What to read on weekends: best women's selection of books


Molly Bloom "Big Game"


Molly was born in the state of Colorado (USA), in his youth professionally engaged in sports, but she failed to put special records. Having received injury and leaving the sport, the girl moved to Hollywood and settled the secretary. Soon it was found that her boss secretly holds closed poker tournaments. The years did not pass, how to adventure Molly lured all major players ... And then a big game began! Behind the tables, the girls won and lost hundreds of millions of dollars, celebrities did not miss a single meeting with Molly, and the rates, above these, Hollywood never seen. The poker game was the leisure, which many dreamed about, and only the favorites were allowed to it. Molly built a poker empire, to become part of which everyone dreamed of everything ... "Big Game" - a backward look at the greatest card empire of modernity, as well as on all dangers and defeats on this path.

Liv Konstantin "Last Mrs. Parrish"


A fascinating psychological thriller with unexpected turns of the plot, which will capture the reader and will not let him go until he turns the last page. Daphne Parrish Everything in life is quite successful: a beautiful devotee Jackson, two children, a luxurious house, designer clothes, expensive jewelry - all that can dream any woman. The insidious and enterprising Amber Patterson dreams of any successful spouse from the Daphne. She finds a way to make friends with Mrs. Parrish, and now each her step becomes part of the insidious plan. The Ember Cool Manipulates Dafa and Jackson, without sparing anyone who gets up on her way. Can Amber get what he wants? We find out. Can Jackson break up with the perfect family for the sake of young mistress? We will see! And do not doubt: everything is not as simple as it seems ...

Sofia Lundberg "Little Red Writing Book"


A small red notebook is a faithful companion of 96-year-old Doris since 1928, since his father gave her girl for a decade. This book is her treasury, she keeps the memory of all amazing meetings in her life. Here, its only wealth is hidden - her memories. But is there something like that that can enrich others? Each head of the book tells first about the life of Doris now, and then - about any other interval of her past. Childhood in Sweden, love in France, who lived in it until the end of days, brutal America, who has deprived her confidence in people, the English shore, who has given a shelter during the war. But the main thing - people: all the heroes of the book somehow influenced Doris. The sacrificial, good and bright girl was trying to change and reflect, but did not come out. Rare glistening happiness always kept her afloat. She lived for everyone, trying to make a happy and self.

Jamie Oliver - a series of culinary books


Recipe books Jamie Oliver have long become bestsellers in many countries of the world. Dishes sometimes consist of just a few simple components, for example, "5 ingredients. Fast and simple food "and" 15 minutes for lunch. Tasty, useful and very fast. " "Mental food" is love, laid since childhood. This is what we know and remember all my life, it is nostalgia: according to grandfather fairy tales, my mother's hands, grandmother's treats ... remembering the traditions, got a carrot on their own bed? Prepare from it Indian carrot salad on the recipe from the book "Jamie at home. Through the kitchen - to the best life! ". If you have a Mediterranean cuisine, prepare "risotto with baked mushrooms and parsley" by recipe from the book "My Italy".


Or maybe you want to add notch novelty to familiar dishes? Discover the ideas collected from distant travel, having acquainted with the book "Happy days with a bare cook." Want to cook something unusual, but save the budget? Try another 119 other delicious inexpensive dishes on the book "Economy with Jamie." Jamie Oliver was founded by the chain restaurant "Fifteen", which took 15 workers who had nothing to do with cooking. Now these restaurants are open in London, Amsterdam, Melbourne and Cornwall. Jamie proved in practice that cooking, as the best cooks, can literally everyone. Try and you, together with the book "Ministry of Power". In an effort to help the British stop there is a bad tasteless food, he achieved changes in the nutrition of schoolchildren and released the book "Super food for every day from Jamie Oliver", the main philosophy of which is healthy, balanced dishes without extra effort.

Caroline Graham - a series of detectives based on the series "Pure English killings"


"Murder in Bajers-Drift." Baggers-drift impress the exemplary English village - cozy and calm. When Miss Emily Simpson goes, as usual, walk through the forest, she cannot assume that this walk will be the last for her. The death of an elderly lady looks completely natural, but the Senior Barnaby Inspector still starts an investigation. And the deeper it is immersed in an external safe rustic life, the clearer it becomes that this serene place keeps a lot of dangerous secrets.


"Death of the Liestchy" - the second Roman Graham from the cycle of detective stories about the Barnaby inspector. In the theater society of the provincial town of Cauton is preparing the layout of the play of Peter Schiffer Amadi. Nerves have all participants in the performance at the limit: confrontation of characters, intrigues and suspicions fill their hearts and on stage, and in life. The premiere of the play, on which the senior inspector comes, turns around the real tragedy, and the barnabi will have to find out who from the heroes decided on such a bold crime ...


"Death under the mask" - the third novel from the cycle of detective stories about the Barnaby inspector. In the village of Compton-Dondo, there is a mysterious secluded estate, in which the Golden Horse commune settled is a spiritual and esoteric community. One of the founders of the commune died, as believed, as a result of an accident. Society manages all the dear Ian Craigi - a teacher, around him and united members of the commune, each of which led their own confusing story. One day, a terrible murder occurs during the shower movement session, and the famous Barnaby inspector with his assistant Sergeant Troy comes to the scene. Crystoral moves and undisclosed secrets, the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and the exposured fraud, rich inheritance, love, envy and sincere faith - the reader awaits a truly exciting reading that keeps in tension to the last page.

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