Irina Star'shenbaum: "I am thin and wounded, but I can defend"


Bright, as a spark, gentle, like a flower, strong, confident and at the same time thin, wounded - Ira Starshenbaum, a dangerous and attractive mixture of all these qualities. Woman, with which not pass. It's so cool that it appeared in our cinema and has already attracted the attention of the masted directories. And colleagues-actors. Someone has become for her not just a partner on the shooting area ...

- Irina, your friends and acquaintances respond about you as a cheerful person. Is it true, are you an optimist?

- Optimist? Probably. I am Aries. We are always on site not sitting. Many inside different energy. There are advantages, and cons. Sometimes this energy is destroying. But there is always a feeling that in the end everything will be fine.

- try to control yourself in destructive moments?

- I try. But this is a spark - and that's it! I find it difficult to switch. I am very honest in all my manifestations. If I am glad and love, then it all very violently happening. (Smiles.) And if I'm angry and sad, then I dissolve in this state. People are all different. I am so. But I like these my spirits. And Melancholy is good - under the right music.

- Is the close environment affect you? Do you feel that, communicating with a certain person, become similar to him?

- Yes. I am an energy mirror. And no matter - with friends or unfamiliar. I will reflect exactly exactly. In fact, I do not think it's good. You sometimes need to be wise. I also show a negative reflection, but we must try to disconnect from everything. But I feel energy and start to adapt to it.

- You graduated from the course "Psychology by theater means." How did you get on him?

- My grandfather, Gennady Vladimirovich Starshenbaum, - psychiatrist psychotherapist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, a very talented person. We have a genetic connection with him. Love to the psychology of a person, to consciousness, to the unconscious - all this fascinated me with the help of a grandfather. He has his own Department of Psychology. I thought to come to him. He asked: "Do you want to become a psychologist?" I replied: "I don't know ..." He: "You will know - come." (Smiles.) And I went to the course "Psychology of theater tools" check - if I want to be a psychologist. It turned out that there is no. But the course I was impressed.

Dress, achers; Jacket, Arut MSCV

Dress, achers; Jacket, Arut MSCV

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What did you teach on it?

- This is a detective investigation of the mental, internal state of a person, your hero. Take the character. Suppose I play a serial killer. Why did I become like that? Let's figure it out that in childhood this woman had? BUT! Mom and dad dressed, very beat, she hated them, and so on. That is, this is a potential victim, to kill it - it's like the implementation of its children's fears. I learned to understand the person. You can never condemn your character, you need to get a detective way to truth. During the course, I met such concepts as a reflection, a feeling of empathy ... I remember these words, everything was born there. The teacher explained to us that she forces a person or a character to act in the situation in this way.

- Probably, it helped you learn to be tolerant, do not condemn other people.

- Yes, it is difficult, of course, do not condemn. But you come to this, and it's great. It is easier to live easier. My profession is my personal psychiatrist. It seems to me that for those two years that I am removing, I have changed very much. I became consciously to treat yourself as a person. I understand everything else. If you answer the cinema responsibly, to your character, then you analyze his actions, try on the situation and think: "How would I lend yourself?"

- Your characters affect you?

- Highly. You come to the cinema in one person, leave another. Always.

- Did you have negative roles?

- We filmed the pilot, the film did not come out, unfortunately. My partner was Arthur Smolyaninov. In this film, I was prescribed the image of the Lutsky Overheads. And then we still had samples with a similar role. And it's so funny: we crosses when I'm very bad according to the script, and he tries to make me better. Arthur says: "Look at Starshenbaum, she has a wonderful character! What soul is a person why do you all the time of the roles of such bastards fit? " (Laughs.) In the series "Shakal" on the scenario, my heroine Kalina is a very negative character. But I did not want to file her so unequivocally. You can not just portray a creature. What for? Who is interesting? Here is the creature. It's good that she died at the end. No, it was necessary that the spectators would regret it, they planned. Such was the acting task.

Coats, earrings and wrappers, all - marni; Ankle Boots, Bottega Veneta

Coats, earrings and wrappers, all - marni; Ankle Boots, Bottega Veneta

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Did you dream from childhood to become an actress?

- I think yes. But I could not confess myself in this.

- Why?

- This is normal. You hear different stories in life - about luck and failures. I did not know that I have such a character that I will say: "Yes, Lord! Now we will do everything. We will try to work, let's get something. " In this profession, the main thing is not the end result, but the process. I did not know that I would like to play so much, to shoot. I have every day - as the discovery of myself, and it is very interesting. So much ahead, I feel right ...

- And in school years, did you play on performances?

- I wrote scenarios, and put the performances, and played them myself. I argued with everyone, distributed roles ... All this staged work captured me. After one of the performances, my teachers said: "Ira, you will actress." I laughed: "Well, yes, of course."

"And why didn't you decide to act in theater?"

- I have a transitional age at that moment felt the strongest. It was a feeling that I did not quite understand what I need. I wanted to somehow take off everything. I knew that in the end I had to come to something, but now it's not time.

- Recently held a loud premiere - the film "Attraction" of Bondarchuk. How did you meet Fedor Sergeyevich?

