Maxim Vitorgan: "I plan a separate item in the contract: no wanders and beards"


Maxim Vitorgan got into the love triangle: in the new series he tries to repel the heroine of Tatiana Arntgolts at the hero of Vladimir Epifantsev. The actor himself admits that in his life such stories, fortunately, did not happen. But others happened, no less bright.

- Maxim, in the TV series "New Man" you play a reliable man who fights for the heart of his girl. Have you ever had to defend the honor of a woman to whom her former man brought?

- This situation is unfamiliar to me. By the way, when the casting began, I was tried to play Vladimir Epifantsev played. He, of course, a person is very unusual for me - not even call the second one among his friends. Before you start, I had certain concerns: whether we will be able to communicate normally.

- And how did you end up? ..

- It turned out that, first of all, Volodya - a person is very professional. And secondly, I would say, even gentle, despite the fact that it is trying to seem other. (Smiles.) I know it certainly - I lived with him four months in one dressing room. He is a high level actor. I was not able to cope with me many times on the court, and Vova in the comedy genre is a real clown in a good sense of the word. Tatyana was the most courageous man on the site. We have been trembling, trembled, satisfied some whims - which was not only. And always beside us stood with a dumb reproach, which could be in the cold, knee-deep in the water, on a hot polygon, - she was just near and waited for when you can start working after our whining. (Smiles.)

Maxim Vitorgan:

According to Maxim, on the set of the series "New Man" his partner Tatiana Arntgolts was the most courageous man on the site. Unlike other actors, she did not allow themselves no whims

- How did you come to the fact that your hero should wear a mustache?

- This is the fiction of the producer, not mine. We tried a mustache and glasses, but I seemed to be too old with the glasses for Tanya Arntgolz. Sad, insulting, but truth. Why mustache? It is hard to say. It seemed to us that such a person should wear a mustache. I myself never did it.

- Probably, is terribly inconvenient to filmed with overheads for several months?

- I hope that my agent will make a separate point in the contract - no beard and mustache. For four months of filming and daily gluing mustache, I developed a terrible corn on the soul and on the lip. (Laughs.) Every day, a very unpleasant suspension was applied to my nose, and then stuck spiny, tough other people's hair. I breathed all this whole day, after which the make-upras were removed and cleaned my face with a brush and tassel. But when inhaling in the nose, there is still a feeling of lipidity.

- Many people think that curiosities or abnormal situations occur on the set of comedy daily. So it was?

"We starred with Vladimir Epifantsev, and he is a man, in general, ready to create an abnormal situation, and they will not get bored next to him." (Smiles.) I still remember how we had a little sketch with a bear, which we did not have time to remove all the time. And in the end, this shooting has become the last picture of the painting. Brought an incredible quality of a bear suit that looked like a real animal. He was hollow inside, the artist was stuffed in him. The bear moved to the mouth, eyes opened and closed. The episode itself is short: I stand at the window and look at Tanya with Volodya, on their family happiness - and the animal is thrown at the back at the back. Thus, we finished the shooting on the fact that the bear was devoured me.

- In almost every new project, the actors learn something new. What did you manage to learn in this comedy?

- I had some days for tango rehearsals. And I also had to get ice skates, which I never loved and really did not know. Once again, I was convinced that this is not mine.

- This year, the excitement around football continues. You yourself do not play?

- Recently, I myself play extremely rarely. As the audience was at all matches of the Russian national team during the world championship, even received a fan passport. I lived at several European championships: in Austria, Poland, France. Apparently, gradually age takes a person from a football field. But I still remain a dedicated fan and admirer of this game. If still manages to go out on the field, then I play in different companies: it's both colleagues, and just friends are friends.

- What about other sports?

- At the time of our filming, I started with the sport, because I could not overcome myself. When you get up at seven in the morning and come back home at ten pm, then there is no strength. But in principle, I love to play sports and feel good when in a tone. I do not do with the gland, only the power training. I am oppressing monotony, and my sports program is diverse, and I am very interested.

- But, as you know, to keep the form, one sport is not enough. Do you have a special nutrition?

