Be beautiful - not expensive


Cosmetics manufacturers attract us advertising, bright packages and loud slogans. Each firm claims that its products are the best. It costs one or twice to apply their miraculous remedy, from the frog-princes you will immediately turn into Vasilisa beautiful.

Of course, who argues, science does not stand still. Chemists, biologists, beautician doctors, perfumers and many other specialists for days work on the creation and combination of components, receiving new formulations.

And now, the presentation, attracting stars to advertise a new cream, and the novelty falls on the counter. Taking a tiny jar in the hands and looking at its price, we really have the right to expect a miraculous result. And it happens not always.

But somehow our grandmothers and mothers lived without imported cosmetics and at the same time they created a reputation as Russian women, as the most beautiful in the world. They did not have stylists, makeup artists, trichologists, and the cosmetologists in the country could be counted on the fingers. But they had ordinary pharmacies. Maybe you should look at what they used?

In favor of pharmacy funds, their naturalness and low price speaks. If you didn't like the product, it is not a pity for that kind of money and throw it out - this is not a corporate 30 millilitres for 30 thousand rubles.

Degtyar soap

Yes, it's not easy to get used to the smell of birch target, but when you understand how much use in this brown piece of soap, you will forget about such trifles. The drug properties of the fly knew in ancient Russia.

Soap can wash not only the skin, but also hair. It snaps well and disinfect. Removes the fat shine and narrows the pores. By the way, genecologists recommend to use it for intimate hygiene.

The price of a piece of soap is about 25 rubles.

Salicylic acid

This tool perfectly copes with chemical skin peeling. Unlike the mechanical, even gentle, the face remains on the face.

The substance cleanses well and dry the skin, helps from acne, blocking the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation.

One bubble worth less than 100 rubles will be enough for half a year.


The product is absolutely natural - it is a sponge living in fresh water. In the pharmacy, it is sold in the form of powder. It is enough to add some water and oil, such as a tea tree or peach, purchased immediately, and you get an amazing agent from small wrinkles.

Also this plant can be used for peeling. It includes a mask of vitamins, minerals and microelements - a whole storage room. And with bruises, without a badyah, do not do at all.


This is certainly not the yellow, viscous substance, which lies at the grandmother in the garden, but the material is also natural and useful. The versatility of the product is that it is suitable for all parts of the body from the top of the top. Clay perfectly cleans hair and skin. It helps with acne racks, well feeds and moisturizes the face, lines the structure and pulls the oval.

On each box, pharmacy clay has recommendations for its use. What and how to breed and in what proportions.

And now take a tube with a mask from clay, bought in the cosmetics store, read the composition, find the difference and compare the price.


The pharmacy has hope to buy natural oils, and not a chemical composition with them. Some oils can be used in pure form for skin moisturizing or as a basis for future cream, masks, while others as additives.

For example, tea tree oil perfectly cleans the face, penetrating deep into the epidermis. Lavender - calm down for the night. Peach - give the skin elasticity and radiance.

The oil is consumed literally dropped. A small bubble, worth about 200 rubles, may be enough for a long time. Will erase only for shelf life and storage conditions.


In the pharmacy you can find herbs for all the case of life. They can be in the dry form of the scatter, in paper bags, like tea or alcohol tincture. It all depends on what you are going to do.

So the alcohol tincture of calendula will help with wounds and cuts. Wire a dry chamomile on a water bath and rinse the hair. They will become soft and silky. True, the chamomile is suitable only for blondes - grass slightly lit curls. But brunettes for this purpose you can cook a decoction of nettle.

Frozen in the cubes of ice scales perfectly in the morning refresh the face, help wake up, get rid of bruises under the eyes.

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