Entrance is prohibited: artists who carefully hide a personal life


Most recently, Lyubov Tolkalina attributed a novel with an Irish musician Brian Finnegan, but the actress actively refutes the link with the flutist.

Tolkalina persistently advises everyone interested in her personal life "Do not climb where you were not invited." According to love, Finnegan - her friend and nothing more, except friendship, there is no between them.

Many subscribers were outraged due to a sharp response of the artist, saying that such a well-known personality, like Tolkalin, should be familiar with the attention of creative and personal life. The artist did not comment on the criticism from Follov, however, another half of the subscribers came for it, who are confident that publicity does not imply the penetration of unfamiliar people into the life of a famous person.

Some Ceboribritis so much love to talk about their lives outside the screen and the scene, that they can get up and leave during the interview if the journalists begin to ask too personal questions. We decided to remember who the stars protect the personal space, not in addition to anyone.


The personal life of the artist is known very little, perhaps the biggest scandal around the family of the singer broke out around the father of the performer, who told the whole world about his alcohol addiction. The singer was outraged by the fact that his father told about the problems of their family in all, and therefore stopped communicating with a relative.

As for personal life, Adel is not divided into details in an interview, limited by the stories about his son.

Michelle Williams

The actress does not let the press for a close distance, agrees on an interview only in case of great interest. Perhaps the cause of such a removal was the death of her partner of Hit Ledolar, from which Williams was born daughter Matilda. The actress tries to stay away from the secular events, leading a rather modest lifestyle for the Hollywood Star.

Amanda Seyfried

The young actress never got on the covers of "yellow" editions, was not seen in loud partings. As the saphride itself says, she doesn't want people to make a cult from her personality, and therefore trying to avoid secular parties, preferring to spend time at home with his dog.

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