Vadim wait about New Year's corporate parties: "You need to be able to arrange women to yourself"


On the eve of the upcoming New Year holidays, we interviewed one of the most famous leading Russia Vadim Zhdan - a man who works for 16 years on stage, led the program to the "radio maximum" and the Europe + TV channel. Vadim waited more than 2,000 corporate events for Russian and foreign companies - both in Russia and abroad, so he knows how to organize a festive event.

Vadim, ahead - the New Year's race, the organizers of the corporate leaders choose leading. How best to do it?

- I will start with the fact that the most common misconception in people choosing leading to the corporate party is to trust the sorcela radio and rely on the reviews of other people and companies. After all, it is always necessary to keep in mind, for which public a corporate party was held, who leaves about the lead and about the event positive feedback. For example, if positive feedback on the festival and its organization is left by workers in a warehouse or manufacturing enterprise, then this does not mean that the holiday organized by this scheme is suitable for an international bank or a large medical clinic.

Another misconception is to choose the lead, looking through the video of various corporate events. But, looking through the cutting video from corporates, adequately evaluate the lead and his work will not work. We do not know what prehistory is behind what we see on the screen. As you know, professional lead adjusts to the public, feeling the mood of the public and skillfully sending an event.

The only thing that can be understood when watching the video is like or not to you lead outwardly. But in this case, it is worth keeping in mind that not every lead, which works great in the hall, looks good on the video.

What criterion of a good lead would you allocate as the most important thing?

First of all, it is always a well-kept appearance, high-quality and expensive clothes. He is the face of the event and should look immaculately. Beautiful leading is the key to success. Since almost all of the corporate parties × 80% of participants are a fair sex, a presenter should be able to arrange women to them, impress them.

What is still very important for the leading modern corporate party?

The most important thing in the work of the lead is to conquer love for yourself in the first, not even a minute, and seconds of communication. As a rule, even during the interview, everything becomes clear: if the lead provided an excellent impression, literally fell in love with himself at this stage of organizing the event, then it will be on the corporate party.

It is very important to choose the lead not only for the correct speech, the timbre of the voice, well-groomed appearance, but also on its energy. He must infect the public to his energy, and in a few seconds. I believe that the only way to choose a decent lead is to hold a casting, interview, communicate with him personally. Any competent leading will gladly come to you to talk personally, will show yourself, and it is this meeting that will be decisive. Therefore, do not be lazy to spend 20 minutes of your time for each lead, of which you can already choose the most suitable.

Be sure to place the leading question, mark a specific problem and listen, no matter how he decided it. After all, it is on the lead that lies, among other things, the permission of potentially conflict situations that may take place between the guests of the event. I am convinced that the lead at the event should know and be able to know everything - and explain where the restroom is, and reconciled the guests. A good leading experience in events, including, can close and organizational flaws, since he instantly notices them and quickly oriented. He either beat them so that no one would have time to notice anything, or instantly switch the attention of the public to some other moments.

And another advice - pay attention to the leaders that work on radio, television and constantly communicate with people, leads to transfers, interview their interlocutors. Now there are many information about them, including on the same YouTube. In the live broadcast, the leading of what only does not happen, so professional radio host will easily lead your audience at a corporate event. But, of course, it will be possible to him only when, in addition to the experience of working on the radio, he also has experience in the scene.

Mix "Radio + TV + Scene" and will give you a high-quality leading. And do not be afraid of prices: the media host can be invited to New Year's corporate on average for 200 thousand rubles. This amount is approximately comparable to the one that is paid by an intense leading, a maximum of thousands of 50 more expensive, but you will work with an experienced person who knows how perfectly, how to drive an event and is not afraid of various abnormal situations.

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