Zara: "Modern comics I study with my sons"


Singer Zara - the real embodiment of femininity, refinement and grace. However, the star of the domestic pop was not afraid to try a new role and appear in the form of fearless and terrible representative of the law. In the animation picture of "Lego Film: Batman" Zara gave her voice the desperate Barbara Gordon. On the eve of the premiere, which will be held on February 9, asked the singer on its new experience.


Gotham again threatens danger. And his guard becomes the only hero, which deserves this city, - Batman, Alter Ego Billiader Bruce Wayne, who lives in his enormous childbirth, along with the butler Alfred. But this time the superhero is forced to take a guy's team named Dick Grayson, whom he, not remember, adopted at one of the secular techniques. The newly minted Robin will be a Batman in the fight against his sworn enemy Joker, who escaped from the Psychiatric Hospital "Arkhem", as well as Harley Quinn, ready for the most crazy atrocities to leave in fools the whole "Fair League", including Batgerl.

- Zara, this is your first cartoon sounding experience. What was your reaction when you were offered to give a voice to cartoons?

- I was glad to this sentence! I also played in the theater and in the movies. But the sounding is a completely different, complex and interesting world. In a short time, you must understand your screen hero, his thinking, habits, bother his image, and the most difficult thing is to properly pass the intonation, which are present in the original film. Especially I am grateful for the help of the well-known actor and the director dubbing Vsevolod Kuznetsov: this is a big professional, it is he who corrects me to me the characteristics of my character's character. In addition, my sons, Danechka and Maxim, both adore Lego. Do I need to say how they waited for the premieres of the picture!


In the cartoon "Lego Film: Batman" Zara voiced Barbara Gordon, which helps Batman defeat villains

- Did you sing in this cartoon?

- No, but I think that the soundtracks in cartoons are the next creative area where I would like to realize myself. But the experience of creating soundtracks for the movie I already have. Ten years ago, one of my songs - "The Sky for Two" - became the capital composition to the film "Code of the Apocalypse".

- Tell us about your heroine. Do you have something in common with her? And what are you not at all like it?

- My heroine, daughter of the Barbara Gordon Police, a very fair girl, brave and decisive. Like her father, Barbara seeks to make life in Gotham City better, calmer. Therefore, it is she who in this film helps Batman in the fight against his long-standing enemy Joker. Barbara is good, judgment, with a volitional character, there are leadership qualities in it. In all this we are similar. And she is sharply feeling injustice. In general, "Lego Film: Batman" - about friendship, about what you need to be able to work in a team and be sure to appreciate people nearby, to roule them. And most importantly - it is impossible to change the world without changing himself. All these ideas laid in the cartoon are close to me.

- Your heroine Barbara Gordon is guarding the law. Have you ever been able to help the police? Or, on the contrary, violate the law?

- I am a law-abiding citizen, I try not to violate anything. (Smiles.) And with police representatives come across only at festive concerts. For example, with great pleasure, every year I congratulate the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with their professional holiday.

In the cartoon heroine, the burdens Helps Batman in the fight against his long-standing enemy Joker

In the cartoon heroine, the burdens Helps Batman in the fight against his long-standing enemy Joker

- How do you feel about comics?

- In my childhood, Murzilka magazines and funny pictures were magazines, all Soviet children grew on them. I'm not sure if they can be fully called comics. And the modern comics I, of course, study with Sy Novyami. And superheroes we love especially. (Laughs.)

- Lego - entertainment more for boys. Your children are designer fans?

- I do not agree. "Lego" for all: both for boys, and for girls, and for adults. And sometimes adults need much more time to deal with the details of the set than children. (Laughs.) Of course, my boys adore "Lego"! They have already managed to collect everything that I have been pressed before, and I looked forward to the set about Batman.

- How did your sons react to the fact that their mother will voice one of the main characters of the cartoon? Moreover, possessing superheroral abilities?

- They were delighted! They have already seen several series of "Lego Film", including the release of "superheroes unite". So this news brought them, probably, even a little more joy than me. Before the premiere I gave the sons of the costumes of Batman. And from the cartoon they stayed in complete delight and could not calm down for a long time - the history of the main characters themselves also impressed them.

Zara first presented his voice an animation character

Zara first presented his voice an animation character

- Probably, this day will remain in memory for a long time. And how is your perfect day with sons?

- If I don't need anywhere in the morning, there are no concerts, filming, touring, then we will definitely roll in the morning together in bed, we communicate a lot, we can see together cartoons or read books. And then, depending on the time of year, we go to the attractions or ride on the cheesecakes. In general, just having fun together. (Smiles.)

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