Kirill Grebenshchikov: "This season has personal experiences even sharper"


In the second season of the series "Pregnancy test", heroes are faced with difficult working situations in the maternity department and in addition they are forced to unravel the tangles of personal problems. Kirill Grebelshchikov and Svetlana Ivanov play a married couple, in the life of which idyll is not yet folded. "My hero does not fully understand, she loves him or not, he doubts the partner," says Kirill. "So this season has personal experiences even sharper."

It must be recognized that a lot of personal experiences fell to the share of Kirill. He was born in the family of actors of the Theater named after Stanislavsky - Yuri Grebenshchikov and Natalia Orlova. Like all the acting children, Cyril from childhood saw all the stoken of the profession of their parents, but, unlike many other offspring, which grew in a similar situation, neither theatrical layouts nor the shooting sites were attracted. Nevertheless, Cyril's creative start was definitely. He drew well and seriously interested in theatrical butafory.

Kirill Grebenshchikov:

Cyril Grebenshchikov and Svetlana Ivanova in the TV series "Pregnancy test"

When Cyril was only fifteen years old, his life has changed radically. The family had a real tragedy. Yuri Grebenshchikova shot down the car; There were rumors that the steeul was a popular poet who disappeared from the scene. After three months in a coma, the actor died.

To help mom, Cyrill after the eighth class decided to enter the art school. But did not pass the exams and returned to school. At the end of the school, the Grebenshchikov enters the MCAT Studio School. True, he is first studying at the stage of the faculty, and in two years he translates to the acting. Upon completion of training, the acting talent of Cyril was noted at once two theater, where he served in parallel, - Tyuz and theater. Stanislavsky. But already in 1998, the actor switched to the "School of Dramatic Art".

Kirill got into the cinema, while still being a student. He marked with an episode in the film "Russian Roman", which went to the screens in 1992. Seven years later, a graduate actor became part of the team of the legendary film Nikita Mikhalkov "Siberian Barber". There, Kirill also got only an episode, however, experience in a large shooting area under the leadership of the famous director has developed a very cool attitude towards TV series.

Kirill Grebenshchikov:

"An adult daughter of a young man" - so commented on Cyril photography with his daughter Polina. It is possible that Polina will continue acting dynasty


That is why when he was offered a big role in the TV series "thirty-year-old," Cyrill questioned: in his understanding, all multiserry projects were also lots. Nevertheless, he began working in this project and already in the process of filming revised his views. It was captured by non-standard history and provocative format, and the actor was able to exercise himself fully.

After the exit of "thirty-year-old" in 2004, suggestions literally fell on the actor. However, Kirill approached new projects very selectively and sought to play different characters. So, in the series "Serafima" he reincarnated in a rustic guy. For a leaving from a metropolitan creative family, this is a very bold step, and, as the actor himself remembers, at first he felt not quite confidently on the set. But when Kirill revised his episodes, it became clear that the role took place.

Another bright reincarnation with the actor happened on the set of pictures of Karen Shahnazarov "Anna Karenina. The story of Vronsky. " The type of men in the chains as if invented for actors such a charisma, and the role that Kirill played was very bright.

Kirill Grebenshchikov:

The male type in the shoulder is very suitable for Cyril. And the role in the picture "Anna Karenina. The story of the Vronsky "became very bright for the actor


It can be assumed that with the fame of the actor, all the chances of conducting a very liberated lifestyle appeared, but in this role, Kirill did not take place. Back at the student, he met his future wife Olga, and at 22, Cyrill became a father. The actor practically does not comment on his personal life, and therefore not much knows about his family. Olga Grebenshchikova, Kirill's wife, did not build an actress career, but took place as a poet and not so long ago released a collection of her poems called "While my violet burns." But the daughter of Polina went in the footsteps of the dad, graduated from Vgik. In a happy marriage Kirill and Olga for 25 years. All his free time, Kirill tries to spend with his family - wife and daughter. They often travel or spend time on their cottage in Silver Bor.

To date, Kirill Grebenshchikov is removed immediately in several large projects. From the repertoire theater, the actor decided to leave. But with the theater did not start - he played with pleasure in the entrepreneurs. The actor admits that she is laid out, even removing in simple TV shows, but quite rarely happens absolutely satisfied with himself.

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