Corrected to believe: call and annoy the main beauty myths


Error - the phenomenon is extremely lively and very common. Myths and legends accompany any scope of our activity, but the buoy is blossomed precisely where it is about beauty and health. Amazing theories that have no scientific grounds, explicit contradictions in advice and recommendations, bold experiments with new procedures - is it safe, as it seems to us?

Surprisingly, in the era of the information society as never relevant words Socrates: "I know that I don't know anything." The more theories and disputes arise, the more doubts and myths are born in our heads. Is facial cleaning useful? Is the hair lamination not harmful? Do anti-cellulite funds work? We understand together.

show face

According to statistics, the most thorough way - and, accordingly, with the largest set of funds and manipulations - women take care of the face. This is understandable: our age and health is assessed primarily on the state of the skin, the presence or absence of wrinkles, color and tone. And it is the procedures and cosmetics related to the work on the beauty of the face, and cause major issues and speculation.

The main mistake of the ladies is still the notorious cleansing - the quality and effectiveness of the first stage in systemic care suffers from our inept actions. If you regularly make makeup, then you will wash it twice. First you need to wash off the remnants of tonal agents, powders and ruzyn, and with eyebrows - traces of a pencil. When the demaciage is completed, the cleansing begins directly - and these are two different (!) Steps in the composition of the Unified process. You can use various tools for them: first use, for example, milk for removing make-up, and then - fresh gel.

Great alarm in girls causes the use of special automatic brushes for cleansing. As it happens, the methods were found as an arbitrariness of supporters and irreconcilable opponents. Alas, and the first, and the second is largely mistaken. So, the fans of the brushes use them too zealously and uniformly applied on dry skin, hoping on a more "nuclear" effect. Ignore massage lines, famously leading the device to face in a chaotic order, pressure protected and put maximum speed modes. In a month-second such appeal, the face resembles the field of Brahi - peeling, redness, the wounds are here as here. And such a result becomes the main argument of opponents of brushes, which, of course, unfairly in relation to wonderful devices.

The movement of the brush must occur on a damp skin, according to massage lines, without significant pressure, not longer than this is indicated in the instructions, on the minimum (to start) speed. Girls with sensitive skin needed special brushes and use softening agents.

By the way, it is because of errors in the process of purification, a need for cleaning faces arises. Many cosmetologists are confident that this procedure is shown only to girls with specific problems. If you do not have them, the pore cleansing can be held in a regular order: with the help of daily washing, if necessary, peeling is not more often than once every two weeks. If you need a mechanical assistance to remove comedon and black points, reconsider care, diet and remember that no ultrasound will save you from problems if you are illiterately wash away. And no breakdowns of the face over the baths with hot water! This is a direct path to Cooperoza. Open pores help specially designed cosmetic products.

One of the common mistakes of many ladies is love for homemade cosmetics. The use of basic and essential oils, masks from cottage cheese and cucumbers, strawberries and other foods - alas, in modern realities it is nothing more than folk fun. Compete in efficiency with the proposed cosmetics, they simply cannot. Moreover: illiterately mixed oils can lead to serious skin problems: pore plugging, rash, allergic reactions, and even chemical burns - if it comes to ether. When working with them, it is important to observe a strict dosage that few people know about. Also - alas! - Not competitive products with synthesized molecules and organic cosmetics.

We have learned from the book of Yana Teethovova, written in co-authors with a cosmetologist of Tiyna Orasmäe-Medher. Alas: All the favorite balms and hygienic lipsticks for the lips are the cause of the dryness of the skin, cracks and peeling. According to experts, the skin of the lips and so quite well copes with cold, and with heat, quickly updated and does not require increased attention. But as soon as we begin to actively protect it, natural barrier properties decrease, the exchange processes are braked, the mechanism of hydration is disturbed - and here we are already in a closed circle. We use balms - we get problems. How to be? The authors of the book advise the use of ordinary moisturizing face creams.

Complicated story

Soviets and recommendations for hair care almost as much as the face. The main mistakes (and at the same time the most dangerous!) - In a stubborn reluctance, protect their curls from thermal methods in the form of a hair dryer, a wedge and tongs. Experts repeat: if you can't refuse styling devices, protect your hair with special means with thermal protection factors.

Hairdressers, concerned about the state of our curls, strongly recommend to forget about domestic masks, whose recipes were divided among themselves our grandmothers. First, no matter how loved the Folk Secrets of Beauty, they will never exceed the Efficiency of Salon Procedures or even the simplest home care from the manufacturer's brand. Secondly, many masks can greatly harm - not hair, but the skin of the head. And if the "soil" is sick, then the "sprouts" will be weak. Oil compositions are blocked by pores and interfere with the work of the hair follicle, the pepper can provoke burns. Exception from the rule is coconut oil, which is suitable for even problem skin and does not cause blockage of greasy ducts.

Girls accustomed to the use of henna, it is important to abandon this fun as soon as possible. For some reason, the thought was rooted in our consciousness about the exceptional benefits of this plant - but, alas, reality from this is far away. The amazing visual effect is shine, smoothness, silkiness - can confuse, but such a picture is achieved by gluing hair scraps. Because of this, the Cortex does not penetrate enough moisture and nutrients, which means that soon you will get acquainted with dryness and fragility. Trichologists came to this conclusion for a long time, but folk love for Henna is almost indestructible.

Let's be proceeding

When it comes to the beauty miphs concerning the body, the leadership here holds a commodity opinion about anti-cellulite products. Opponents of such funds referred to their marketing tricks and indicate that the root causes of the "orange peel" are deeply in the tissues, and no wonderful cream will correct internal failures and problems. On the one hand, it is so. And on the other, the anti-cellulite means are part of the overall therapy: if there is a sufficient concentration of caffeine, the main fighter with irregularities, then we can safely count on the visual effect in regular use. In combination, even with a home massage and proper nutrition to achieve smooth skin possible.

Another common myth is one of the most dangerous in the industry. Most of our compatriots (and compatriots) are confident that sunscreens will reliably protect us from malignant skin diseases. But, unfortunately, it is not. Even the means with the largest barrier factor cannot guarantee this, because mechanisms for the occurrence of melanoma are not studied to the end. Experts recommend hiding from rays at a dangerous clock and not to spend longer than half an hour.

Where did the information about the terrible consequences of using antiperspirants with aluminum - it is not clear. But the fact remains a fact: now we are in constant search for organic products without "this substance", which allegedly provokes the diseases of the mammary glands. We can only regret aluminum, because convincing evidence of His malfunction has not been granted to scientific community.

In short, before you believe in any statement - or, on the contrary, it is careless to start in the beauty experiments, "it will not be superfluous to check the information and carefully weighed everything for and against. In the end, our health and beauty is exclusively in our hands.

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