How the spouses affect karma


It happens like this: you meet with an unfamiliar man with a look and you know what you know all my life. You approach each other, start talking, and inside the feeling that he knows how to read your thoughts. Each second is filled with energy and meaning. It seems that you met your twins, all your life you were looking for exactly such a friend / lover / husband. Congratulations, you entered the path of karmic relationships.

Karma - the thing is very tricky: in every new incarnation you cared to work out what you did not have time / could not do in the past life. And most often it is not the most positive experience. And these nodes are accumulating throughout many lives and from incarnation in incarnation are trying to untie.

At the beginning, everything sparkles and sparkles: you are in love, happy, such a feeling that some divine threads are associated with a person. Time is coming, you are sinking with your head in this experience, most likely, raise the family (marriages on such emotions are very rapidly). And here it begins something inexplicable. All collapses. Moreover, you and your "perfect person" can not understand. Often it happens - a quarrel from scratch. With a person becomes unbearable, without him - even worse. Every second - suffering, clarifying relationships, very strong experiences. You treat psychologists, pass long and expensive sessions. Does not help. Crutches do not work. Ends all the loud divorces and the desire to disappear from the face of the earth, just not to see this monster.

What is the mechanism of the occurrence of karmic nodes? Perhaps this understanding will help us easier with them?

A long time ago two souls met, they had relative to each other Divine Clean Tasks. Love, open up, help each other, learn something important, get the skill that everyone alone cannot get. Often, through love, each of these two was supposed to come to his work, to the disclosure of the potential, to his personal genius. That is, thanks to the relationship of the pair, they should have grown both, to carry out their personal jump.

What prevented?

Not war, not interference parents, not prison. Usually the fear of the sincere disclosure of themselves in front of another person. We all masters build protection and not at all the masters sincerely reveal. So, for example, once a young woman met, let's call her Marya, and young well done Vasily. Both together were prepared by love, Marya was to give birth to 15 children in their union, learn to nicely embroider to teach this noble lesson to her daughters, and would go from them the great and mighty genus of Beloshvek, revered in their territories. Marya would live to a deep old age, I would see grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and even the great -gencies, they would have read it and respected in the family. And in the next life it would be born in a rich family, a lot of people would have been in submission, she would manage to manage them well and on heart, helping their subjects to build their lives. Found school, nursing home. But this is a completely different story.

What about our Vasily? What would be destined to be, go to the sincere alliance with Marya? In his village, he would become a very distinguished man, older. It would work with your hands, building, for example, at home. And there would be their numerous family to imitate everything else. People through them would see where they should strive, and so such families are formed - thanks to the increase in love to each other.

But Marya was frightened, she could not believe Vasili, he seemed to her too young and hot, and Mom always said Marya that the groom had to choose a calm and quiet. And Marya chose Stepan, a quiet painful guy, became a launch, lived in poverty and discontent the rest of his life, born two children. Vasily drank without it, married either not on that. You know how it happens, right?

And there will be no Mary in the next life by the management estate or terrain, because it did not acquire the appropriate skill in this life.

And in the next life, born again in a poor family, she will again meet with Vasily. At the level of the soul, they will definitely recognize each other, but they will also influence the karmic node before them. And we will ask the tone of their relationship, and not the tasks of their souls relative to each other.

How can all this be fixed?

Unfortunately, the reality is that these two in this life can not solve anything. Marya can go to a psychologist, Vasily can conduct sincere conversations with friends - it will not help all this. Because the node is tied earlier. Accordingly, it is necessary to unleash it through a trip to the past embodiment, where Marya was frightened, and Vasily did not insist. And only showing them souls in this life the reason for what happens to them now, only if both of them at the level of the soul will understand how they could do otherwise, the node will unleash them. And the history of these two people will begin with a blank sheet. This is done in sessions called "regressive hypnosis", with a specialist who spends it. Life is then divided into life before the session and after. At one moment, a person is exempt.

I myself went through the experience of unleashing the karmic node. And in my personal experience I can say that, despite the fact that we have been in a divorce for that period of time, the relationship continued to remain complex and tense. Inside me, they were frankly heavy. After the session, I became very easier. There was an evil on a person, there was just a normal human attitude. And no, we did not reunite anew, each of us founded your happy family. Because the reality is such that sometimes there are already so much that people only binds the karmic knot between them and nothing else. They already solve their tasks with other people nearby.

Therefore, do not look for answers internship. Stop accuse your former, rod parents, offended by friends. They are not to blame for anything, because all the answers and all the reasons for us - they are inside you. Stop, exhale and journey deep into yourself, and there you will gain all the answers. And perhaps, this dive is hiding a new way, a new feeling of yourself and happiness to be free from any karmic connections and knots.

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