but marals (a variety of deer). With this original way of rejuvenation, the writer met, traveling along the Altai Altai. Local long-livers use fresh blood left after the spill of the horns of females maras. The horns are cut straight with living deer. This is what Lenin says: "Panty baths with blood wealthy tourists from all over the world are accepted in Altai once a year at the beginning of summer.

In the summer, the Panta is cut every three days. It happens in the early morning so that weakened marals do not get under the bright sun. This is a wild, but humane procedure. "Although who knows how to speak the writer, bring her to visit the skin of the unfortunate deer and experience something similar? .. Bloody baths with the addition of coniferous concentrate is a rare storage of proteins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements, Vitamins and hormones. Including estrogen, structurally, chemically and information not only compatible with the human body, but also a powerful immunostimulator.

Love polishchuk has a weakness to the injections of stem cells. Photo: Artem Makeev.

Love polishchuk has a weakness to the injections of stem cells. Photo: Artem Makeev.

Play, hormone!

By the way, according to one of the medical versions, the reason for the aging of a person is just that its body begins to produce less and less hormones. Therefore, in America, patients offer special anti-phase therapy. Over the ocean, the course of treatment is relatively cheap, three hundred dollars, and almost twice as expensive - in Russia. Many celebrities have already tried the technique for themselves. So, recently sex symbol of the sixties, the famous actress Jane Fonda gave a sensational interview with the English press, where he admitted that she made himself instruments of Testosterone. Until now, the Aerobics guru claimed that he was obliged to be an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and physical exercises. And we believed her! Refuse hormonal therapy The star was forced ... acne rash. These teenage problems are just tortured by a seventy-taught lady.

Pop King Robbie Williams resorted to the injections of the "Growth Hormone" inject. Thus, the singer hoped to raise libido and diversify his own sex life. It is not clear whether the technique has so influenced, but Robbie, who used to show the intrinsic in the right and left and was suspected of unconventional sexual orientation, unexpectedly ... cooled and became a real man. In 2010, he married a vocalist of the ALL SAINTS group Nicole Epton, and two years ago they had the daughter of Theodore Rosa.

Some patients of the American clinics, on the contrary, the colole female sex hormone estrogen. The external effect was called, it is obvious: bones, hair, nails strengthened, the elasticity of the skin increased, its dryness disappeared. The patients were satisfied and happy. But for the time being. The results of studies conducted on tens of thousands of patients were forced to be alerted: in women who were rejuvenated by a similar way, breast cancer occur much more often.

Russian stars feed unusual weakness to stem cell injections. Recently, a lot of frightening publications appeared on this topic. The press wrote that such procedures were held by Anna Samokhin, the love of polishchuk, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, Sofia Rotaru, Valery Leontyev and Alexander Buynov. Many of them are no longer alive. According to one version, the cause of premature caring from the life of the artists was just a dangerous way of rejuvenation. Stem cells are part of the tissues of our body and have the ability to restore all human organs. Scientists believe that with their help you can treat the most serious diseases: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's diseases and Parkinson. Getting a signal from the brain, they are sent to where the body needs help. Only with age of unique cells is becoming less and less, therefore the regeneration process is slower. An additional introduction of stem cells "shakes the body", forcing all organs to work with a double strength, the effect of rejuvenation is achieved. This procedure is not cheap: the average cost of the basic course of revitalization is about twenty thousand dollars. But whatever experts involved in "cellular" rejuvenation, no statistics, no reliable research on this occasion. Opponents of the methodology express concerns that stem cells can provoke a tumor growth, if any in the body.

The European Court of Human Rights forbade human embryonic stem cells to patenting and limited their application. Officially, they should not be sold yet, nor use. But the stars have their own capabilities. And in pursuit of slipping youth, they are ready to put health and life on the map.

Not all that gold

What only sophisticated ways of rejuvenation do not choose celebrities! For example, Demi Moore struggles for its beauty complex: in addition to bloody injections, it also practices with hirudotherapy, raw foods and a detox diet with maple syrup, lemon juice and Cayenne pepper. According to the stars, it allows her to keep the figure in the tone.

"While in Austria, I passed the cleansing of the body. One of the stages was therapy with leeches. I'm talking about special medical leeches: when they are dug in you, they injected certain enzymes, positively affecting the condition of the body. Now I feel cleared, "says the actress. The top model of Cindy Crawford, whose legs in due time conquered the male part of humanity, and is trying to support them in "working condition". To prevent fat deposits, the beauty regularly rubs the hips with coffee powder - it stimulates blood circulation.

