Notes of Thai Mommy: "Why a foreigner Thai wife?"


Not so long ago, I communicated with one famous sports couple who first arrived in Thailand to relax a couple of weeks. So, to the question that most surprised in this country, both, without thinking, answered the voice: "Thai wives."

I, honestly, has long been accustomed to their existence. But even I periodically stop and ask everyone around: "Why? What for?"

So, Thai wives (if you suddenly have never heard about such a phenomenon) - these are local girls who become devoted girlfriends who have come to the European holiday for the night-week-month-year (it all depends on how much rest). In fact, this option is very convenient: you pay the girl money, and in return you get a guide, translator and night fairy in one person. Thai wife will show you the most amazing places, where tourists-packagers usually do not get, will help knock out a discount in the store or on the market, and at night will serve you on the highest category. It is convenient for not talking. And I just understand.

For the most part, Thai ladies working in the field of entertainment of foreigners are far from the canons of beauty.

For the most part, Thai ladies working in the field of entertainment of foreigners are far from the canons of beauty.

Above my intelligence of the situation (mass), when the solid seems to be uncle-European suddenly begins to behave aki unreasonable child. For some reason, he sincerely believes that this particular girl whose profession is to be replaced by foreigners who come to rest, having met him, immediately ready to forget about his profession. They say, she is engaged in prostitution exclusively by the will of circumstances, and if she is a little help (materially, by itself), then it will discern with his past and will belong to him, and only him. And - rushed. These units (sometimes - not the poorest) begin to pay huge amounts with their Thai wives. Even when they leave home, they continue to send money transfers marked: "The main thing is to wait for me." If they stay in Thailand, they often buy real estate and movable real estate in the name of their Thai girlfriends, being confident that a) it is easier legally; b) Thai girlfriend will never deceive it.

Stories, like the one or another local girl, absorbed to the thread of the next foreign beloved, - Million. However, anyway, each of the men believes that his case is exceptional.

If you see long-legged beauties, know: before you - transsexuals.

If you see long-legged beauties, know: before you - transsexuals.

And I still can not intelligible. Okay, when he loses his head from the wicked love of a gray-haired old man or a non-pieces of a man who in his native fenats was clearly nothing to catch. But when I see quite young attractive males with Thai wives, it's decisively not clear to me. Because these Thai wives themselves, to put it mildly, are far from beauty standards. No, of course, there are beauties among the Taek. Only now they usually occupy a fairly high position in society and are clearly not burning with the desire to ascertain the rest of the arrival of Faraga. And those that go to prostitutes are usually similar to each other - dense, centenary, with wide persons and protruding the lower jaw.

Thai Muscovite Bone's wife (high and quite a cute guy) - just this type. Maybe, so he was embarrassed, asking not to publish his photo in an embrace with this girl? But something she lured him something that he threw everything in the world and left for her to the edge of the earth? Maybe all is in sex?

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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