Four steps changing fate


Unfortunately, only a few of the question: "Are you happy?" They answer affirmatively and without doubt. Most people always lack something for complete harmony - the ideal partner, someone's nose of another form, someone's suitcase of money or personal aircraft.

Imagine the situation that certain things in life are not satisfied with you, and you are ready to change. As soon as you formulate the intention, "Heaven will begin to move," and in your life will immediately come what helps the embodiment of the conceived. Moreover, hundreds of opportunities will open in front of you, and here the most important question is What to choose . I will offer you an algorithm of actions that will help to separate the grains from Treven in finding your faithful way to happiness.

The first and most important - Choose the possibilities of those that are already present in your life. A big misconception is that it is necessary to go for the thirty lands in search of a miracle. No And once again no: do not think that the universe is so stupid that it did not take care that you have everything for happiness at your hand. This also applies to people, and to things, and to situations - always work with what you have.

Second nuance which would be not bad to take into account - it is impossible to rely on what fashionable, prestigious and seems to help everyone helps. Fashion - lady Capricious and changeing: Recall at least the relation to religion in our country. You have your personal recipe for happiness, but you will never recognize him if you always do what everyone do.

Third Step There is no less important on this way: do only what causes a response in your heart. Try a lot, but choose only what you like and you are interested, and do not care with a high bell tower on the opinion of others.

Point four - Always remember that you are unique. At all times it was difficult to be not like that. It is difficult, but it is not impossible at all. Be passionate, daring, active and seeking, because the award for your choice will be the feeling of inner harmony and the beauty that the people who have found their way will be "glowing".

Find out what "say" stars this week with my traditional Weekly astrological forecast.

February 6 . Day of the most diverse achievements: the more you plan to work, the more you have time. Maybe you have in the archive there are topics deferred on the principle "from Monday to begin." You can solve financial issues, get promotion, negotiate with people.

February 7. . Despite passion raging around, you can find a corner of calm inside yourself. Be today as an ocean: whatever the storm will be on the surface, in the depths he is calm, serene and full of silence. It is possible to arrange an unloading day with a good result - a diet today will lead the nervous system in order.

February 8. . Today it is possible to completely surrender to the power of art - choose its direction that you like, and open new facets.

February 9th . On this Thursday you can surprise to detect a desire to burst or edit - children's reactions can be left to the surface. And at all, it is not necessary to drag yourself into the frame, if you want to cry - cry for health. If a person cries in response to an unpleasant event is a great sign. Roughness, worn in relation to others is born as a result of constant suppression of emotions in itself.

February 10 . Brief, clarity, composure will help today in solving emerging tasks. If you can keep yourself at this framework, we will collect a good harvest.

February 11th . Today the full moon is the day when emotional reactions are exacerbated, the attentiveness decreases, people make more mistakes. The human reactions can be the most unpredictable. Triple all said relates to women. But the full moon is different, today does not promise the explosion of passions, all emotions will still be controlled.

12th of February . Lay in your life "White Spots" - Sunday will help you easily comprehend uncharted. For example, you have never prepared eclairs at home or do not know how to approach the study of the Japanese language. Today you will easily take the first step, no matter how difficult it seems.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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