5 tips for young mothers from grandmothers and doctors


Tip №1

Our parents, and we are also peelled into terrible rags so that the child can not move. Baby's opinion: so the baby will not be able to impass himself, and his legs will be straight and slender. However, do not agree with this, considering this method outdated. They argue that without diaper, the baby does not threaten Kosolapie, on the contrary, a tight fabric can lead to violations in the development of the thighs.

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Tip №2.

Closed windows, downgamps, wool blankets - grandmothers afraid of any draft. They believe that the kid should constantly be Ukutan, otherwise he will catch up. Doctors say that overheating is also dangerous for the baby, as well as supercooling. They advise maintenance in the room no higher than 20 degrees.

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What is the temperature in the room normally?


Tip number 3.

When a child is crying and can not calm down, grandmothers advise him to give him something sweet. For example, swing a pacifier in honey or jam. Doctors in shock: If the child has already begun to cut the teeth, it faces caries, and even these products can cause allergies.

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Tip number 4.

One of the first gifts from grandmothers newborn becomes a set in the crib, be sure to with a beautiful soft pillow. But pediatricians are generally advised to refuse it: the baby's bed should not have anything other than the mattress and sheets, "neither pillows, no blankets, no toys, because all this increases the possibility of random asphyxia. If the room is cold, just getting the baby with warmer.

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Tip number 5.

Grandmothers believe that during sleeping baby should be absolute silence. With wheelchairs, they are committed even in crowded parks to encourage citizens to order and clear the space of a square kilometer around the grandson. But, according to doctors, the noise even helps children fall asleep. They do not prevent them from the phone's conversation on the phone or the sound of a vacuum cleaner.

Observe silence

Observe silence


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