- I observe the diet from time to time with a particular degree of rigor. Sometimes quite rigid - 1800 calories per day; And sometimes a little more free. Of course, it happens that you get confused from the right schedule, especially on the set.

- Many sit on diet whole families. You do not care with xenia?

- Unfortunately, we are not so often seeing and do not spend so much time together. And when we meet, we are not to diets.

- Do you know how to cook?

- I'm not preparing at all, that is, at all.

- And the spouse?

- It happens that Ksenia is preparing something, but we do not like this process very much.

Sport and attentive attitude to nutrition became part of the life of the actor. It is sport and diet he owes his excellent form

Sport and attentive attitude to nutrition became part of the life of the actor. It is sport and diet he owes his excellent form


- Ability to spin any nut in the house - also not about you?

- I don't like it right at all and I don't know how much. But life forced me, and I did a lot of things. And the windows put, and the doors hung, and the toilet bowls. When I will fit, I begin to do something painfully. But in general, I prefer to make money to pay professionals for such work.

"You recently suddenly said you want to stop filming in comedies." Why?

- I was kidding. (Laughs.) Just at some point the proportion of comedy roles has become too big, and it's a little tired of me.

- In addition to the little son, you have two more adult children, and they also chose creative professions ...

"It's true: the daughter works at Rammit, finished his first season in the theater, released several prime ministers. The son is preparing for admission to the Faculty Camera.

- Is your son Plato already familiar with the little daughter of your dad?

- They are almost not familiar while. Let's just say, they were in the same room.

- Admit what you can spend a lot of money?

- Since I have a lot of children, that is, some responsibility. Previously, I spent money without thinking and happened, I stayed on the mel. Now I am not very interested in luxury objects, I do not buy expensive hours, I drive a car that provides me by a company, unpretentious in food, so I would love to spend money on travel. But if we are talking about the latest money, then I will spend them all the same for children.

- Is there a motto that leads you in life?

"I like the phrase McMurphi from the movie" Flying over the cuckoo nest ":" I at least tried. " But it will not be at all true towards me, because it is often preferring to not even try. I still love the phrase "Do not be afraid of perfection, it does not threaten you."

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan met in December 2011

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan met in December 2011

Gennady Avramenko

How they love

In their novel, few people did not believe, the wedding was called PR, and even the pregnancy of Ksenia many considered false. The joint life of this pair, probably, is pronounced contrary to the circumstances and therefore intrigues the public. I remembered the story of the love of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan.

They met thanks to the active civil position. The first meeting of future spouses took place in December 2011 during a rally on Sakharov Avenue. At that time, Maxim was twice with his father, with two marriages behind the shoulders, and Ksenia, by rumors, was in relations with the oppositionist Ilya Yashin. The acquaintance of the journalist and actor had a fleeting character, and the meeting, which became a fateful, took place only in a year. As Ksenia admitted, she was fascinated by the nobility of Maxim, who eventually managed to conquer her.

The couple hid her relationships, and even the wedding of Ksenia and Maxim became for many surprise. This happened in February 2013. The guests were invited to the premiere of the film with the participation of Maxim, but showed a much more cool "movie". The public suddenly appeared the groom in a suit and bride in a beautiful dress from Ulyana Sergienko. Friends of the couple ash, everyone else began to gloom and count the days to an inevitable divorce. But the spouses themselves occupied, perhaps, the perfect position. They did not enter the overhank, almost did not give interviews, occasionally went into the world and together looked touchingly to tears.

Passion was increasing even more when the pregnancy of Ksenia became aware. Social networks of Kisheli malice, the interesting position of Sobchak was called fake, the yoga sessions of the future mother compared almost with madness. But the spouses kept calm and in February 2016 announced the birth of the son of Plato.

Surrounded by the family, they are confident that the years of living together changed spouses. Maxim from a very closed man turned into an ironic man who willingly shared thoughts both in an interview and in social accounts. Ksenia from the secular fury rose to the judgmental and responsible young woman who, however, not without artistry can remind Ksyusha from the past.

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