I am worth more!


Researchers argue that fear of success is stronger than fear of failure. Be outstanding worse than being like everything. To successful people, the requirements are higher, expectations from them complex and multifaceted, says goodbye to them, and errors are studied in a magnifying glass. Do not believe - check your environment. The more successful familiar, friend, relative or colleague, the more successful, with great pressure, our critical mind is looking for flaws in it. To be how everything is safer, more reliable. "Like everyone" - this formula of the shortness, which can be easily smoothed its mistakes, to justify the inaction or to cover a doomed approach to life.

Fearing fear to succeed in something, many give up on the finish itself to stay next to the "close" people who do not risk moving on, gaining a reliable place in life.

Here is the dream of one dreamy, who truly accomplished a quantum jump in his life. She grew up in an ordinary family, the standard of living of which was the easiest - that is, the economical savings in everything. And her young years she came out to a completely different level of generosity to himself and abundance. She can easily afford any whim - from a small thing to real estate or long travel and lives in other countries, without worrying about tomorrow. She recently told how she moved to an elite house with a beautiful view of the old Moscow district of her childhood, where she once lived, not dreaming about such her life.

And here is a dream:

"I go to my new home, but I can't find it. I go a few meters away, but I come to the old houses, where I once lived. And everything is not what passersby come across, which I can not ask. They clearly do not know where my new, wonderful house. They live in old houses and know the roads only to them. So I wander, looking for my home, realizing that he is somewhere closely close. In a dream I understand that this is a dream, and wake up. "

The sleep of the heroine demonstrates her that, despite the fact that she made a giant leap like Cinderella, who became a queen, she needs to learn to live with this fact. Not so, just stretch the idea of ​​yourself. "Being determines consciousness," but in fact, "consciousness determines being." Only the willingness to live will abundantly lead to abundance, agreement with the fact that "I am worthy of love" will promote in this direction.

The heroine in a dream rushes between a recent idea of ​​himself as a woman of a certain circle of "old houses", and a new vision of himself - worthy and abundant life. Sleep "Caught" is its transitional state. Also, sleep reflects the moment in which she is looking for something better for himself, although in fact already there. Probably, sleep reflects her that it is worth returning to the house that she rightfully and learn how to enjoy it, recognize their rights and dignity.

I wonder what you dream?

Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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