Gwyneth Paltrow believes that the best remedy for wrinkles under the eyes is cosmetics with poison viper. Photo: twitter.com/@gwynehpaltrow.

Gwyneth Paltrow believes that the best remedy for wrinkles under the eyes is cosmetics with poison viper. Photo: twitter.com/@gwynehpaltrow.

The present sensation in the field of cosmetology produced serums and creams with a peptide content. This synthetic means imitating the poison of the temple viper has the effect of Botox. The muscles are paralyzed, as a result, mimic wrinkles are smoothed, the look "youth". It is not surprising that Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes, Hilary Swank and some other Hollywood beauties "bought" on Syn-Ake cosmetics, although still unknown all the consequences of the effects of poison of viper on the human body.

Another product from wrinkles also caused an excitement from those who want to be rejected. This line of cosmetics "Rodial" received the name "Poison Bee". The manufacturer declares that the cream suspends the aging of the skin, the bloodstream increases and the color of the face becomes better than shining! Stubborn rumors go that Kate Middleton herself tried a mask from poison bees to his own wedding. Well, she looked really fine!

If you live in Florida and have a considerable amount of money, you can afford a mask of gold. This valuable metal is used not only for the manufacture of jewelry, but also has rejuvenating properties. The mask, which is applied to the face, and on the body, heals the body and smoothes the skin.

Feel yourself "golden youth" is very nice. But the stars are thrown into another extreme, suppressing the natural feeling of squeamishness. So, the married couple Victoria and David Beckham is simply delighted with peeling ... from bird litter. The innovation came from Japan and has already gained popularity in Hollywood. The excrement dried under the sun is mixed with water and rice bran, and then applied to the face. The mask has an exfoliating effect and returns the skin natural shine.

Another popular SOS device before going to the red carpet - the cream from the rainworms of the earthworms. He promises not only to erase all the age deficiencies and improve the complexion, but also stop the aging process and even cure skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Well-known in the USA Cream from hemorrhoids Preparation-H is also considered ... an excellent option to combat facial wrinkles around the eyes. Many makeup artists have long apply this product on their star customers. Cheap and angry!

Hit right

Are ready to substitute left cheek? And also pay three hundred fifty dollars for a slap? This type of massage came to America from Thailand. The patient is applied slapper and light shocks with palms along the desired areas. According to Thais, the old traditional technique makes the skin more elastic, narrows the pores, enhances the blood flow and helps to reduce wrinkles. The procedure follows the Master, independent massage is not recommended.

Angelina Vovk confesses that the last few years is struggling with the fading of the skin with ... electric current blows. And quite satisfied with its appearance. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Angelina Vovk confesses that the last few years is struggling with the fading of the skin with ... electric current blows. And quite satisfied with its appearance. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Another exotic technique, which is becoming increasingly popular with Hollywood stars, - Bukl. Massage do not outside, and ... from the inside of the face. The master sticks his hands in the mouth of the patient and massages the facial muscles. Not very nice, but beauty requires victims. It is believed that this improves blood circulation and stimulates the flow of oxygen into the skin. It is said that stars like Scarlett Johanson, Angelina Jolie and Kate Moss have already been allowed in their mouths experienced hands of professionals Bookkal.

TV presenter Angelina Vovk told in an interview that he struggles with the fading of the skin ... with electrical shocks. I supposedly advised this procedure to a friend - Larisa Valley. "The mask is superimposed on the face. On it - electrodes. Through them, electrical impulses are served, which stimulate the muscles of the face. Wrinkles smoothed! After the procedure, I am young about fifteen years old "! The world persistently does not want to grow old. On the TV screen, magazine covers - disheveled faces without a single wrinkle. "Elixir from old age" promises to be very popular and extradited to enrich the inventor. It is not surprising that scientists of the whole world with enthusiasm involved in participation in the international competition M-Prize on rejuvenation. Experiments are conducted on mice. Among the leaders is a professor of biochemistry from the University of California Stephen Spindler. He achieved a stunning effect of rejuvenation of experimental mice. What he did? Just limited the number of calories consumed by rodents. As usual, everything is ingenious simply!

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