Show respect: how criticism kills your relationship


No matter how much you were offended by our partner, sharp criticism - the worst thing you can resort into the case of a quarrel. Slowly, but surely this approach will destroy even the most strongest relationships.

Women are much emotionally men, moreover, perfectly know how to manipulate the partner to get the desired, but do not provide for the option of destroying these very relations due to the disregard of the feelings of a man. We will share recommendations, how to avoid quarrels, and suppress the desire to make a man.

You can't change a person

Many Zhknshchina seek to "raise" their man so that it meets expectations and performed any whim. It is important to understand that a man is a formed personality that does not need your attempts to change it to Himself.

For a man there is nothing worse than a shock for a pride, he will just hate a woman who suppressed his confidence. When a woman is constantly "sawd" of a partner, count on a warm atmosphere at home and harmony in a relationship is no longer impossible, because a man at one fine moment will not stand and just leave, the charter tolerate your attempts to "dive" him under him by reproach and criticism.

Men are very sensitive

Men are very sensitive


Watch for words

Let women and are considered a weak floor, men like no one react to criticism and doubts about his male consistency. However, this does not mean that critics should be avoided. Surprisingly, the fact: a man with whom the partner agrees always and in everything, begins to miss, the relationship is losing the previous taste and sharpness for him - a woman does not attract anyone without his opinion. Therefore, try to criticize the partner essentially, not humiliating and not insulting, and even more so without criticizing it in humans. Easy criticism will shake a bored man.

No generalizations

"You are all like!", "What else to expect from you!" - phrases that will take even the most calm man. Similarly, personal reproaches seems to be: "You can't ...", "You must ..." Quarrels after these words can not be avoided. A man will begin to experience dislike for you, because he knows that you love to catch the sharoide phrases that hurt his pride. As we said earlier, criticize only in the case and without generalizations.

Sexy blackmail is not appropriate in healthy relationships.

As a rule, women begin to manipulate, prohibiting sex, when other arguments do not remain: "If you love me, I would have done ...". Without receiving the desired, a woman can go to extreme measures - to start criticizing the sexual opportunities of the partner. However, it is important to understand that the suppression and insults you will receive either a hazardous man who will indulge in your desires and eventually get bored with your presence, or he will immediately go there, where there will be no such pressure on it.

Avoid insults

Avoid insults


Remember that men are sometimes even more sensitive than women, and therefore you have to exclude all the offensive expressions from your lexicon and dose criticism towards your man. Only in this case it is possible to establish a dialogue and continue to build strong relationships.

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