Alexander Melman: At Timur Kizyakov all at home


I strained - I thought, now there will be criticism, offense. Of course, I used to this. And gratefully used. My telepusiks react approximately in the proportion of 50 to 50: Some, it happens, somehow they do not approve very much, others, on the contrary, say Thank you. Periodically, those and others change places, go to the opposite camp.

So, I strained. But Timur for some reason began to thank. Although I always try to write about the ambiguity of my characters. For what I love them.

Some time ago on Kizyakov walked injury. And from all over. He was accused of financial fraud, in the fact that he earns on children.

But I never believed it. He knew that Timur is a very decent person. Twenty-five years later, his wonderful, cult even program "While all at home" came out. And then he was asked to go as discrediting themselves.

He went to "Russia" and there practically disappeared. I wrote about this. I also wrote about the fact that Kizyakov together with Lena, his wife, does a good, important thing. And the program itself is extremely positive, friendly. And good it comes from whom? That's right, from the lead.

Timur told me that the other day, that is, quite recently, the courts fully justified him and did not find any suspicious. He is clean, like a tear of a child. I wrote about it too.

His program did not change at all - which was, so remained. Only called now "when all at home". Only one word changed, not the essence. But there is a context, entourage. The context of the first is to pain, to the bright tears of the usual way out of the air, when the button is turned on on the machine.

Now everything is different. Yes, his, Kizyakov, took, stood their shoulder, helped at a difficult moment. It's enough? It is wonderful, very good, but we are talking about television.

If even Andrei Malakhov is lost on great expanses of "Russia", and before that Maxim Galkin, then what to talk about Timur. He also lost and, it seems, does not deny this. At least he did not prevent me here for his claims.

Although might. After all, they, TV presenters, consider themselves idols of all the times and peoples, connoisseurs of all things. They are all on the lips, how they themselves think. True, this does not apply to Timur.

Only in the yard already the XXI century, gentlemen. TV is resting, it is in a big span. The Internet is what is relevant now. Still a little bit - and the TV will become an anachronism, at best there will be a cup of rushes on it. Although not, try to put them on Korean blue and very flat screen! Eh, TV, well, what to do with you ...

But there are still people working. Ordinary, normal, good people. And bad also work. With their feelings, thoughts, sniffers. People - well, what to take with them. People who have already decided their apartment question once and forever. People I write about. Still.

And in the final of Moral. The fact that Timur Kizyakov (about him we are speech) a very highly powerful person. I think so.

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