- It happened on samples. Casting on my character lasted a year and a half, my one and a half months. This is a normal story for people who are responsible about movies. In general, the kinomyr is so small that there is always the opportunity to meet someone and before testing. But I never even saw Fedor Sergeevich. A striking feeling from him: when this person comes into the room, everything changes. I remember, we celebrated the birthday of our colleagues. There were a lot of people - youth, noisy, fun. And then Bondarchuk went out ... and I understand that I was just standing, it was impossible to hear each other, and here - silence. And everyone is looking at Fedor Sergeevich. This happens on the set. Everyone tells a whisper. Not because he shouts. I never heard him to raise my voice to someone. It just comes, and everyone starts to work. This is a gift from above, talent.

- They say he is a very caring director. And on the site to you even put a personal doctor ...

- Yes, I coincided with shooting on two projects. It turned out that I did not sleep for three days several times a month. Such blocks. I then happened inside something, weird sensations: I just ruined me from pleasure. I never experienced such a feeling. Even if there was a time to sleep, I would probably not fall asleep. In the afternoon I came to the playground to Fedor Sergeyevich, and at night I went to another. And at the day, I seemed to be in SPA - such a relax, such an attentive attitude to myself felt. I said: "I'm fine with me, let's remove anything else." And me: "No, no, go. Now we will make hot tea. " Before shooting "Attraction", Fyodor Sergeevich said: "Ira, and suddenly you will not succeed? It is abnormal - not to sleep a few nights. Of course, I understand that you are a crazy girl and you want everything in the world. But I am responsible for you. " And indeed, I was all helped, and everything went well. And the fact that I worked in such a rhythm, removed the excitement before the big project and the main role. When you are in a state of fatigue, overcoming, everything else goes to the background. You just do your job.

Suit, Diverse Shop; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Suit, Diverse Shop; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- This story about aliens itself fascinated?

- I am not a fan of such a genre like fiction. But when you participate in the story, you can not believe it in it? Right? You immerse yourself in it, and the attitude is radically changing. The human brain is a very interesting thing. If you give him the opportunity to dream, think, explore ... Then, these films are obtained. My heroine in the "attraction" is a special girl, and I sought it to show. I always hurt the space, stars, and in general it is my quiet harbor that inspires me very much. I confess to part with the group, the project was very hard. I went to the "cap" and cried, as if I was five years old. I have flowed tears, and I could not do anything to do anything.

- Are you a sensitive person?

- Yes, insane. Very sensitive and wounded. At the same time I can be desperately defended. Spiny outside can be very touching inside.

- What are you ready to sacrifice the sake of success in your career?

"This is such a profession where you should go not that compromises, you just go after her." And that's it. In general, I do not treat actor as work.

- Life destination?

- I do not know. I'm not to judge. But I understand exactly that this is such a life in life. I'm in my place, so I feel.

- And you workaholic?

- Yes! I have two extremes: I can work like crazy. But sometimes I have the need to crawl into the house, as in a mink, and a long time to sit there, not to crawl anywhere, to accumulate something in yourself, read, watch. But to really relax, it is best to go on a journey. I really like India, Asia. There is a completely different mood. You seem to be alone with you. If we talk about rest in Moscow, I love spending time at home with a book. Well, and friends are, of course holy.

- What inspires you?

- History of people. I love biographical literature, memoirs of actors, directors ... But the fiction is not easy for me. "Master and Margarita" I liked, Dostoevsky love, poetya ... I myself write poems while on the table. Sometimes I send some comic quatrain to your friends. If we talk about poetry, then in this regard, Sasha Petrov made the revolution. He returned reading poems to the street, and it became a fashion trend. I want to do something such a new, revolutionary!

"You read the book of Marina Vladimir, or interrupted flight." What are your impressions?

- It was hard to read it hard. This is such a revelation. And Marina tells his story in one breath. There is a feeling that she sat down and wrote her in one night. Madly sad book. There are funny, funny moments. But in general, this work is permeated with love, nostalgia. Their meeting was fateful. There are people who somehow get off, build relationships, and there are those that are designed to each other. It was very difficult to read it. But such stories are forever remain in the heart, in memory.

Trench, Makhmudov Djemal; Ankle Boots, Stuart Weitzman

Trench, Makhmudov Djemal; Ankle Boots, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Love should be happy?

- It's different every day. What is happy love? This is nonsense. Love manifests itself in daily overcoming some situations. It happens that it's just scary to live. But the person who is next to you gives you his support. And you understand that in-oh-about such distances are overcome between you. This is Love.

- Are you in love?

- I fall in love with people. In women, in men - no matter. I drove here on the car, I saw a woman past a passing and ... fell in love. She was so magical, it looked correctly, and some fluids were going from her. It seems to me that it is very important to enchant people. Everyday. And if this does not happen, nothing is needed. And you do not need to live.

- Recently, among girls, a sociological survey was held on the topic "What should a real man should be?"

- Here! It is interesting!

- Eighty-three percent of respondents said, which is responsible, eighty-one - caring, seventy - faithful, and so on. What do you think about this?

- honest.

- Decisive?

