Twice two - four: stars forgotten school curriculum


In the new release of the show "1-11" of the popular bloggers, Ida Galich appeared singer Julianna Karaulova, who tried to win children, answering questions from the school program. Although the girl wanted the championship in a competition with younger colleagues, her knowledge was not flawless: Julianna was confused in questions on history and mathematics. The star is not the only one who has gaps in the knowledge of the school program:


In an interview with Womanhit, sending an elder daughter to the first class, Natalia recalled: "I myself didn't learn very well, and everything around said that with time I regret it. Now I will tell my daughter that study is important, but not the most important thing in life. And that you do not need to forget about your development and remain only within the framework of the school program. " In school years, Natalia was a popular actress - she took part in the filming of episodic roles and commercials, and a little later concluded a contract with Fadeev and began to sing.

Robby Williams

The famous Hollywood actor graduated from school on a hard "Nood.", Having failed each of the final exams - this is written users in the foreign service of QUORA answers. True, the reason for the lack of motivation to study is simple and understandable: a man spent a lot of time on casting and dreamed of becoming a screen star. As you can see, he did everything!

Lena Katina

Another actress shared with Womanhit with his memories: "It was not very loved by mathematics, but, frankly, very grateful to all teachers for the support of my creativity. It is often for my unfulfilled tasks and the absence of lessons, especially in high school, they looked through the fingers. Now I know for sure, enjoy the school is the most carefree time, although in the process it does not seem at all. "

Elton John

Doubt the high level of intelligence idols of millions make no sense - he has repeatedly proved that is an educated and clever man. Another thing is that Elton left school, hardly he turned 16. Instead of preparing for exams and enroll in the institute, the young musician began to play piano in a nearby restaurant and practicing the skill in his free time. Whoever knew that such bold arrivals will return to him good in tenfold.

As we see, creative people in school years were not at all to chemistry and mathematics - they dreamed of success and folk recognition. So do not make a child for the fact that he does not want to do homework - the school is really not as important as the time spent on his favorite business - in drawing lessons and sports training.

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