Evgeny Stems: "Art is a sphere of high envy"


- Evgeny Yuryevich, what was the main criterion for selection on this premium? And did you have the favorite yourself?

- The main criterion of applicants is the significance of the contribution of artwork to strengthen the relations of fraternity, friendship and cooperation between Belarus and Russia. It seems to me that for applicants, the ingress of the nomination is already a high assessment of their creativity. If I see that I like the candidacy, I will do everything to "break," because I trust my little. But if I understand that the candidacy is not acceptable, I will do everything to remove a person. But in general, I relied on the opinion of colleagues and vote.

- Is it important today for a creative person to get this award? It is clear that the monetary reward is essential, but what does it give besides this?

- I do not believe that the state award with a serious material incarnation is the only assessment of man's creativity. There are no direct links between talent and success, so it is necessary to approach philosophically. Untar and successful people are enough, we simply do not want to call their names, such examples are full. And there are very talented people, but for different reasons, a very narrow circle of people knows. And there are also talented, and socially recognized, so there is a connection, but it is not straight. I generally formed about the awards formed. I am a believer man, Orthodox, so I run out to such events from the Christian position. And I discovered that the "competitiveness" in the work is good, but envy accompanying this process, which is monstrous. As for the art, it is generally an increased envoy. The bad one soldier who does not dream of becoming a general, any person going to art, passes all temptations until he comes to understanding that he loves more process, and not the result. All this is manifested in different ways, but some will never reach it - they live, being dependent on the compliments, sometimes not sincere. Unfortunately, we are all dependent on compliments, and the most bright is a state bonus. But in our case, everything is objectively, the Commission presents the highest requirements, there are practically no unworthy.

Evgeny Stems:

Evgeny Stems woke up popular after a role in the comedy of Deloia "I walk in Moscow". Photo: Mosfilm.

- Evgeny Yurevich, you never nominate journalists. Why? If journalists are nominated for a premium, which present the requirements for them - human or professional?

- Journalist journalist Maine. Now everything is called journalists, as everyone is called themselves producers. I look sometimes with irony for one former administrator of Moskoncert, which without the end "glows" on the screen, stating that he is a famous producer. What is he producer? He could at one time a bottle of brandy get, that's all his production qualities. So among journalists, different personalities come across. Most are "Writing" serving the conjunctural requests of the public, and bright, bold journalists are small. Common ambitions and no responsibility. To yourself, you need to approach adequately and self-critical, and to think about ten times, and is it worth nominating?

- Do you listen to opinions on the Internet?

- I do not think that the opinion on the Internet is correct. For example, I have never come to the Internet lately. Now it is fashionable to lay out all that I got, so many random people. At one time, when democracy began, on the one hand the Internet became a positive social phenomenon, but, as the story showed, the opinion of the unit was more important than the opinion of the masses. I do not depend on the network, I do not think that it is progressive. Any concept is not necessary to bring to the absurd, in the end, on the stage I go alone and answer for myself one. It seems to me that an expert opinion is formed from competent people, and I am not ashamed of our vote, despite the fact that the candidate for which I spent did not pass. But you need to take it removed.

- How do you rate your creativity yourself?

- You know, once for myself I realized that the highest goal of artistic creativity is such a kind of healing. If the artistic space that I create my books, the game on stage or in the movie, someone facilitated life, then I so healed the soul or made a significant contribution to this process. For me, this is the highest assessment.

Evgeny Stems entered the expert Council on the awards of the Union State in the field of literature and art between Russia and Belarus, the award ceremony will be held in July at the Slavic Bazaar Festival in Vitebsk. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

Evgeny Stems entered the expert Council on the awards of the Union State in the field of literature and art between Russia and Belarus, the award ceremony will be held in July at the Slavic Bazaar Festival in Vitebsk. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

- You can learn about your books, what are you writing about?

- I started writing in the nineties, I released my first book, she was called "not me", then was the book "against whom are friends?", I experienced four editions, she had a successful fate. Recently graduated from a story dedicated to my late wife. The story was published in the magazine "Story", and she will be the first story in the next book, but until I tell you about it, because it is not written yet. I am writing, if possible, urabs. On the one hand, I am writing professionally and enthusiastically, but this is not the subject of my earnings, and the publisher is not worth my soul. So I can afford to work on a book for a long time and carefully, to think about everything in detail, to overcome these events yourself. I lived a big life, there is something to say with my works, so I agree with the expression of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: "You need to write when you can't write at all ..." So I don't hurry, but I am pleased that my books read and wait.

"Why don't you yourself want to put forward on a premium, because, probably, there are dreams in the soul?"

- I will tell you about this funny story. I have a friend, he has some gift from birth some gift of clairvoyance. In our humpback times there was a performance at the "Mossovet" theater, which was a great success. For this performance, I was presented to the USSR State Prize. My buddy calls me on the phone, I tell him that they presented to the award and even published in the press. Who knows what I am talking about, the publication in the press is half the case has already been done. But he said that he did not see awarding. I was so sure that I was even indignant. And so it happened due to subjective circumstances, that one of the participants in the play on the tour gasped one lady. The lady turned out to be influential, and the performance was removed. It cost, but my colleague did not go to the scene, and I "flew" by a prize. This is me to the fact that strong desire and dreams are like a girl who really wants to marry. She will most likely not come out because she dreams about it too much. And the one who wants, but wants somehow calmly and relaxed, most likely married, because there is more freedom and beauty in it. Decaliousness in any case. Everything will come, if there is the will of God. Just always need to feel that they expect from you, and this correspond to this. Here I am given a case, it is possible, and I have to do everything in a maximum. And the rest is glory, success is not dependent on me.

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