- And this is all inclusive. Here is the first word "honor" - and that's it.

- How do you think a man should dominate in relations or are you for partnership?

- Every person is formed in its own way. So I now open a quiet. I understand what I need, and what is not. I will be closely if someone will try to suppress me or, on the contrary, it is extremely much about me to take care of me. I need space. And to - like in a casket with spices - love, freedom, attention and care were dosed. And sometimes it is necessary that someone makes me the brain: I can tell something to himself, naughnty. (Laughs.) Therefore, still Samtaya dominance in a man is necessary. It should be very jewelry to choose a partner, feel. And do not take it yourself, if you understand that something is wrong.

- When do you meet your person, you immediately feel that it is he?

- I think yes. It is such a calm, understandable feeling. But the personality is updated through a certain number of years. And no one can predict, whether you will always be together or dispersed in a year. It all depends on the desire of people to change and take each other. In general, in my opinion, you just need to live, love and not be disturbed by an extra question. To enjoy what is happening. Sometimes suffering. Painfully sometimes happens. This is normal.

- Can you live without thinking about the future with your loved one?

- I even think with such categories, to be honest. I do not want.

- Now it's good ...

- Yes, I'm fine now! (Laughs.)

- Mikhail Bulgakov taught us never ask anything. And now psychologists advise the opposite: you want - tell me. What camp are you in?

- I am not asking. My female energy works very correctly: I love to give - to men, women, children. I love gifts to give something to surprise, and it always returns it too. It is worth thinking - it already comes. I do not know why - I do not ask anyone anything. I can ask to buy water along the way home. (Laughs.)

- Many believe that the Institute of Marriage is outdated. What do you think about this?

- I will understand when I try. Familiar say that when the stamp appears in the passport, then some sense of responsibility is born. And so I have to feel the sense of responsibility for people needs. Some pairs do not fully paint in principle. They say: "We are together, and we have everything well." This also has its own truth. An interesting question is actually. Think.

- You are romantic? The candidate biscuit period is important for you?

- Yes. This is Magic Moment. Like in the movies. It is impossible to learn how to create magic in some scene. Everything is solved spontaneously. Well, it's true! This is my motto. I called me on the playground my girlfriend-director. I came to her and gave flowers, because she had the first shot. Such little miracles are nice and make life more interesting.

- What is female sexuality for you?

- This is the energy: either it is, or it is not. And if not, you can't open it in yourself.

- How do you feel about frank scenes in the cinema?

- How to work as part of the story. I do not have this: I would soon be a bedside scene! Here I have with Pavel Dresses soon it will be, for example. And I will say: "Finally, we have a bed scene! Lived! " (Laughs.)

- Are you easy to nose in front of the camera? In general, more difficult to: nude in front of the camera physically or emotionally?

- Depends on the script, from the director. Suppose we removed a fairly intimate scene in the "attraction". And Fyodor Sergeevich as a man is wise, correctly feeling thinks: "This is Ira Starshenbaum - what would I do to make it comfortable?" And we took the camera and went into this room together. The operator and the dressing room, there were no other people there. We shot this scene like this. The attitude really changes everything, always. I - for any scenario sentences, if they are justified by the plot, ready on a lot, on some revelations. I think this is how the overcoming itself is. This is your height imprinted on the camera.

Vest and turtleneck, all - The Eights

Vest and turtleneck, all - The Eights

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Have you always confident?

- I am closer to openness, so let's say. I'm trying to pull it out of people.

- They write that your mom is a hairdresser stylist. In childhood, have you experimented with hairstyle?

- Oh yeah! Well, for example, I am a very talented child, and when I made someone new-fashioned hairstyle, I had a jug, here a little bit fell. I thought for a long time what to do with her ... And finally cut it out so that she was sticking out. So it was worth a good start in the career of the hairdresser. (Laughs.)

- Ready for experiments with appearance for the sake of the role?

- Sure. If the director says: tomorrow you shave to sleep and beautify in a salad - calmly.

- Easily feel about change in appearance?

- Well yes! What? All life with one hairstyle going? ..

- To shoot the television series "Roof of the World" you had to climb into the coffin. I feel it was easy for you ...

- It is funny that Ilyusha Mlinniki sometimes forgot me to open. The director did a break, began to explain the task, and here I give a voice: "Ilyushenka, I understand everything, but you can open the coffin! I feel there too much. " (Laughs.) Almost all artists once turn out to be in this place ... It somehow sounded any ambiguous.

- How do you think the abilities, talents can be developed in yourself?

- You may have a talent in dealing with people, in cooking, music, anywhere. But if it is not, where does he come from? There are in principle very gifted people who can a lot: play movies, sing, dance, draw ... They even not necessarily learn for this. So many directories, operators, actors who have not studied anything and at the same time incredibly talented. We laugh sometimes that we have a club of people without education. Probably, you just need to dream and do, do and dream.

- Do you have a list of what you want to achieve in life?

- Three children, two Oscars. (Laughs.) This is the most important thing. Take the line somewhere in ninety, smoking a cigarette, looking at that, and something else. The result should be phenomenally stunning. But the main thing - on the path of the kaiphew as it should!

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